Waco Type Event - Bundy Ranch


Senior Member
I keep posted on this event thanks to Uncle Sams Misguided Children on Facebook, and this is far from over, this will escalate massively.
And now they have the same thing going on in Texas, once the Civilian Militia moves to Texas to stand their ground the Bundys will get over ran by the Feds and it will all be taken by force. There are already pictures from all over showing SWAT style vehicles, Helicopters and armored vehicles on their way down to Nevada.

I am all for showing up Osama and the Feds, but really, what does a un-armed Civilian Militia have against the US military? During the stand-off under the over passes for the bundy ranch it was reported over 1000 civilians showed up, and maybe 200 were armed...But of course the story ended with 40+ cowboys on horse back riding over the ridge and the Feds running, it is a cute fairy tale but in all reality the group wouldn't be difficult for even a small infantry to take care of, or one well armed vehicle.

So what happens then? The group moves to Texas to make a stand, the feds move in and take the Bundy land by force, the Militia even stronger moves back to Nevada only to be meet by a small army of armored vehicles helicopters and fully equipped officers and Military, the first shot is fired, and all hell breaks lose. Due to being massively under armed and protected, the small civilian militia is wiped out within hours, most escape but a handful die defending them self's.

This outrages people, the slaughter of american citizens and show of force by the Feds and the Govt, and just complete disregard for our rights and our people. But not many know about this, it is soon swepped under the rug by the media who haven't even covered it now but instead are covering a Celebrity's birthday or baby instead of the slaughter in Nevada, people try to report it but are black walled by the Govt and the media, Obama never mentions it and all attempts are made to forget it.

Now with this scenario we have 3 out comes.

1) this set's America in flame, people are outraged, they revolt, states start to make their own armys, the Gov is now pressured and soon Obama declares Martial Law, the US military is now put in to stop these revolts, Police and Govt officials are being murdered daily, many states are just war grounds, Some of the US military converts not wanting to fight their own, but many more are following orders, and soon it is another Civil war, america vs it's own govt. Soon we are a country at war with it's self, Gangs run rampant, freedom fighters are recruiting and everyone is stripped of their rights, Curfew at night, gun bans, a tank at the end of every street. America is now the policed state it was always meant to be.

2) The aftermath and the crimes done to the militia is now being blacked out, America does not know the full story of what happened that day, Sites that mention it are Brought down, the media is given orders to not mention anything about it, small Resistance groups are quickly shut down, and it is all labeled as Terrorists. America never truly forgets but continues to live their lives as if it never happened. it is mentioned now and then but Americans cannot be distracted from their new devices and celebrity gossip so no one really cares.

3) This plays off of Scenario 1, with all the turmoil in the under states, it is viewed as a easy target by our enemies, soon we have outside forces attacking US Soil, The State Military's and the US gov are now faced with a outside threat, this essentially turns into WW3, the United States Gov is soon out powered, and fear of being over ran, the State Military's are now working with US military to defend against this new threat, essentially bringing the United States together, everyone is now working together to push out this threat and get their country back. Years go by and eventually we push through and re-gain control. a new POTUS is put into office, promises are made, everyone is happy that America is back to the way it should be.

So out of these Scenario's personally i go with #2, This isn't the 60's America has lost the will to fight, and no one no longer cares, people are more concerned with them self's, this will all be forgotten about within a few months assuming it escalates to the point of violence. We aren't the country we use to be, in essence most of this country are sheep, the wolfs will still try to stand up for our rights but will be quickly shut down due to being under manned and under powered. Essentially nothing will change because of it.


You bet it is not over, not by a long shot.

Israel may have done it. But probably would want money in the end.
Russia may do it, and charge nothing for it.

What the Sheriff say there at the beginning speaking about the Protestors:
"Better Have Your Funeral Plans Ready"

What was that one comment left on a video of the incident:
"f you gave them an enema, you could bury them in a matchbox"

Maybe not exact words without looking it up but it sounds like:

"Big Country Talk"

Here is the link and the scuttlebutt about it:

Bundy Ranch - What You're Not Being Told | SCG News

I have other work to do.
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Oh, same ol' story from these type of people involved with this deal on the weekend.
Wasted my time on this. (oh, I am sure some of you people do not understand it).
The reality is the Constitution means not as much as they think it means to them.


I cannot find the answer so far, and I really can not get it all in the search bar of a search engine.

Does the Federal Government pay taxes on their own Public Federal Government Land???

Yes, I suppose it is a dumb question, but do they tax theirselves besides the usual taxes everyone else pays for also - gasoline, food, whatever.
If you own property you do pay property tax but I suppose that is local.

Fiscal Federalism

Fiscal Federalism | Downsizing the Federal Government

The federal government has developed a hugely complex financial relationship with state governments through the grants-in-aid system. The system has grown steadily for more than a century as the federal government has become involved in an increasing array of state and local activities. Today there are more than 1,100 different federal aid programs for the states, with each program having its own rules and regulations. The system is a complicated mess, and it is getting worse all the time.

t wasn’t supposed to be this way. Under the U.S. Constitution, the federal government was assigned specific, limited powers and most government functions were left to the states. To ensure that people understood the limits on federal power, the nation’s founders added the Constitution’s Tenth Amendment: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

The Tenth Amendment embodies federalism, the idea that federal and state governments have separate areas of activity and that federal responsibilities were “few and defined,” as James Madison noted. Historically, federalism acted as a safeguard of American freedoms.

Unfortunately, policymakers and courts have mainly discarded federalism in recent decades. Congress has undertaken many activities that were traditionally reserved to the states and the private sector. Grants-in-aid are a key mechanism that the federal government has used to extend its power into state and local affairs. Grant programs are subsidies that come part and parcel with federal regulations designed to micromanage state and local activities.

Sprawl and the Federal Government
Sprawl and the Federal Government

Why The Standoff At The Bundy Ranch Is A Very Big Deal | Zero Hedge

And finally the carnage of the BLM:
Feds accused of leaving trail of wreckage after Nevada ranch standoff | Fox News
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“When the Secretary determines that assistance is necessary in enforcing Federal laws and regulations relating to the public lands or their resources he shall offer a contract to appropriate local officials having law enforcement authority within their respective jurisdictions with the view of achieving maximum feasible reliance upon local law enforcement officials in enforcing such laws and regulations.”

Just In: Obama Accused By Congressman Of Illegal Action At Bundy Ranch

Just In: Obama Accused By Congressman Of Illegal Action At Bundy Ranch
