Welcome All, from 2026

Re: Welcome All, from 2026

Yes, he is. However as Sue and Grayson so pointedly pointed out and most assuredly astute, par for course, It matters little just how much studying the lad has to do.

In fact, Our future friend could study uninterupted for the next 8,736 hours and none of us would be the wiser. Now, to use that as an excuse for the consumption of his precious matriculation time has actually revealed the truth about him.

Zeshua, you have just debunked yourself more quickly than we thought possible with all that you have not said. Had you been telling us the truth you would have NEVER used the use of your time here VS studying as you have done.

Did you wish to use a different excuse as to why we have to wait for you to prove your self?
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

I'm with StarLord on this one, but since I'm not as eloquent or grown-up as he is, I'll back him up with a na-na-na-na-na-na and a :P
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Paul J. Lyon\")</div>
Let me get this straight: in twenty years we will have mastered ethereal internet technology, and breaking the time barrier to achieve electronic transmission, and the emissary will provide for us no photographs of the future, no evidence of his claims, only... 19th Century Morse Code? What's next, WWIII was fought with Colt 45s?[/b]
That was funny! I got one for you Zeshua. Send us a picture...just a picture of a well known building or place that has been affected by a war or an act of terrorism. And the Twin Towers don't count! Prove to us Zeshua with concrete evidence without talking in circles. I'm not trying to be rude but just to the point.
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

I think a picture from his time (since he is on the internet afterall) would help this situation out.
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Paul J. Lyon\")</div>
Without going too much into it, it appears that, at least for this individual, the use is the traditional one.

As to posting his responses instantly, why not post them ahead of the question? That would really get us off our butts trying to keep up.[/b]

Would this then be case of going before coming or is it coming before going?
My guess is that either way, it would probably be too soon.
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

It would be after he had previously posted, but just before he had subsequently read the response for which he had not had to anticipate the question, having already read it on a prior occasion.

What's the difference between a duck?
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Paul J. Lyon\")</div>
It would be after he had previously posted, but just before he had subsequently read the response for which he had not had to anticipate the question, having already read it on a prior occasion.

What's the difference between a duck?[/b]

Squirt. It has also been likened to Grease Lightning. It depends upon how close you were standing however.
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

I received the following PM from Zeshua in answering my question. He has given me approval to post it up here on the main forum:

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Zeshua\")</div>
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"sosuemetoo\")
Study hard, but I have a quick question.

If you are posting from the future, wouldn't you have the ability to send your reply within nano-seconds of a question?

We are currently in real-time, each second that passes for you, so does my bridge skip forward to the next second of time. As a day passes for you, so does it pass for myself. I could disengaged the current lock however I won't do this until its absolutely neccesary, whether I am leaving or I just decide to shut down the research. I am also working on a sort of "Pause" feature that should allow time to pass here but the lock to remain at a constant space-time coordinate. This would allow me to respond more quickly from your point of view.

If I disengage the lock it may not be possible to sequence up again at the same space-time. It is also impossible to sequence up with a particular space-time in which I have opened the bridge already. Meaning if I disengage the lock today, and then attempt to lock onto a time where the lock was already present, such as yesterday, all I get is an echo of the previous lock that looks like raw static on the HUD.[/b][/quote]

And please, just as a reminder, stay on topic. Ducks and Greased Lightening just don't seem to have anything to do with the topic at hand. :)
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

Hmm... Here we go again. :P Someone posts as a TT and gets things going, the debunkers come out with their razor sharp instruments and the game is afoot. It's almost fun to watch.

\"No its not Yellowstone erupting (I Love you yellies), although that
hasn't happened yet.\"

Aw now there's a load off my mind. ;)

\"1.) <Comment : It had to be a JT question..> \" Have you
seen/met/heard of/know about/killed/questioned/agreed
with/worked with/hung out with John Titor?\"


Now this one strikes me as being really funny - don't know why, but it does.

\"So I ask you all, not that it is close to disregard or further away from the pasture, as it confines you, the degree of uncertainty surrounding your times. I ask you, what happens if the Pope Dies?\"

Well, I suppose this would have a greater impact on those of us that are Catholic. I'm not, but I am interested in the question only from the standpoint of having read about potential prophetic voices from the past. According to what I read, a man named Malachy predicted all of the popes, in short latin phrases, from the mid 1500's to the end of the line. Nostradamus came along and, I believe, added two more. Right now, John Paul II is supposed to be "Labours in the Sun" and the next is to be "The Glory of the Olive." It has been said that the last Pope's name will be Peter and he will be known as, "Peter the Roman." Nostradamus predicted that one of the last Popes would be selected from Ancient France. It is believed he will follow John Paul II. Since Lustinger has opted out of the pool, that leaves another Frenchman in the running - I cannot remember this guy's name, however.

What happens if the next pope dies? Well, the college of Cardinals will choose another one. Of course, if you are suggesting that the Polish pope's death might stir up some political issues in Europe - being as Europe is a mess that hasn't yet hit the fan, in regards to the large influx of Muslim immigrants and the potential instability of the former Russian Republic, then I cannot see how he is holding anything together by his mere presence. Perhaps this is what you are alluding to??

Ok, I've done my bit for this thread tonight.
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

i believe people are concerned because there are people who think it has been prophecized that this is last pope mentioned and when he dies, it will signal the end of times.

also, people are scared because it is also believed that when there is peace in israel, it will be another signal of the end of times.

i am not sure if i believe all this, or in religion at all, but it does make me wonder a little bit
