Welcome All, from 2026

Re: Welcome All, from 2026

Graviton explanation in layterms: Take a tight nit sheet and stretch out and secure it on all sides so it hangs suspended. This sheet represents space-time. Take a couple of marbles and lay them on the sheet. Note the curvature of the sheet around the marbles. This is bending space-time. Take a softball and drop it in the middle. Note how the marbles begin to roll towards the heavier object, this is caused by gravitons in theoretical physics.

Zeshua's process in layterms: Back to the sheet. Take a pencil (if it were invisible and had no mass and were a simple build up of graviton it'd be more realistic but for this example a pencil will do) and push down on the sheet until the tip of the pencil punctures the sheet (once again remember the sheet must be tight nit such that a sharp curvature of gravity (aka graviton concentration) appears on the sheet. Note the extremely sharp curvature of the sheet as opposed to a more evenly dispersed mass like a marble or softball. Now while maintaining the hole push a thread through. This thread represents the information he claims he is sending.

Most likely outcome: Throw some marbles on the sheet and then use the "graviton simulator" (a.k.a pencil) to push down on the sheet. Notice the accelerated speed at which the marbles collapse in the hole versus with just the softball. This higher acceleration is due to the extreme curvature of the sheet. Or, one could say that the amount of gravitons needed to puncture time space is more concentrated and thereby causes a more precise point in space. Since the softball was more equally distributed the the curvature of space was less affected in such an abrupt manner. Thereby if the two were sitting side by side, the pencil would perhaps, given time, affect the softball. So, assuming you used the gravitons to puncture a hole in order to communicate, even the smallest of small holes, it would thereby affect the nearby body(ies) of mass more so than being affected by it(them).

So if the method was used, as described by Zeshua, our universe would not be as affected as his. Basically when he focused the gravitons on time and space, he would thereby collapse into it along with anything nearby, perhaps even Earth. His chance of survival would be minimal since the graviton's would collapse him and his desk a hundred times over, building even more mass and creating more gravitons. This would enable the graviton field to pull yet even more mass into itself. This cycle would echo time and time again until a balance in space time had re-adjusted itself. And besides the ferociously hungry gravity field, the heat factor would be interesting to behold. When you compact mass over and over and over, heat is generated. Therefore, you could have a 1-1000 degree increase in temperature per second of this Zeshua ball of gravity and mangled mass.

Oh and as for the information via the gravitonet, it would never make it through because of the burst of radio wave and radiation excerted by the graviton vortex.

But then again physics may just be a game we play after the Cosby show re-runs.

Pardon the misspellings, Spell Check isn't working.
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"sosuemetoo\")</div>
I received the following PM from Zeshua in answering my question. He has given me approval to post it up here on the main forum:

And please, just as a reminder, stay on topic. Ducks and Greased Lightening just don't seem to have anything to do with the topic at hand. :)[/b]

They most certainly do if you happen to be quantifing and qualifying the amount of Male Bovine Waste. As A Reminder, Zeshua has still not sent any real proof yet.
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

I almost forgot: Back to the sheet... spin it horizontally while spinning it vertically. That is a segment of our current model of space and the effects of gravity, provided the marbles wouldn't roll off the sheet.
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"John\")</div>
I almost forgot: Back to the sheet spin it horizontally while spinning it vertically and you have our current model of space.[/b]

John, is this anything like a Moebus strip?
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

Not twisting so much and rotating it horizontally and vertically. Twisting it would yield a different space curvature. I was trying to demonstrate a simplistic view of space. I edited my post to be more clear. Sorry about that.
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

I am from 2027. While I do not know Zeshua, I am attempting to prove my time transversing communication bridging ability by posting this message in the past. In the future, I will be asked by StarLord, Zoomerz and others in this time line to prove my existence in the future time thread. I will reply by saying that I will post a message in the past to prove that I am in the future. This is that post. Please do not respond to this post now because you can not understand how my time bridge works until I explain to you in the future. Be assured in the future we do not need IP addresses. This is an ancient method of addressing current time line computers. In the futures we have taped the synopsis frequencies in each individual for instantaneous communication. This is beyond your current technology, but it will become clear in the future.

I will predict one thing here now you will understand in the future. Zoomerz, the answer you are seeking is and the answer to all things is "42".


Re: Welcome All, from 2026

"What is the answer to Life, The Universe & Everything?"

Uh, Oh Great & Wise Bubbu, Did you forget to tell us what kind of PIZZA Will Be Arriving For Lunch Today?
Re: Welcome All, from 2026


Your analogy of space time with the sheet was interesting. Even my non-scientific dumbass could follow it. But let me get this straight. If Z boy was really punching a hole through space time to communicate with us like he claims to be, he'd collapse to about the size of a pin head while being incinerated to an extra supreme crackly crunch, making typing on the keyboard very difficult. Do I have that about right, or did I miss something?

I'd appreciate confirmation or further explanation if I got it wrong. Thanks bro. Good to see you posting here.x

Re: Welcome All, from 2026

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"BubbuClinton\")</div>
I am from 2027. While I do not know Zeshua, I am attempting to prove my time transversing communication bridging ability by posting this message in the past. In the future, I will be asked by StarLord, Zoomerz and others in this time line to prove my existence in the future time thread. I will reply by saying that I will post a message in the past to prove that I am in the future. This is that post. Please do not respond to this post now because you can not understand how my time bridge works until I explain to you in the future. Be assured in the future we do not need IP addresses. This is an ancient method of addressing current time line computers. In the futures we have taped the synopsis frequencies in each individual for instantaneous communication. This is beyond your current technology, but it will become clear in the future.

I will predict one thing here now you will understand in the future. Zoomerz, the answer you are seeking is and the answer to all things is \"42\".



hmmm. well, you answered Zoomerz, can you answer a few of my questions? :grin:
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

John, when the graviton tunnel is created then there is a natural sheilding effect that occurs to protect light transmission. This is done at ultra high frequency where the color is unrecognizable by the human mind. So you would not be able to visually see it. You would need ultra sensative instruments to detect it.

Therefore, in early 21st century terms, wireless type communication is not affected by heat or radio bursts that you speak off. Your basic physics will be improved over the years.

Headiebean, If you ponder that answer I gave to Zoomerz, it will become clear.

