Well, well, well...

Well, well, well...

Originally posted by Paul J. Lyon@Nov 16 2004, 01:04 PM
This is not a game. I have written here before that you are all more important than you realize. Others may use you in some sick game; the government may think that your minds and energies are expendable. Actual agents and timetravelers (if these are different) may \"lurk\" (a perfectly fitting word for their actions). But what we need is the light of day, and the courtesy and honesty of the simple truth. If you have it, give it to us; if you have no intention of giving it to us, please just shut up-- we can easily guess the worst things about your motives.

I like the way you think. I feel the same way about this.

This is no game we are playing, I really want to know the truth. I think we can gain the truth by simply asking questions and hopefully the TT'er will give us the answers if he/she is real.

Beating it out of them, teasing, being critical will not help to get the truth that we all want.

Coyote and Perry Nelson,
I ask that you kindly log in and post what you have. Please don't string this along. It's unfair to the community and it is hurtful. You understand?

If you have been a hoax, it's fine. Just apologize, we'll all have a good laugh, and you can remain a member of the community. No harm done.

Well, well, well...

The above two posts get TheHeggy's stamp of approval ;)

This IS serious. We may be here for entertainment to one degree or another, but the core of this site is about discovering the truth. Stringing a group of people along when they've been waiting day after day for some scrap of information is mean-spirited. It may not be how you intend it to come across, but that's how it goes.

I make it a rule to never jump the gun and put someone under the interrogator's lamp until I know I can disprove someone. Nothing presented to me thus far has given me any reason NOT to believe Coyote or Fox, except for what Paul posted.

This isn't my shiney new moderator badge talking or anything, I'm just laying out what I think.

Please, Perry and Coyote, log in and tell us what you know.
Well, well, well...

Originally posted by TheHeggy@Nov 16 2004, 07:35 PM
The above two posts get TheHeggy's stamp of approval ;)

This IS serious. We may be here for entertainment to one degree or another, but the core of this site is about discovering the truth. Stringing a group of people along when they've been waiting day after day for some scrap of information is mean-spirited. It may not be how you intend it to come across, but that's how it goes.

I make it a rule to never jump the gun and put someone under the interrogator's lamp until I know I can disprove someone. Nothing presented to me thus far has given me any reason NOT to believe Coyote or Fox, except for what Paul posted.

This isn't my shiney new moderator badge talking or anything, I'm just laying out what I think.

Please, Perry and Coyote, log in and tell us what you know.

Amen Heggy.
Well, well, well...

I promised I would share this this afternoon if Coyote had not replied by then. That time has arrived.

I won't say how I cross-referenced one account to another in the fear that I may tip off the next hoaxster, but I was able to identify a user account on a Star Trek message board with information from his account on this site. This information is readily available to board staff, and I have not divulged it to anyone but the staff.

I PM'd Coyote a link to his own profile on the Star Trek site. I also made reference to one of his posts there in this thread. Since then, he has neither posted nor replied to my PM. I assume, then, that he has been made and is giving up quietly.

I again extend an invitation to Coyote and his friends/cohorts to drop the charade and join us as members. If Coyote doesn't respond to this thread by Friday, it will be closed and moved to the Proven Hoaxes forum.
Well, well, well...

Great work Jedi! Thank You!

So, now it remains to be seen if Nelson is who he says he is and will stay to answer questions.
Well, well, well...

You will need to appreciate that a lot more is at stake here than appeasing your curiousity, and that I have arrived here to find that nothing is as it was supposed to be.

I am glad to see that the Coyote has been outed, and I am assuming from the post of the moderator that he is just playing games and not actually dangerous. I still await the man whom I thought the Coyote was. You will note that while I did not post on this board until I responded to the Coyote, I have been registered here for one month, since October 16. I have been waiting.

I will say this much. The prediction of a civil war to follow the 2004 elections is correct. You are seeing the beginnings of this now. It is, however, the 2006 elections that will actually cause the situation to escalate past the point of no return. The entire electoral process in the United States has been irrevocably tainted, not because of those isolated events of dishonesty, but because of the rhetoric which has surrounded the last two presidential elections. This "rhetorical war" will become far worse as the 2005 inaugural ceremony approaches.

There are limits to what I can divulge in the past without endangering my present. We had believed for a time that the past was set, but the last three to travel have discovered discrepancies. One of these is quite large, though there are difficulties involved in proving the discrepancy, and there are those who argue that the discrepancy is not real and has been fabricated by those who are against time travel.

This is all politically complicated and the science involved is beyond my comprehension. The problem is that we rarely send the scientists back but rather the historians. I am here because I am an expert on the events of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries.

I will not ask you for patience, since that seems to anger many on this board, a reaction I am unable to understand. That you expect me to come onto this board and simply divulge everything is not realistic, and that you refuse to understand my own concerns incomprehensible. There are things I was told I could reveal, and I will reveal them once I determine the cause of the discrepancies that I have noted between my knowledge of this period and the actual events I have witnessed since September of 2004, when I first arrived. I am not certain whether they can be attributable to the problems that always accompany the passing on of history, or if I have discovered something far more troubling. Hence my concern with the Coyote.

Until then, you can believe me or not believe me. But I would appreciate it if you would treat me politely.

Also, I cannot be online continuously, as there are many things I have to do in this time period. Also, I am "borrowing" the unsecured wireless connection of one of my neighbors. He or she leaves it on most of the time, but there are occasions on which I cannot get online.
Well, well, well...

Well Perry thanks for all the info. but elections would be in 2008 not 2006. A civil war in 2005 huh? Against who? Are you a scientist or a historian from the future? Any tips you could give us to survive the wars that are coming in the near future? Well Perry, by all mean I'm thinking we can all wait with you till this valid Coyote appears in this board... by the way, isn't time travel suppose to be invented in order to have time travelers appear here from the future? Dr. Fred Alan Wolf says scientists are on the drawing board as we speak working on time travel however a device is not ready yet... questions or comments?

Well, well, well...

Thanks for your post, Perry. This clears a few things up for me as far as what the hell is going on.

The patience/anger thing is actually pretty easy to understand. We get a lot of people claming the things you've claimed, who say they have pictures/videos/evidence that they're real, yet they always have a reason why they can't deliver. "The pictures are being developed at Walmart", "My camera can't interface with your computers", etc.

I will certainly treat you with respect, as long as you give us a reason to. If it seems like you're jerking people around with your tale, you'll find that people are less than kind.

Peace man :)
Well, well, well...

I guess we should split Perry's posts into a new thread? (if I get his posts right).

Anyway, one thing I want to know - what do you do all day? If someone travelled into the past, what purpose do they have?
