Well, well, well...

Well, well, well...

Originally posted by bluefreeze@Nov 16 2004, 09:56 PM
Well Perry thanks for all the info. but elections would be in 2008 not 2006. A civil war in 2005 huh? Against who? Are you a scientist or a historian from the future? Any tips you could give us to survive the wars that are coming in the near future? Well Perry, by all mean I'm thinking we can all wait with you till this valid Coyote appears in this board... by the way, isn't time travel suppose to be invented in order to have time travelers appear here from the future? Dr. Fred Alan Wolf says scientists are on the drawing board as we speak working on time travel however a device is not ready yet... questions or comments?


No, I mean the 2006 elections. It is the congressional and gubernatorial elections that will push things over the edge, as the political divide in this country makes peaceful coexistence impossible.

A civil war takes place within a country, not between countries.

As for surviving it, I suggest paying very close attention to the news. If you know it is coming, then you will see it coming. In hindsight, the signs are all there and extremely obvious. Now, in a sense, you benefit from my hindsight.

The "valid Coyote" as you say will not necessarily be named Coyote, and I fear that I have divulged too much about the man I am supposed to contact and have opened the door to multiple users with screen names based on animals.

You are nearer to discovering time travel than you think.

Now, I must go. I need to get a great deal of research done before my neighbor goes to bed. Sometimes he or she (I am not sure which of my neighbors has the wireless connection I am using) turns off the modem at bedtime.
Well, well, well...

Originally posted by Perry Nelson@Nov 17 2004, 03:35 AM
You will need to appreciate that a lot more is at stake here than appeasing your curiousity, and that I have arrived here to find that nothing is as it was supposed to be.

Our curiosity is what drives us to make ourselves rich in knowledge, to learn the mysteries of the Universe and understand the workings of our own minds and it is never appeased. The second part of your statement is insensitive, given the nature of your opening remarks. You tell us that our curiosity is of no consequence to you, or your mission, then deliver a provactive and curiously enigmantic hook to bait our curiosity. The very same curiosity that you expect us to suppress for the greater good of your mission.

Curious. What drove your people to discover Time Travel? I'll bet that it was your curiosity wasn't it? So, you're allowed it and we have to dismiss it, is that right?

I am glad to see that the Coyote has been outed, and I am assuming from the post of the moderator that he is just playing games and not actually dangerous. I still await the man whom I thought the Coyote was. You will note that while I did not post on this board until I responded to the Coyote, I have been registered here for one month, since October 16. I have been waiting.

Again, a provocative opening statement. Was Coyote ever dangerous? To whom and why are you concerned. You seem to insist on stimulating my curiosity, don't you. For you to assume that Coyote has been ousted is a dangerous thing to do, for an assumption is after the fact and should always be made in certainty. You are obviously unceratin, given the way you pitch this assumption as a question. When you assume, you make an ASS of U and ME, so please don't assume anything.

Again we see the sliver of provocative information that you choose to let slip here, in your second sentence. You still wait, for whom? Why are they important? Does the fate of the world hang by a thread, temporal or otherwise?

For someone trying to get me to suppress my curiosity, you are doing a poor job of it. But then again, this may be some footure reverse psychology at work on us poor primitives.

I will say this much. The prediction of a civil war to follow the 2004 elections is correct. You are seeing the beginnings of this now. It is, however, the 2006 elections that will actually cause the situation to escalate past the point of no return. The entire electoral process in the United States has been irrevocably tainted, not because of those isolated events of dishonesty, but because of the rhetoric which has surrounded the last two presidential elections. This \"rhetorical war\" will become far worse as the 2005 inaugural ceremony approaches.

For someone who doesn't want our curiosity getting in the way, you sure seem to be hell bent on getting my primitive mind working full on. You say that you can't say too much, but what is too much? I bet that last paragraph crossed the line somewhere around the beginning of the second sentence.

I am curious. Why would America have elections in 2006? I thought that the next ones were to be held in 2008. But, you're the footure boy, so you know best.

Do you like bananas by the way. Coyote did.

There are limits to what I can divulge in the past without endangering my present. We had believed for a time that the past was set, but the last three to travel have discovered discrepancies. One of these is quite large, though there are difficulties involved in proving the discrepancy, and there are those who argue that the discrepancy is not real and has been fabricated by those who are against time travel.

See, there you go again, citing the Prime Directiveand then ignoring it again. Can you tell us anything, or can't you. Make up your mind and either A) Spit it out, or B)Shut up about it.

You can't be both myserious Traveller and Temporal confidante, it doesn't work and makes you look all confused and uncertain.

Please choose A or B and stick with it, the story will run much smoother once you get the script pages in order.

This is all politically complicated and the science involved is beyond my comprehension. The problem is that we rarely send the scientists back but rather the historians. I am here because I am an expert on the events of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries.

Look, I'm sorry if I seem all churlish in the face of your cryptic efforts to sort our time out for the benefit of all footure mankind, but what is the script here? What is all Politically complicated? None of it is to me. You come here, get all enigmatic with Coyote, laugh when he leaves, tell us that you are sworn to secrecy and then divulge footure secrets at you leisure. It is this complicated for me:

1) Are you a Time Traveller...

2) Can you tell us of the footure...

Both have to be a resounding YES to keep my magnificent intellect hanging on your every post.

I will not ask you for patience, since that seems to anger many on this board, a reaction I am unable to understand.

Then don't as it is terribly condescending. So now you understand it.

That you expect me to come onto this board and simply divulge everything is not realistic, and that you refuse to understand my own concerns incomprehensible.

No, you're wrong there. You sailed in here seeking some mysterious other contact, so you were using our Board to your own ends, without our permission or so much as a by your leave. You didn't even have the courtesy to post as a regular member, thus keeeping your alter-ego safe from prying eyes. So, now you expect us to kow-tow to your standards of decency following your duplicitous behaviour?

You are going to have to work on those people skills some more, my friend.

See, honesty gets you respect by the truck-load here. Fair play gets you support for your mission from the Members here. A bit of resepct for us, gets you a lot in return. So, don't be so cheeky and we'll get along well.

There are things I was told I could reveal, and I will reveal them once I determine the cause of the discrepancies that I have noted between my knowledge of this period and the actual events I have witnessed since September of 2004, when I first arrived. I am not certain whether they can be attributable to the problems that always accompany the passing on of history, or if I have discovered something far more troubling. Hence my concern with the Coyote.

The share your concerns with us. We have some bright sparks here, more than a handful of concerned intellects and a whole passel of comforting shoulders to cry on. You never know, we might actually be able to help. But, you won't know unless you start being truthful, will you?

Until then, you can believe me or not believe me. But I would appreciate it if you would treat me politely.

I choose... maybe. Tell us what you are about, give us some shred of believable evidence that you are who you say you re, then we go from there. Else, me being polite is all you will get, 'cos some of 'em are downright vicious when they think someone is foolin' around behind the woodpile.

Also, I cannot be online continuously, as there are many things I have to do in this time period. Also, I am \"borrowing\" the unsecured wireless connection of one of my neighbors. He or she leaves it on most of the time, but there are occasions on which I cannot get online.

S'okay, someones always here. But, be straight, or begone. I ain't got time for all your enigmatic fiddlin' about with the semantics of your mission parameters, frippery irritates me no end.

'Til then, take care and be lucky. :D
Well, well, well...

A thing is only dangerous if you perceive it to be a danger.

The more understanding one has of a situation, or even of themselves, the less things are a danger to oneself.

Danger, itself, can even be a motivation for some. Some are attracted to it, and they may not even be aware of it, or understand why. Even with understanding of why they do this, they may even continue to let themselves be thrown in its direction.

I, personally, find this whole forum an amusing place to be. It has allowed me to express myself in ways that I had not been able to before, and because of that I have grown. For that, I thank you. (Yes you.)

Since my personal philosophy makes me feel that I am responsible for more than most others would deem even healthy, I strive to find the meaning and understanding of everything around me. I find that what I require to do this, is within me. I believe that what I sense around me is only a reflection of what is within my own mind.

As I gather more and more information and experiences beneath my cosmic belt...I have become increasingly more able to find the "good" in things, and, less and less, find things to be impossible.

A person has the ability to be whatever they choose. No matter if it be a hermit, lonely as can be, or gem of a personality, with friends amassing around the corner just to get the opportunity to let them know they are there.

People have been lost, in my opinion, to what they feel, is their right to be what they desire. Yesterday, I realized that I took something personally that shouldn't have even fazed me, and I hope, now that I've realized this, I can move forward and go to the step in my journey. Now is the time that makes things happen. You can reflect upon the past, and dream for the future, and those two things are very important for growth, and a sense of where you are. The important thing to remember, is the fact that the actions within the parameters of the NOW time is what makes those things be what they are. Those memories of yours, that are in your past, are only there because you chose to do one thing. Your dreams are there for a reason, as well. For each thought that you have, you are given the tools to acheive the reality of that thought, if you so choose to pursue it. I won't say that each thought that we have should be realized, but I'm sure if you wished it, you could.

In "Matrix - Revolutions" Neo told Smith, at the end. "I choose to." That was the whole reason he did the things he did. With that said, he understood what he had to do.

*eyes the time*

Bedtime for this traveller in time. Now is the time. Here is the place. I am the creator of my "kismet" as it may be. My faith and belief help me along, but I am the one that chooses and makes things happen. "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink."

Well, well, well...

Very good job Jedi, how did you know to look this guy up at the star trek forum?

Guess telling us that would give it away though :D

I guess for now I'll just assume that you "used the force"...


Sorry. Bad, bad, terrible joke that.

Anyway, suppose I'd better add something to the thread. Not that I've been here much, but I think its important that "time travellers" can be scrutinised to some extent...With that said though, if a hoaxer were to say "I'm a time traveller", then the general response was "Ok...so what?", then I'm sure the novelty of leading us on would diminish in a pretty short period of time :)

Well, well, well...

Grayson, your analysis is much appreciated. Thank you.

I don't think we should split up this thread. I think the Coyote section is an important part of the narrative and a key piece of evidence going into the future.


Thank you for taking the time to post. I have a few comments and a few questions for you. I hope you find the time to answer them. You said,

This is all politically complicated and the science involved is beyond my comprehension. The problem is that we rarely send the scientists back but rather the historians. I am here because I am an expert on the events of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries.

And this concerns me. That in your time we are still putting scientists and historians in separate cubicles does not acknowledge the fact that starting in 20th century areas of expertise begin to overlap and blend. This is a trend acknowledged by everyone from military planners to sociologists to business leaders.

Following from that, I always thought you would take the best man for the mission and give them the tools they need. Michael Collins was chosen to orbit the moon during the Apollo 11 mission because he could do trigonometry in his head in the event of a malfunction. I would think the expense and planning for a time jump is an analog of a moon shot. You would of course not send a scientist--they get the project going. How many geologists or "experts" on moon rock composition did we send to the moon? No. We sent math-oriented cowboy pilots who were given years of training for their mission. They got the rocks and brought them back.

I am a student of late 17th century English poetry. Give me three months and I could prepare a time traveller for a jump back to a 1680s london poetry reading. I could ensure he would fit in perfectly, take excellent notes etc. I certainly would not go back myself. You would send me, though, even though the kettle I am riding in is beyond my comprehension? I wonder how the scientists who have spent years working on that kettle would feel about that?

Here are my questions:

1. What motivates you to interact with this particular community? If you have done your research properly you will know that at best you will spend months answering (boring?) questions from skeptics, at worst you may receive verbal beatings.

Comment: I volunteered for 13 hours on November 2nd at my local town hall chambers. It was fascinating. I learned many things about our democracy on the "ground level". If you are here to interact with early 21st century members of our Republic, wouldn't it be time better spent there than here? I would suggest you get off the internet and get out among the people, pen and paper in hand.

2. If, you were to choose just one emotion that motivates you most, which would it be? You may only pick one. And be as blatantly honest as I know you are. Would that emotion be Shame, Anger, or Anxiety?

Then, can you describe an event in your early childhood that might be responsible for said motivating emotion? And we love longer answers here as we are quite fond of words.

I thank you in advance for answering these questions.


As a Star Trek fan myself, I am shocked you have not returned to this thread. I would imagine that if I attempted a hoax and was acknowledged as someone who was waited for, I would pursue that event with great interest. Yet you have disappeared. Are you too embarrassed to enjoy the fact that a possibly real time traveller thought you were someone you are not? You are not the fan that I am then. I also find it interesting how quickly Perry acknowledges that you have been "outed". Even I was waiting for your response before acknowledging that.

Moderators and Administrators,

I suggest with all future time travellers we invoke what I will call the "Titor Standard": within 24 hours of announcing you are a traveller, you must post two items: A) a photograph of your equipment and B) a photograph of 3 to 5 pages of a technical manual discussing said equipment and published in your time of origin. Neither posted item need divulge too much science nor threaten the safety of the traveller. If documents are not posted, your account will be deleted. Now this is not too much to ask when seeking the truth, is it? If you look at this thread so far, there is little meat for us to chew on, no? And strangely, I am being patient.

Judging from the last 3 hoaxes, this will cut down on their number considerably.
Well, well, well...

Of course I concur completely with everything said by Grayson and August.

An expert on our recent history would not need to get on the internet for any purpose. He would know whether it was necessary at this time to go become a mole in the California Unspellable Governor's camp, or perhaps whether he should get out of the U.S. to be safe for a few years-- almost anything other than to come and post here. Oh wait: is he telling us we're important? That he needs to post here because we're on some sort of cutting edge? That this is the only place he can do this?

So let me get this straight: we are crucial to his mission, but we are not to be told any details or helpful information.

Hey, go to the back of the line. It's my turn next in the guinea pig treadwheel.
Well, well, well...

Let me be the first to say that I am not important. Trust me.

Paul, I saw your importance a year ago. JediStryker is an obvious choice. Military and Computers. And don't we have a group of young physicists on board?
Well, well, well...

Originally posted by August@Nov 17 2004, 05:19 PM
Let me be the first to say that I am not important. Trust me.

Paul, I saw your importance a year ago. JediStryker is an obvious choice. Military and Computers. And don't we have a group of young physicists on board?

You're important, you're just not self-important.
Well, well, well...


Did the "Titor Standard" scare you off? I watched you today. You showed up three times, read this thread, and then disappeared. If you do not want to answer my questions, just pm me. No harm, no foul.

If you are looking for people to self-identify, then you must have your pm's.

If you are looking for attention, then you are losing credibility by the minute.

Regardless of your motivation, it behooves you to maintain a sense of decorum within this community. Once again, trust me. I am verbal. There are others in this community who are less verbal than I.

I am August, the less important.
