What Are You Thankful For?


Active Member
As the day of eating loads of turkey and all the trimmings draw near, I thought I would post this thread to ask you, the good members of Paranormalis what you are thankful for this holiday season. Myself, I am thankful for family, friends, intelligence and the family I have here on this site. Post your thanksgivings here.


I'm thankful to all the good things taking place around me. We rarely take a break and think about it a bit. We're happy, healthy. Aren't we lucky? I think I am. :)


my grandpa use to tell me all the time that
any day you wake up and no one is shooting at you is a good day
I am thankful that no one is shooting at me,,
there are people in this world that are getting shot at every day
I am thankful that I have clean water to drink,
I am thankful that I have more food than I can eat
I am thankful that I have a warm place to sleep
I am thankful that I have all you friends here to talk to any time
all in all I am very blessed to be who I am and where I am with what I have..
In short I am thankful for the life I have it could be so much worse
oh yeh you guys are the best and this place aint to bad either have a happy and fun turkey day eat to much, drink to much, burp to loud, and
have the smallest kid you know pull your finger so you can fart infront of every body:D

Pancakes and bacon/sausage, home brew coffee, my general health, physical/mental, enough money to pay my bills but a new car will have to wait till it becomes a used one.
2 good legs, since one has gone bad on me. One does not appreciate what the body is doing when nothingis wrong but let something go "bad", it is appreciated more than ever to get healed.
