What Evidence Would You Need for a Time Travel Claim?

Temporal Recon,
The way JT explained it : suppose you where at a barber shop getting a hair cut, in the mirrors in front and in back of you, you see infinite reflections of your self, the barber, the chairs.........if you were to get up and step into the mirror behind you "chances" are "most likely" the you in the reflection in the mirror in front of you has just stepped in the space you just vacated. ( I believe this analogy is true, but not exactly ) you have to understand that every possible possibility does exist. Example: in this time line their is a good Temporal Recon in another time line Temporal Recon may be evil why because every possibility has to exist in order for us to exist ( I just gave 2 in my example ) this is known in our timeline as "Schrödinger's cat" in brief; if you put a cat in a box and close it, will the cat be alive or dead when you open the box ? The answer is both because every possibility exist for every object and thing because they are "Superpositions". More over it should be known that particles act in different ways when they are observed (by a superposition) verses when they are not observed (by a superposition) this has been proven in a lab already (fact not debatable).

To those whom attention I do have:

Why is their so much fighting about who is right and who is wrong and who is more right? this to me is pointless...... the goal here should be to separate the opinions from the facts. Also their is no such thing as the right or wrong questions to ask. People often fear what they do not understand and that's normal, be skeptical but never close your mind to other possibilities because then what really are you ? ( a parrot, a regurgitator ? ) I choose not be, I think for myself and I try to stay away from opinions as much as possible (just the facts ma'am). It's fine to disagree or to even agree to disagree, but fighting each other is just wasted time that should be used to figure out the pure facts or the truth as some call it. Love will always over power hate this can also be measured.....(love vibrates at a higher state than hate does....)
Why would anyone would want to run a basic program backwards?

I anticipated your question. The answer is, someone traveling backwards in time.

I'm doing some research on the 5100 and, have been looking at it for a bit and, at this moment I don't see anywhere that says the IBM can run BASIC or APL programs backwards. I also looked and, saw John Titor said he need it to "translate" coding languages which again isn't something I see in the 5100 abilities. The only special ability I have found ( at the moment ) for the 5100 is the ability to emulate and, debug mainframes. This would be something John Titor or anyone in his situation would need. It basically would allow you to find and, possibly correct errors in a mainframe to get it back up and, running ( or thats what you would hope would happen ). However the problem with that is the age gap between IBM 5100 and, the '01s mianframes ( I say 2001 since thats probably around the time of the mainframes he is working ). So even if the 5100 had the capability and, the strength to emulate the mainframe ( think about playing a game that you computer can't handle it lags and, crashes non stop and, is impossible to work with ). then, manage to debug it it would be able to fix errors that the mainframe since the 5100 is older it wouldn't be familiar with the problems a newer model would have unless he went to the years 2000-2001ish and, someone managed to get someone to upgrade the 5100 so it is capable of debugging and, fixing a newer mainframes error of course there is also the possibility someone in John Titors "group" could just take the technology of the ibm and, update it based on the 5100s coding.

If I had to say which of the two theories is correct I would go with they don't need the 5100 itself but, rather the coding within it ( kinda stating the obvious there :P ) so they can upgrade and, fix mainframes. That's the only real usage he could have had with the 5100.

but, I don't really think the 5100 has anything to do with his actual time machine and, I think we should get Micro Singularities before we worry about that and, theres always the problem of crossing the event horizon in the black hole itself.
I have herd compelling arguments in regards to the IBM 5100, some programmers have said that they could of worked around the legacy problem John Titor talked about they were having in 2036, but it seems to me they needed some parts from the IBM5100 sort of like when NASA purchases things (for parts) on E-BAY for their old space shuttles and other old equipment.....any thoughts on this ? I am reading up on the IBM 5110 now (FYI I am not a programmer)
Temporal Recon,
The way JT explained it : suppose you where at a barber shop getting a hair cut, in the mirrors in front and in back of you, you see infinite reflections of your self, the barber, the chairs.........if you were to get up and step into the mirror behind you "chances" are "most likely" the you in the reflection in the mirror in front of you has just stepped in the space you just vacated. ( I believe this analogy is true, but not exactly ) you have to understand that every possible possibility does exist. Example: in this time line their is a good Temporal Recon in another time line Temporal Recon may be evil why because every possibility has to exist in order for us to exist ( I just gave 2 in my example ) this is known in our timeline as "Schrödinger's cat" in brief; if you put a cat in a box and close it, will the cat be alive or dead when you open the box ? The answer is both because every possibility exist for every object and thing because they are "Superpositions". More over it should be known that particles act in different ways when they are observed (by a superposition) verses when they are not observed (by a superposition) this has been proven in a lab already (fact not debatable).
Sliders, you are correct in your understanding of superposition. You also correctly apply Titor's analogy of the two mirrors facing each other.
To continue in the analogy and maybe come to a deeper understanding: why did the second John arrive into the space just vacated by the first John?
There is really only one answer.
To those whom attention I do have:

Why is their so much fighting about who is right and who is wrong and who is more right? this to me is pointless...... the goal here should be to separate the opinions from the facts. Also their is no such thing as the right or wrong questions to ask. People often fear what they do not understand and that's normal, be skeptical but never close your mind to other possibilities because then what really are you ? ( a parrot, a regurgitator ? ) I choose not be, I think for myself and I try to stay away from opinions as much as possible (just the facts ma'am). It's fine to disagree or to even agree to disagree, but fighting each other is just wasted time that should be used to figure out the pure facts or the truth as some call it. Love will always over power hate this can also be measured.....(love vibrates at a higher state than hate does....)

Well Their are alot of people here who believer that anonymous posting plus an audience equals troll.... Alot of us here are to recreate by debating... even when such behaviours seems to hold no entertainment value to others . Some of us here are just here to have groovy conversations. And I am sure some have no idea at all why they are here.... :D

All I can say is :Try not to let the cyber drama bring ya down.
Temporal Recon,
The way JT explained it : suppose you where at a barber shop getting a hair cut, in the mirrors in front and in back of you, you see infinite reflections of your self, the barber, the chairs.........if you were to get up and step into the mirror behind you "chances" are "most likely" the you in the reflection in the mirror in front of you has just stepped in the space you just vacated. ( I believe this analogy is true, but not exactly ) you have to understand that every possible possibility does exist. Example: in this time line their is a good Temporal Recon in another time line Temporal Recon may be evil why because every possibility has to exist in order for us to exist ( I just gave 2 in my example ) this is known in our timeline as "Schrödinger's cat" in brief; if you put a cat in a box and close it, will the cat be alive or dead when you open the box ? The answer is both because every possibility exist for every object and thing because they are "Superpositions". More over it should be known that particles act in different ways when they are observed (by a superposition) verses when they are not observed (by a superposition) this has been proven in a lab already (fact not debatable).
Sliders, you are correct in your understanding of superposition. You also correctly apply Titor's analogy of the two mirrors facing each other.
To continue in the analogy and maybe come to a deeper understanding: why did the second John arrive into the space just vacated by the first John?
There is really only one answer.
My guess is that "Other John" was from another world line with a small divergence from "Original John's" timeline (maybe less than 1%) hence we would have more than 1 john retracing "Original John's" footsteps, but having said that, that does not mean they would all land in "Our Time-Line" remember JT said that it was more like a cone imagine that his original time-line is at the center aligned with the point, the more the divergence %, the further you are from the point (or aka original time-line) within the cone........but I would love to know your answer Temporal Recon, what is it ?
