What if germany won the war?

Physics vs Jaden

Amazing Person
People wonder what day to day life would be like if germany won. It would have been a different world, but similar to our own. Just be glad we won our war. Otherwise, you would be in an even smaller cage.

Ridley Scott Producing ‘The Man in the High Castle’ Mini-Series

If Germany won the war the world would probably be in chaos. Hitler would've died of natural causes by now so Hitler's son would be the world leader, but, there would probably be SO many rebellions by this point his son(s) wouldn't be able to control the world anymore. So, if Germany won the war, I think 2015 would be recovering from The Dark Ages II...


Temporal Engineer
I kind of look at the obvious rather than the hearsay. He was trying to eliminate all the Jews. Aren't the Jews responsible for capitalism? What would the world be like if capitalism had lost? We all would be free. Maybe we could actually own our own homes. Maybe the world would be a better place if organized slavery had never been enacted.


Senior Member
If we were living in the New World Order of Germany instead of looking forward to a turkey Thanksgiving dinner we would be having brats, sourkraut, and beer, which may not be all that bad.


New Member
I highly recommend the book. Actually, I highly recommend all of PKD's books. Don't forget Japan. I believe in the book the US is split in the same manner as Germany was with the west under Japanese control and the east under German control. I have enjoyed Ridley Scott's work as well so this should be something worth watching.


Senior Member
People wonder what day to day life would be like if germany won. It would have been a different world, but similar to our own. Just be glad we won our war. Otherwise, you would be in an even smaller cage.

Ridley Scott Producing ‘The Man in the High Castle’ Mini-Series

If Germany won the war the world would probably be in chaos. Hitler would've died of natural causes by now so Hitler's son would be the world leader, but, there would probably be SO many rebellions by this point his son(s) wouldn't be able to control the world anymore. So, if Germany won the war, I think 2015 would be recovering from The Dark Ages II...
If Hitler HAD listened to his generals on the art of warfare, then Germany would have won the second world war...The first of many errors that Hitler made was by not invading the UK when he had the chance to....His reason was...the "stars" were not favourable...His belief in astrology and other similar things were his ultimate downfall...He ignored his generals about bringing out a jet engined aircraft (Me262) earlier during the war, because he felt that the aircraft the Luftwaffe had at the time was sufficient (Me109`s and derivatives) He delayed the production of the Atomic bomb because he felt that the Jew who had first predicted this (Einstein) in 1906 was inferior to the German race..

Hitler`s generals never wanted to invade Russia when they did, they wanted this to happen later when spring was starting..Hitler`s scientists were working on a time-travel device, which he thought was unnecessary at the time..(no pun intended) The German generals and close aides tried to assassinate Hitler during the war, to replace him with one of his "doubles" under their command...By the time the tide had changed, and Germany knew they were going to lose the war, it was much too late to work on recovering previous projects..By this time The Me262 and other similar projects such as their rocket aircraft (Me163) were of little use, because in the case of the Me262, all the high grade metal needed for the engines and other aircraft was completely depleted...and the Me163 only had fuel lasting for 10 minutes, and when they tried to glide back to the airfields to land, every one was of them was destroyed by the US and UK aircraft....

I could write a book on Hitlers downfall, but iam certain that many authors have already done it.....But..if Germany HAD won the war, Hitler would not have been around to see it and our present day technology would be more advanced..The German people had a dislike for the Japanese and i believe that they would have been threatened by the Germans warning them of a nuclear attack if they didnt give their full support to Germany being THE only world rulers...The Germans could easily have dropped the bomb on some uninhabited island, to show their ultimate strength.......The atomic bombs that America dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were actually German made..The reason why Germany never used them was because they had no way through land sea or air, to deliver them to their targets...Check Mate...:D
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