What if the world spent more on science then War


Junior Member
Re: What if the world spent more on science then War

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Arcadia\")</div>
Even i agree that we can do away with war. There is so much in the world that needs funding. So much could be done to make this a better place. however... i once read this theory of always having an enemy. It says that every government wants to have an enemy in order to win elections, keep the public busy and have a cause to fight about. I somehow think that this may be right.

The media and politicians make small issues so big that it is assumed that this is something to kill for. It takes a lot to instil such a strong faith in someone that he is ready to kill. State sponsored terrorism is its smaller form and in the full bloom it becomes a war.[/b]

Spot on. They want people to kill for their logic and interests, which are very different from the common ones downstream; but they do not care much for anything going outside their cabinets. If the folks see profit and can make a good cause behind it, here you go to fight for them. Things are different in very rare cases when you have to defend your land like Russia and part of Europe did in WW2. Then things are obvious and you do not need politicians to explain a thing to you. </span>

Some say, where is our cheap gas? -It is not yours and it will be more expensive; do not be mistaken or manipulated so easily, only then the price may go down; so take what you deserve in the meantime.

Re: What if the world spent more on science then War

Now it is mostly up to the us, not the world.

<span style=\'color:black\'>...Iraq, what a place to plunder!



Junior Member
Re: What if the world spent more on science then War

I agree, War does motivate the inventions. Gotta be faster, harder, more lethal.

I still would love to live in a Technocracy (or gasp, a real meritocracy)..

Daydreams are wonderful. (John Lennon playing on my headphones, go figure) Imagine no homeless people, education available for all those that wish it, good roads, renewed city infrastructure..etc...medical coverage for everyone. imagine the intellect freed up to design, invent, progress. Instead of wasted in medicrity, barely surving on the margins of society. (Dang, I almost sound like a socialist) Would it not be a better world for our children? for their children?

What is the pursuit of all the wealth and power for? Who does it profit? When you answer that you will know the reality of why we spend so much more abroad on military on so little on Americans.

Well, then again, lets bomb someone and pump their oil. Then my oil/defense company stock will jump through the roof. Me first, who cares about anyone else. (Sarcasm intended if I was actually subtle at all)

Actually, on a personal note, without war and military, I would have no job...hmmmmmmmm....there is the real rub. How much is one willing to change or risk to make a better world for others. I digress and drift on to other non-related topics...Coca~Cola Time!
