What is God?

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thought experiment:
imagine all planets stopped rotating, stopped orbiting and frozen solid(so cold even the air falls down as snow)
would it look like time stopped? sure
then comes mr.astroid, zooming through.

Near a blackhole, stuff stops moving.
even astroids.

what reaches out and stops it?

is there tiny movement?
No me personally I would see it as weird but not as the end of time I would the stars are stagnant in the sky but gravity is still working because snow like stuff is falling from the sky and the asteroid flying by would leave me to believe everything else is still moving.

As for your black hole scenario you falling in towards the event horizon may percieve your concept of time has slowed tremendously but me looking in it would tick on as usual and as you fall deeper/closer to the center you would be shredded to subatomic particles until you finally reached and were compressed into the singularity.

Gravity draws you in continuously until you are one with everything else in it. Time does not push you out trapping you in a zone if that was the case this timeless zone would be filled with everything that ever got sucked in left in suspended animation.
No me personally I would see it as weird but not as the end of time I would the stars are stagnant in the sky but gravity is still working because snow like stuff is falling from the sky and the asteroid flying by would leave me to believe everything else is still moving.

As for your black hole scenario you falling in towards the event horizon may percieve your concept of time has slowed tremendously but me looking in it would tick on as usual and as you fall deeper/closer to the center you would be shredded to subatomic particles until you finally reached and were compressed into the singularity.

Gravity draws you in continuously until you are one with everything else in it. Time does not push you out trapping you in a zone if that was the case this timeless zone would be filled with everything that ever got sucked in left in suspended animation.
you're not paying attention
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