Where are all the time travelers?


Junior Member
You usually don't go into another universe, but into a variant time and place that differs from the one you're in.

Well, whatever we want to call it (whether it's a parallel universe or variant time or whatever) it means essentially the same thing - an easy out for future predictions that go wrong.

But let's think probabilities for a minute. Let's say that there are an infinite (or near-infinite) series of worlds where each possibility plays out. It would stand to reason that the vast, vast majority of them wouldn't be anything similar to what we have now. There must be countless worlds where humanity never evolved, for example. The probability of hopping to one that's so close to yours that it's almost indistinguishable would be like... worse than lottery odds by a cosmic magnitude. You might as well shuffle a deck of cards and predict the sequence with perfect accuracy, down to color and suit. That would actually probably be easier.


Senior Member
Thelma said, ( Well, whatever we want to call it (whether it's a parallel universe or variant time or whatever) it means essentially the same thing - an easy out for future predictions that go wrong.) / Dan adds, It can only be a parallel universe. Because the law of unconnectedness is broken, it cannot be an entirely sperate universe. // This is like when you live at home, part of your economics is sometimes from your parents one. A separate universe would have to be by that main universe function, a shared coexistence.

In other words, parts of that other universe would have to possesses shared functional parts to be able to operate.

A different universe would be spaced away from your home universe to the distance margin of at least a thousand whole universe dimensions away.

This is the shared part para diadem. EXMP: I wanted to share time with my sister, but her boyfriend and his car were there.
