where is john titor?


Senior Member
I didn't say there was no such thing as pollution. I said the assertion that human-caused pollution is "killing the Earth" is nonsense. The Earth has been hit several times by comets and giant asteroids. It's been hit by a gamma ray burst. It's even seen climate change so drastic that the entire Earth was covered in ice.

The Earth is still here. It takes a lot to kill a biosphere. Humans are not enough. You think too highly of yourself.

Further, humanity is part of the biosphere. Had it not occurred to you that the biosphere evolved intelligence to protect itself? For all the long history of life on Earth, the biosphere could not protect itself from asteroid and comet impacts causing mass extinction events. Guess what? It can now. You are part of the biosphere, not some alien dropped on the Earth to pollute it to death. For the first time in the life of the Earth, the Earth can reach out and avert mass extinction.

The Earth can even spread itself to other worlds (reproduction).

Stop acting like you are separate from the Earth.


New Member
do not be ironic. we do not know how to keep a planet. the power of the earth does not last indefinitely. but do not you see that every part is polluted? tell me something good about the planet.

everyone has his own way of thinking


Senior Member
do not be ironic. we do not know how to keep a planet. the power of the earth does not last indefinitely. but do not you see that every part is polluted? tell me something good about the planet.

everyone has his own way of thinking

I just told you something good about the planet. Earth's biosphere is like a living organism, and it evolved a brain (humans). Now the biosphere can avert mass extinction events. If you think our pollution is anywhere near the order of magnitude as a fucking giant space rock hitting it, killing off upwards of half the biomass, then you need a reality check. The environmental cost of evolving a technological society that will eventually revitalize the biosphere and spread it to other worlds, while simultaneously averting any more catastrophic mass extinctions, is so relatively minuscule that this entire conversation seems laughable to me. Get perspective.

allons-y alonso

New Member
Hello everyone. I found this forum owing to John Titor event,this incident really interest me and I joined this forum. My english is not good but I'll be in the forum. Do you think John Titor will come again? please write your thoughts.


New Member
hello! john titor will not come back.. because it's probably a fake.. but.. what do you think of him? did you read his story? tell us your opinions..


New Member
yes .. I thought it was real ..

but thinking .. go back in time to recover a computer?

already today there are emulators .. in 2036 surely they would know how to circumvent the problem without spending money to create a journey in time and recover a computer
