Why aliens do not rescue us


Senior Member

People wonder why aliens do not rescue us. Basically, here is the reason.

OK so imagine that you have an old lion from the circus. Well, he needs a new home because he ate members of the audience and circus does not want to use him any more.

Well, you ask your neighbors if the will open their hearts and homes to the old lion from the circus. Most people will say no. They will give you excuses.

  • I have little kids and I am afraid he will eat em up.
  • I cannot afford to feed a hungry lion on my meagre income.
  • I do not have training for dangerous animals and lack needed space.

Getting aliens to rescue humans will not be easy.

I walked up to an alien man who was old and wise. He smiled when he saw me.

I said. “My dad told me that china built a wall to keep out barbarians and savages. However, it also kept ideas out and china stagnated and fell behind other empires.”

Isolationism never serves us

Alien said. “The wall was a wise more. It helped to prevent many invasions. Most people want to mold history into a politically correct version. For example, you have a wall around your nice house and on your windows bars made of iron. Tear down your walls and let ideas in. Yeah, see how it goes for you.”

I said. “That would also let thieves in. Risk is simply too great – sorry.”

He sneered. “REALLY? Ah, you don’t say.”

Alien man did reply, “Look at your skin as it is a barrier to prevent entry of germs. What happens when there is no barrier or it is damaged in an injury. Fact is, we see germs colonize you. After a while your body will fight them or it will not survive.”

Before I could answer… he went on.

“People break into your house to steal from you… not to enrich you. Look at the barrier near mexico. It is very porous. Criminals come in. They commit crimes… later they go back home again. That is an example of what we do not want to occur.”

I said. “BUT… a nuclear war is coming.”

He smiled. “I would like to rescue HUMANS an to allow them to live with us. Sadly, they would turn Planet Rykanor into one more EARTH, an there is already one too many.”

I said. “Perhaps, we can screen out the bad ones. Maybe, only let the good people in.”

He glared at me. “There are no good ones. Yeah, that is reason your planet will soon have a nuclear war. Look at your video games. Humans are always blowing something up. Certainly, that is what they enjoy. Well, it is poetic justice that your world will soon be no more.”

He rages on. “Listen to me. There has not been one crime on Planet Rykanor in over one thousand years. That we do let no humans in, is the reason. Oh yes, you can accuse us in racism. However, we prefer to be safe and secure. Worthless humans add no value to our universe. I am going to be glad when they are no more.

I said. “Please have mercy. All the children on earth will die soon. Maybe, you can let some in.”

He snarled. “I am going to let as many humans into my house, as you are going to let COCKROACHES into yours.”

The words cut me like a knife to my very core.


Active Member
LMAO! Dude! Stop drinking or get better friends! You need to rise above this cockroach complex or you're going to keep getting stepped on.


Do the aliens actually believe we need rescuing?


Senior Member
Sadly, they would turn Planet Rykanor into one more EARTH, an there is already one too many.”

It happened to me at Paranormalis...so, watch out and work on the civilization...someday...it would be good...


Active Member
I would say that aliens won't help us, well even if they did, they got the 'universal law' to follow. And honestly, them showing up on Earth all of a sudden can make things worse. And tbh, I won't be surprised if an alien really did say that, OP. We are a stupid species after all. I don't feel like explaining all of the above so I'll advice you to read this: M.O.E.E info compilation

Snake Plissken

I believe..
I would say that aliens won't help us, well even if they did, they got the 'universal law' to follow. And honestly, them showing up on Earth all of a sudden can make things worse. And tbh, I won't be surprised if an alien really did say that, OP. We are a stupid species after all. I don't feel like explaining all of the above so I'll advice you to read this: M.O.E.E info compilation

We are not a stupid species. We are cunning and clever, we adapt and we are hostile. That is the whole point. If we were docile then they would come and probably treat us like cattle or battery hens. The truth is they fear us. Sure they could push a few buttons and annihilate 99% of us but if we lived amongst them, infiltrated their ideas and systems with our own warrior-like objectives and thought patterns then it would upset the harmony on Planet Rykanor. No wonder they don't want any of us anywhere near them - The place sounds like a dump anyway. I'll take my chances here!


Junior Member
Ha! You think we as a species are clever and cunning? We are COWARDS not warriors........lol

We as a species are more like a bad rash that spreads like a disease......destroying and infecting everything in its path.......that is what WE are as a species........the proof is all around each and every one of us......we all live at least in part a "lie".......

MONEY is this planets GOD, make no mistake about it! The more "holy" they are, the more money they need......

And the cowards will strike and even kill for their GOD........

MONEY is the most important thing and being religious or not is irrelevant......it's always about the money.

Now I think someone said something about us being rescued by an alien race?? HA!

It is more likely that we are currently living in a computer simulation that is run by the alien race that you think is going to rescue us? From what?? The computer simulation they created and put us in??

When we look at the smallest of small, the literal "fabric of space time"..........what do we find? We find computer code, ones, and zeros my friends.......
