Why i don't Ghost hunt and nor should you.


Junior Member
Why I wouldn't go Ghost Hunting

First off not an expert anyone who says there a paranormal expert is lying to you, because no one is a expert on something we don't understand. I am not a expert I go by my experiences and what has worked for me. I delt with more negative spirit's/energy then I ever wanted.
But all these shows Ghost Adventures I watch them, and others make ghost hunting look like child's play. Here are my reasons why ppl should not do it.

1. You have NO clue who you are talking to.

2. Demons portray themselves as children/ or human spirits.

3. Can follow you home got a huge chance of the 3 steps of possession.

4. Not everything out there is going to be nice to you.

5. You can be fooled by demon and or elementals and or creatures from another realm.

So be safe don't go looking for stuff none of us fully understand. The dead is for the dead. They pray on us like animals in the wild. They CAN HURT YOU!!!!!!! They want to jump you and take over your body so they can live again.


Been dealin' with ghosts" and their kit and kin over 60 of my 72 yrs. and have never had any problems, aside from the scratches, bites, objects thrown at me, etc., but if ya go into someones playground uninvited, not always expect a warm welcome.


Senior Member
My dad did not believe in ghosts when he was a boy, so he went into a spooky haunted house. Well, he saw objects levitate and ran away screaming. He told me. "I have enough problems with the living, so I do not need to also have problems with the dead!" :)


where the wild things are
Or if you are a sensitive like myself who can feel good and bad energy of particular haunting grounds, use some common sense. If you sense a bad vibe about a place, then its probably not a good idea to try to commune with the dearly departed


New Member
I understand the sentiment but the human condition is one of continuous exploration of all worlds. I have been on very many ghost hunts (I hate that phrase) and have never experienced any problems. Make sure you take proper precautions with white light protection ect never be alone and take it very seriously

Snake Plissken

I believe..
There are Karmic rules in the Universe.
Even the worst of entities know this.
You may suffer minor problems from negative entities but Very few will risk tipping their personal balance and facing the wrath of the Universe by a prolonged negative campaign against any other conscious being.


Senior Member
There are Karmic rules in the Universe.
Even the worst of entities know this.
You may suffer minor problems from negative entities but Very few will risk tipping their personal balance and facing the wrath of the Universe by a prolonged negative campaign against any other conscious being.

Good one Snake, I loved the line you put>>> Very few will risk tipping their personal balance and facing the wrath of the Universe by a prolonged negative campaign against any other conscious being...I have put that in my, lines for consideration file(y):)..


New Member
OP - you bring up some very good points. So good in fact that it brought me to question whether or not to go through with joining one of the more credible paranormal investigation teams here in Arizona.

I have had quite a few outlandish experiences that made me question many things. I've even experienced incredible and inexplicable pain inflicted by something unknown. Quite recently I had realized that I had never once sought to contact or antagonize these things. Ok, so I actually did sort of provoke something in hurting me once but I hope to get that story out in a series of posts where I can share my amazing stories.

I was hoping to find answers with a group of level headed individuals and approach exploring the paranormal with actual science. You are absolutely right, we don't know what we're dealing with and we've all heard some very compelling stories of the kind of damage that these entities can inflict.

Then again, if something were to happen to me... I kind of smile and think that then perhaps my sacrifice would contribute to more hard evidence of the paranormal nightmares that exist. :D
