Debate will corona virus overwhelm the planet?

will corona virus overwhelm the planet? poll

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Temporal Engineer
Are we able to say now that inflation and supply chain issues are being caused by the virus?

Nope. Here in California where I am Governor Newsom outlawed diesel powered big rigs older than 2012 builds. That completely wiped out the independent truckers. 40% of our truckers are now permanently gone. I wouldn't be surprised if other blue states have done the same. The only path I see out of this mess is to get state militias to take back constitutional control from the communist take over.



It's a bit of a stand-still on any given day.
The machinery I usually set up is sitting mostly quiet, we cannot outbid the much larger corporations
whom can afford the 25-30% increase of Steel and other Alloy(s) needed for production.

Our customers await patiently for product.......for now.

We are also hiring for experienced employees
and nobody with experience are coming in.

Those inexperienced that do, are being paid better than the long-term employees
and many don't stick around for long.

This is not due to sicknesses on our work floor from the virus..(Which I have had now...)
but due to the impact it has made on our world, the whole world over.
Put a lock and chain on the US it's done...If one small organism such as the coronavirus can damage a country like the US imagine whats going to happen with something on a larger scale! We have had two idiots in the White House since this thing started two years ago Trump and now money throwing Biden!

This virus shows that the US economy especially is weak in the face of a national threat i.e Covid19....We will never recover to 2019 or 2018 levels...Government paying people to sit at home on their ass and now no one wants to work....My sister works for a major department store chain warehouse and she says they have pallets after pallets sitting on the floor and no one to unload them!

You go into any store and ask about an item and the first response your going to get is "well its because of Covid!" my ass! It's because we have turned into a nation of fat asses to damn lazy to get off the couch! And all this goes right back to government both state and federal level!

Another 5 years and the US and much of the world will be poverty third world countries....We can build great shit but a small pin head virus will be our undoing......Spent 74 days in a third world country its not pretty but I am ready when it happens in the US! Will coronavirus overwhelm the planet? Hell it already has!

Should have a mod move this to the Apocalypse/End Time Forum because thats what it is. Oh I just noticed its in the Future Prediction Forum hmmmmm....
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Florida ended the virus unemployment check, but people are still not working. We have a shortage of school bus drivers. I think the media has pumped up people with so much unnecessary fear that people are just staying home, even with the alleged vaccine.

Funny thing is, masks are only required in doctors' offices (which makes me lose confidence in the intelligence of the doctors), and we're all fine.
We only catch the occasional, seasonal colds and I had the flu. But natural immunity does wonderful things. (I tear layers out of my masks so I can breathe. My pulsox lowers with a mask on).

It's pretty much over in Florida. It's really sad that we have to battle tyranny (the Federal Government). I wish Florida would just secede.
We can unite with Texas.

I treated my flu with Quercetin, zinc, vitamin D, C, rest when possible (went to bed early), and ibuprofen. No communism required. The sore throat lingered for 3 weeks but I remained vigilant and it is finally gone. Sunshine and walking works wonders, too.


Senior Member
Florida ended the virus unemployment check, but people are still not working. We have a shortage of school bus drivers. I think the media has pumped up people with so much unnecessary fear that people are just staying home, even with the alleged vaccine.

Funny thing is, masks are only required in doctors' offices (which makes me lose confidence in the intelligence of the doctors), and we're all fine.
We only catch the occasional, seasonal colds and I had the flu. But natural immunity does wonderful things. (I tear layers out of my masks so I can breathe. My pulsox lowers with a mask on).

It's pretty much over in Florida. It's really sad that we have to battle tyranny (the Federal Government). I wish Florida would just secede.
We can unite with Texas.

I treated my flu with Quercetin, zinc, vitamin D, C, rest when possible (went to bed early), and ibuprofen. No communism required. The sore throat lingered for 3 weeks but I remained vigilant and it is finally gone. Sunshine and walking works wonders, too.
In the UK last week, we were told of a new and even more infectious Covid lurgy virus than the Delta Virus!! :ROFLMAO:..
Apparently, Germany started off with it first, and it could be in the UK right now!! :fp::LOL:..
