đź“ş Video Woman walks through ghost

I think it was Ghost Adventures the show. They showed a scientist that is working on figuring out which wavelength ghosts operate on so that he can invent a camera to take pictures of them. He thought he had it, and they used his camera on one show, but they never saw anything to take a picture of.
Weird, i will give it that defanitly creepy and weird.

Jdetterline i believe the one you are talking about was the one at the Plantation right?
Minita the common belief is that Your knowledge travels with your soul, so as you move onto a new body or excistance the old knowledge is erased to make room for the new life. Granted Hypnosis and even other stimulants can bring back past life regressions. There are 2 kinds of hauntings well regular hauntings and that is Intelligent and Residual, Residual is basically like a Song stuck on repeat, where Intelligent is well intelligent you can communicate and interact with the spirit.
Weird, i will give it that defanitly creepy and weird.

Jdetterline i believe the one you are talking about was the one at the Plantation right?
Minita the common belief is that Your knowledge travels with your soul, so as you move onto a new body or excistance the old knowledge is erased to make room for the new life. Granted Hypnosis and even other stimulants can bring back past life regressions. There are 2 kinds of hauntings well regular hauntings and that is Intelligent and Residual, Residual is basically like a Song stuck on repeat, where Intelligent is well intelligent you can communicate and interact with the spirit.

I completely agree with the Residual and Intelligent.

Residual, I would guess falls along the lines of "energy cannot be created nor destroyed." When a person dies or experiences something tragic their thoughts and emotions are all a form of energy. It literally leaves a recording of the events. Residual ghosts I think are more so "echoes in time."
With that, I also think that something powerful enough can serve as a window. I've read stories of a "ghost" being just as shocked as the living person. I would assume that is two observers on opposite sides of the time window.
Intelligent... are beings who managed to maintain form. Their thoughts and energy during life coalesced to a point of self awareness. Usually due to a long standing desire goal or urge which the energy was pulled to.
Well as i started to talk about this now i have further questions, what is the ghost made up of, is it only of infrared light or something else. There has to be something , nothing in this universe is there without any explanation, it should be made up of some particles.

No idea. I'm just as curious as you are to know what they are made up of. We only have theories. Here:

Ghost Hunting Theories: What Are Ghosts Made Of?

Regarding why we cannot see ghosts, I think it has to do with what particular light spectrum they are in.
It's not the Light spectrum that has a Consciouns Minita its the Area that they are in, Think of it like a Rainbow, Rainbows are always there when its raining but you only see it givin the right Circumstances, Same thing with Ghosts, they are always around us but we can only see them with certain Circumstances.
Well as i started to talk about this now i have further questions, what is the ghost made up of, is it only of infrared light or something else. There has to be something , nothing in this universe is there without any explanation, it should be made up of some particles.

Well, I have seen many many ghosts in my time; some in the physical world and others that have only shown up in photos, and although there is currently no scientific proof of what ghosts are made up from I believe they are made up of atoms and particles (matter). How else could some move physical objects or touch people.
