Your favourite Alternate History

Re: Your favourite Alternate History

Hi Lucidus,
One that I often wonder about is what if Muslims had conquered Europe in the middle ages.
Yes, at least in the Iberian Peninsula. The Arabic Invasion started at 711 and remained until the 12th century. The first Portuguese King, was not just the king that gave birth to this country, he was also the one that reconquest the territory to the Arabs.
They were very "positive invaders", because they brought with them the Arabic numbers, really good knowledge about the world, the sky, the sea... We still have many buildings from that time.
Here is a pick of how it looked like in the 10th century:

Here is a pic on how it looks today:

Would Muslim explorers have sailed west to find a passage to the east? Muslim navigators were some of the most advanced of the time, so my guess is that they would have.
They were very advanced. Portuguese sailors used the knowledge they gained with the Arabic sailors and use them to discover the passage by sea to India. Here are some of those instruments:

They are still good instruments for sailing, I know that they point them to the sky and calculate the distance from the stars.

Hi ironside100,
Has portugal always remained catholic? I wonder this because Portugal is one of Britains oldest allies and I thought it might be strange for England to be so close to a catholic nation during the early years.
Yes, always. But I never understood this alliance, because we don't have that much in common, but the truth is that it exists and as brought really good things for both countries. :)
Re: Your favourite Alternate History

We are both Maritime nations I suppose we have that in common. Also didnt Britain land in Spain to fight Napoleon. Portugal may of been involved in that.
Re: Your favourite Alternate History

I think it would be intresting to see how advance we would be if the Dark Ages (Black Death) had never happened in Europe. the long lasting effects of this set history back about 300 years or so at least. Maybe the Church would have won the Crusades in the long run? Maybe the Americas would have been "discovered" sooner? Would the Reformation happen sooner? Just a few ideas of some things that could have changed if the population wasn't so desimated by the plague.
This thread is interesting, it makes me think about all kind of scenarios. What if the Roman Empire didn't fall ? Where would we be today, would we all be romans ? The same goes for any other powerful empires and civs.

What do you guys think ?
I have seen alternate history by using an HDR. Perhaps they do not exist except in my imagination, but here is my favorite.

There was a timeline where we had both teleporters and flying cars. Not in the future, but in 2007 the past. Robotics made our standard of living much higher. It was super.

In this timeline there was like no pollution and zero crime. Also, people were happy, but they did have one problem. A huge population because people from other timelines were flooding in.

Well, out timeline is not a very good one. collapse
Did you ever find a timeline in which there was no Earth ? Would it even be possible for you to visit such a timeline ?
