Your scariest experience


Have you noticed recently as well a lot of the singers these days are into the illuminati and free mason symbology? Im sure they have to be associated with it in some way, or I dont think those sects (if they do still exist and are involved with the occult) would be happy with them flashing them around. Wouldn't that seem almost like mockery if they did? And most of the more brazen singers seem to be in trances or possessed like states when they perform at awards shows.


Active Member
I have to admit I don't watch mtv these days or keep up with the latest bands. I have, however, heard of what you're talking about. To give my honest opinion, I think some people inherited the legacy of the illuminati without being a part of it themselves. It's like someone riding on the wave of success of Seaborg or Einstein without having any of their knowledge or accomplishments. I also think this is dangerous for humanity, as it represents power without wisdom.

I would say yes, there is a group pretending to be the illuminati, but I don't think they're the original group. What are your thoughts?


You know I wouldnt be able to tell you. I think it goes along the same lines as "the greatest trick the devil ever accomplished was convincing mankind he doesn't exist" the same goes for the illuminati and such. They have hidden in the shadows and mankind has literally forgotten them or thinks they have faded out. But I have noticed all the symbols hidden in plain sight. And it worries me. And all this recent talk and metaphors in lyrics about "the new world order" its like satan runs the music industry now it seems.


Active Member
Well if I have any say in the matter, I won't let them make a NWO. Wishful thinking, right? Music is a powerful medium for influencing people, because it impacts them on an emotional level. You can be the most logical person on the planet, but if you listen to bad music, it will have an effect on you. It's almost like hypnosis. Would you let any random stranger hypnotize you or guide your meditation? I wouldn't. But that's exactly what people are doing when they listen to a stranger's music. It's undeniable that a person's brain waves change when listening to music.


Apparently there are music therapists out there that go to old age homes, and play music from back in the day, that the patient would have listened to like their favourite song or something like that, and if the patient was in a catatonic state would respond slightly or even become lucid.


Active Member
That's interesting. It reminds me of my great grandmother when she was still alive. Her mind left long before she died, and she was put in a nursing home. She had had multiple strokes over the years and lost her memory. It was tragic, because she was the nicest person I ever met. One day, a relative showed her a picture of me (I wasn't there), and she gasped and immediately became lucid for a little while. I do wish she was still alive.

I think all it takes is a strong memory being recalled. Music is powerful and memorable for a lot of people.
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