A test for so called time travelers


Over the last few years, I have noticed a behavioral pattern in response to any time I start to reveal things. The thread often gets flooded as to bury my comments. People use straw-man and ad-hominems, obfuscation tactics, etc.. ..anything to deter focus from whatever it is that I am trying to convey. I have even had my accounts frozen or posts altered and deleted. And they cannot provide any legitimate or consistent reasoning to support their actions.

Every time I have to question why, what the hell are they doing? And why do they not simply confront me as opposed to all the silly games.

What are they so scared of?


Maybe you are unconsciously putting words in a way it seems some kind offencive or insane. But I find it funny, that someone call someone mad in a site where we talk aliens, mythological beings, dimensions... and we do not only talk we actually believe them, meet them and there are beings as me who says "I am not here".

What were your expectations when you were writing your comments? Because expectation usually is not that good vibration, and writing a text with negative vibes makes it sound negative. And you will attract those who repeat the same situations as you have faced here before.

How about more positive expectations or having no expectations? I have only meet fantastic people in this site. I love to speak subjects that are not "normal", and when I was writing on a good mood, nobody critisized me even I was telling I am not from the earth, can cross dimensions etc..

I suggest to find more positive vibrations, because vibration creates a world, a future, a dimension where you will shift to.


But I find it funny, that someone call someone mad in a site where we talk aliens, mythological beings, dimensions... and we do not only talk we actually believe them, meet them and there are beings as me who says "I am not here".

I was thinking about the same thing.

They know this. Either they are involved and trying to stifle me, to work against me instead of engaging me (for whatever reason), ...or they're apt to reject it because they are not ready to accept or understand the reality of time travel.

What were your expectations when you were writing your comments?

My intent is not only to show Timewondering that his experiment is/has/will be already in play, but to also share in hopes of a greater understanding through collective thought and analyzation. What I see is enormously expansive, complex, and somewhat surreal. And it is rather frustrating not to be able to go beyond sharing more than a drop in the bucket on account of people who simply lack the ability to focus and reason to the necessary degree in order to see it.

There is also the element of trust and concern of adverse subsequent effects at the realization that reality is not as so many think, and especially when considering the religious implications.

They're all waiting for a guy in a DeLorean to show up with a flux capacitor, never mind trying to see it in terms of reason, or in a way they have not already accepted as true. I also think people are exhausted with impostors and hoaxers. They naturally want to dismiss me as the same.

It's me alright. But that can mean several different things, not necessarily that I am a time traveler or the person who posted in 2001. This is enormously complex stuff, and it has the power to change things in a big way. Maybe that is the source of inhibition.

You see no one wants to continue with examining the evidence. They aren't interested? Okay, ...never mind then.
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I personally am thinking as you, that if one wants to cross in to a different point in a certain timeline, he must to go inside himself and ask "what do I believe is true that stops me for going backwards in time?". Reality is real as long we decide it to be real.

But nevertheless, they can allow machines to help them to shift realities. But if people criticise too much all the time, laugh others when they are telling how they are moving in time, they are closing doors one after another and eventually keep wondering "why do I never find time travelers??". Time travelers are and and has always been with us. But how can they show themselves if we do not believe them? If there is someone who keeps telling lies for whatever reason, so what? he still can put forward people. He extends peoples' beliefs the world around us.

Maybe the complex information was made for you only. It is more like as you are an engineer and we drive a car. You know much more than we do, but if we are not interested things as how turbine needs to push air in to the engine in order to make engine to have more power. why would you try to tell it us?

Well, this topic was a test, so whatever... but you should find a way express yourself in a way we get your points. I am sure you can do that. Stephen Hawking let all of the equations away from the book, leaving only E=mc^2 to make it for regular people. So you just need to find a way that interests masses.


Oh, I read it incorrectly, excuse my english. So you would have beaten your future self, if it would came to direct contact with yourself?


Oh, I read it incorrectly, excuse my english. So you would have beaten your future self, if it would came to direct contact with yourself?

At that point in time, yes, quite possibly.

I cannot even begin to describe what I went through. I was a complete mad man for about two years or so. It was probably some kind of side effect of travel. That is what the posts refer to as "a personal hell", ...which is a gross understatement, I might add.

As intensely profound as it was, as much as I learned and gained from it, I don't ever want to go through that again.


Active Member
Ok AAA aka John Titor, where have you been since 2001? Why and what kind of hell happen to you in that time? How did you manage to get to this time-line in 2015?


Ok AAA aka John Titor, where have you been since 2001?

I've been right here in this world the whole time. I have never traveled time, ...yet.

In answering this question, I must cite that the posts are not to be taken literally. It all means something else. They are a medium for cryptic communications.

Why and what kind of hell happen to you in that time?

That is a long story. But I will try to summarize as it pertains to this subject.

For the most part, I have been simply hanging out trying to live a normal life while being stalked by apparent time travelers playing weird psy-ops games. I couldn't figure out why or what it meant, or what made me so special that that many people would put that much effort into things.

Around 2006 was the first I had ever heard of John Titor or the posts. I read an article about it, thought it was interesting, but otherwise didn't care.

A few years ago in late 2011, out of nowhere and for no apparent reason I just started doing all these very weird things, and it lasted about 2 1/2 years with a 'wind-down period' of about a year. There is a lot to describing that so I will spare you the details. What it amounts to is that I went nuts experiencing what I suspect is a side effect of travel or quite possibly and/or hypnotism. There is also elements of things like channeling, claire-cognizance, transgenerational psychotherapy, etc. It was just awful and very turbulent.

Anyway, several months into it, I began to realize that it had something to do with time travel and religion, that my stalkers were not only making references to private conversations, but also to events that would happen years later. Not only that, but I started finding cryptic messages suspended in time, and using a range of mediums. I remembered reading about a man named John Titor, so I looked it up and discovered the posts. I immediately recognized references to my personal life and identity. One of the first things to hit me is the writing style. For example; One thing I like to do is not use contractions because I can type faster and easier by not stopping to press the shift button. It freaked me out.

Since then, it has been a journey of discovery of what this is all about, and a lot of time trying to decipher things. I have caught things before I was supposed to, others too late, ...some not at all or not yet.

How did you manage to get to this time-line in 2015?

I was borne here. I got to 2015 by surviving life.
