Civil Unrest; its happening now

If you still believe in a God then please pray for peace and throw your TV OUT!!! Seriously the mass media lies so much and pushes political agendas through nearly every program on air. Civil Unrest around the Michael Brown incident and other occurrences are nothing more than catalysts that allow the 1% to get rid of as much of the rest of the population as possible without having to do anything laborious. There is proof of that in how the police,whom our tax dollars pay, are doing little more than standing around while Ferguson is reduced to rubble. 9 days to call in the National Guard? There's probably nothing left to save!

The greatest guard against peril is common sense which unfortunately not so common today. NOBODY is your friend! Not government and damn sure NOT your fellow countrymen! If there is choice then take government BUT don't trust them. Civil unrest is not Anti-White or Black Genocide. It is the extermination of the stupid by the forces that be. The fact of the matter is if you as a person don't look for trouble then the chances are 1,000,000 to 1/2 that it will NEVER simply find you regardless of skin tone or gender!
One of the "witnesses" Dorian Johnson was Brown's accomplice in the store robbery. Who in their right mind would believe him?
I think that, before calling for the officer's head, it would be prudent to at least attempt to discover the facts of the matter.

The only witness to the shooting was involved with the victim in a robbery that had just occurred. Why should we believe him?

You and me both, pal.

And it's not just us:
Autopsy report shows witness lied about shooting; Brown wasn’t shot in the back

All the shots were in the front, contradicting the account of Dorian Johnson, a friend who was with Brown at the time of the shooting and who maintained the teen was shot at least once in the back while fleeing

The strong-armed robbery Brown video was said to be not reinvent in any way to the current issue.

I strongly disagree...

If I am able to bring a character witness into court to give testimony on my behalf, then the character of the person in question is very relevant.

Looking at the video of the store robbery committed by Brown, I would have to say that he was not a church alter boy.

It also makes me wonder how he got to be 18 years old without being shot by one of his neighbors earlier.

Most adults have had a past history of violent behavior long before they got caught up with the law.

Was that his first offence? Still have many questions about the officers past record too.

I'll wait to see how the investigation turns out before thinking badly of either the officer or Mr. Brown.

I am a retired peace officer and know there are some very bad cops that should be behind bars, and I did help put some of them there.

Lets hope some good will come from this incident and Mr. Brown did not die in vain.
What's any of this gotta do with john titor?

It may be connected to the report from John Titor about the civil war he warned us all about?

The title of the thread is, "Civil unrest; it's happening now". John Titor predicted civil unrest before crap hits the fan in 2015, so it is all on topic.

You know, I don't recall seeing that in the John Titor story. Could you reference some quotes for the rest of us that don't see the connection?
It may be connected to the report from John Titor about the civil war he warned us all about?

The title of the thread is, "Civil unrest; it's happening now". John Titor predicted civil unrest before crap hits the fan in 2015, so it is all on topic.

You know, I don't recall seeing that in the John Titor story. Could you reference some quotes for the rest of us that don't see the connection?

If you only see what you want to see and hear only what you wish to hear it would do little good to repeat the words from John Titor!

I assume that if you are able to write you are also able to read?

I am NOT the Jackass whisperer!
Read and then think!
It is not that hard...
