Diseases and Plagues


this is very scary and it gets little to no coverage on the news.. you would think the folks studying this outbreak would be able to protect them selves.. but this guy seems to not have been able to do that
Ebola virus kills senior doctor in Liberia | Fox News

now there is a second one that stands a 90% chance of not making it .... see that's the death rate 90% that get it die... no vaccine, no treatment, no cure, and now for the first time it is loose in a big city...

2nd American in Liberia tests positive for Ebola | Fox News

ok just found another report this time the guy drops in an airport of a city with 20 million people
BBC News - Nigeria 'on red alert' over Ebola death in Lagos
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walt willis

Senior Member
Just listened to the morning news on TV where they said the Ebola virus had a mortality rate of 70%.

I smell a rat that would like to reduce the number of people in the African continent as a way to be better able to acquire the mineral wealth.

It’s all about power and control of the world and it’s population.
Unbridled ambition by a few power hungry control freaks is the source for most wars on earth.

The nation was founded on the principal that all men are created equal and that they must be protected from bullies.

What happen to the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights?

What happen to the required oath of office taken by every elected officer holder?

Why have we thrown our creator under the bus?

Who did this to our people?

If the snakes are hiding under the protection of the government, then why do we keep voting them back in office?

Wake Up America!


the less aggressive strains do have a lower kill rate,, as well as a longer dormant stage of up to 21 days. how ever the strain that killed the guy in the airport was the most deadly. with a 90% death rate and a 2-3 day delay from contact to being sick.
while the news here in the US is down playing the threat level of this out break, the president of sierra leone is just a little more concerned and announced new measures they are taking to try and contain the problem..

Sierra Leone president declares state of emergency over Ebola | Fox News

I hereby proclaim a State of Public Emergency to enable us take a more robust approach to deal with the Ebola outbreak," he said in a speech late on Wednesday, adding that the measures would initially last between 60 and 90 days. "All epicenters of the disease will be quarantined

all the while we are being told not to worry, hhhhmmmm ,, yet Liberia's gov. is getting kinda concerned about this..


Liberia said it was closing schools, placing nonessential government workers on compulsory leave for 30 days and ordering security to enforce what was termed an action plan to combat the outbreak. The Peace Corps, a program run by the United States government, said it was withdrawing its 340 volunteers from the three countries most affected by the virus.

now add this little pest into the mix just cause...

The mosquito can fly for up to four hours continuously at 1–2 km/h (0.6–1 mph),[21] traveling up to 12 km (7.5 mi) in a night. [22]

now we add this little tidbit of info to the mix and the plot thickens,
Congressional Report: Ebola Bio Kits Deployed to National Guard Units In All 50 States

The Department of Defense informed Congress that it has deployed biological diagnostic systems to National Guard support teams in all 50 states, according to a report published by the Committee on Armed Services. The report, published in April amid growing fears that the Ebola hemorrhagic fever virus might spread outside of West Africa, says that the portable systems are designed for “low probability, high consequence” scenarios

while this article was released this week the report was given to congress back in april.. here is the full report as given..
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walt willis

Senior Member
This could be the one virus that will do to us what the Blue tongue virus did to the 90% kill off of deer in north Idaho five years ago.

It may be time for people to prepare for a worst pandemic the world has ever seen.

90% is a lot of stinking dead people to burry.

A FEMA camp would be a great breading ground for such a virus.

Do your research now before it starts and have a plan to stay head of the heard...


Liberian asst. minister of health press release is not good news..
Liberian Official: Ebola Outbreak ‘Is Above The Control Of The National Government’ « CBS Charlotte
Our government has declared this now as a humanitarian crisis that is above the control of the national government,” Tolbert Nyenswah, Liberia’s assistant minister of health, told

This virus, if it is not taken care of, will be a global pandemic,” Nyenswah told CBS News, calling for more international aid to help treat the sick and stop the spreading of the disease


This could be the one virus that will do to us what the Blue tongue virus did to the 90% kill off of deer in north Idaho five years ago.

It may be time for people to prepare for a worst pandemic the world has ever seen.

90% is a lot of stinking dead people to burry.

A FEMA camp would be a great breading ground for such a virus.

Do your research now before it starts and have a plan to stay head of the heard...

Stay out of groups. Stay with your family, alone, in a remote location like a mountain. Avoid large amounts of people. This is what created the chaos in Walking Dead season 4.


this situation is now a real problem for the whole world.. this update from the WHO director gen. pretty much leaves no room for speculation about what is about to happen :( its a most grievous time we live in...

WHO | WHO Director-General assesses the Ebola outbreak with three West African presidents

Excellencies, honourable ministers, members of the press, ladies and gentlemen,
West Africa is facing its first outbreak of Ebola virus disease. This is an unprecedented outbreak accompanied by unprecedented challenges. And these challenges are extraordinary.
West Africa’s outbreak is caused by the most lethal strain in the family of Ebola viruses.


well folks I hope you all have made plans for what is now apon us the day is here now to put them in action...
there are reports of the spread to the global community and as more cases start to show up even the most blind will be forced to see the jig is up Jackson.
the media is even now saying it is going to happen
Could Ebola come to the United States? - CNN.com

Given that international air travel is commonplace, it's realistic that an infected passenger could land in the country.
One nearly did.
Patrick Sawyer, a U.S. citizen working in Liberia, fell violently ill while on a plane to Nigeria this month. He was planning on returning to his family in Minnesota but died before he could.
"It's going to happen at some point," CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta said

A person can be infected and not show symptoms for up to three weeks. So it's possible for someone to fly to the United States who has the virus but is feeling fine.
"Just observing the whole process, it's almost impossible to prevent from happening," Gupta said

I knew some thing was wrong I could feel it in my spirit,, and even tried to tell it, here is the post from a while back

while I can't put my finger down on the exact time and day it first appeared to me. but for some time now I have sensed a drastic increase in the level of anger and aggression in the people around me.
I fear that there is very little time left before the end of the world as we know it.
I fear that the dark side has gained a strangle hold on the hearts and minds of those in the role of leadership.
very soon the world will be in the iron grip of the great deceiver foretold in the prophecy's of old.
even now the very ground screams out, wailing in anguish for the blood of the innocents, slain at the hands of there brothers
it is as if the some one has walked into the room and a hush falls on every one.. the air seems charged or something, like all of nature is holding its breath...
kcwildman, Jun 27, 2014


everyone please be safe and be aware of whats happening near you, I hope to chat with all of you soon but I doubt we will have much time for the internet in the coming day..


it is a sad day when the folks in a place of trust don't even bother to do a simple check of the stated facts befor they get on the news and say stupid shit that will get people killed just for a weeks pay..........
here is an old article from 2003 in nat. geographic
Where Does Ebola Hide Between Epidemics?

Ebola is one of the most contagious viruses known to man. A simple handshake can transmit the disease. Depending on the strain, Ebola kills anywhere from 50 to 90 percent of its victims through massive internal bleeding. Worst of all, there is no cure.
