HDR users?


Junior Member
Thanks for sharing Tuvok.

How long have you been doing this? How long did it take you to feel like you had more control over what was happening?

Whitelight, I've been "messing" with this stuff for about 5 yrs. now. For me it only took a couple of weeks to start having lucid control of my dream experiences while using the devices. Are you going to build one yourself?


Senior Member
I believe in freedom of speech, assembly, religion, and press. That said, take a look at two contries North Korea and South Korea. It is interesting how genetically they are almost the same. However, one chose to be a democratically open. The other to be your repressive regime.


Back in 1985 Steve got a call from a lady who wanted him to build a new device an HDR. He had never built one before. He was not interested, but he was learning at the time about how to build a time vortex from John Tooker from Canada. John Tooker was a pagan.

According to Steve the lady offered him $1000 to build one. In 1985, that was a lot of money. He said OK, but he wondered how she wanted to use it. She said it was to do magic. Steven told me that Ruby was her name. Also that she was a wiccan.

After this he got lots of requests from other people in the psychic community for HDR machines and he drop the price down to $360 so more people could afford one. Also, he posted schematics so people could build their own.

It is interesting that Steve is Christian and believes in God, however, there would be no HDR if it were not for a wiccan witch and a pagan. The greatest asset is to have a mind that is open.


Junior Member
I believe in freedom of speech, assembly, religion, and press. That said, take a look at two contries North Korea and South Korea. It is interesting how genetically they are almost the same. However, one chose to be a democratically open. The other to be your repressive regime.


Back in 1985 Steve got a call from a lady who wanted him to build a new device an HDR. He had never built one before. He was not interested, but he was learning at the time about how to build a time vortex from John Tooker from Canada. John Tooker was a pagan.

According to Steve the lady offered him $1000 to build one. In 1985, that was a lot of money. He said OK, but he wondered how she wanted to use it. She said it was to do magic. Steven told me that Ruby was her name. Also that she was a wiccan.

After this he got lots of requests from other people in the psychic community for HDR machines and he drop the price down to $360 so more people could afford one. Also, he posted schematics so people could build their own.

It is interesting that Steve is Christian and believes in God, however, there would be no HDR if it were not for a wiccan witch and a pagan. The greatest asset is to have a mind that is open.


Junior Member
Yeah the "wiccan and pagan" part of the device is the witness well and rubbing.......those 2 things are what quija boards, dowsing, radionics are based on which is why mine device incorporates neither........true christians don't play with such things


Senior Member
Hi Tuvok:
Interesting you should say that as the original device sonic resonator has no witness well, rubbing plate, or ####. These were added later and I have noticed a lot of poltergeist type events when using an HDR. Events include windows that open. Doors suddenly slam shut with no wind and an electricty in the air. OK one of the worst effect is light bulbs exploding because that never happened before I use an HDR, but now is common. Fact is there have been a lot of spooky unusual occurrences.



Junior Member
Hello Hdrkid, so if the HDR is causing that kind of activity aren't you a little concerning about using it?
