Confirmed Hoax Hello People (Time Traveler From 1957)


Senior Member
no but one of my friends says you are lying,when you lie this much you intend to believe yourself when you think life is a revolving movie.


Active Member
Have you gone back to your home where you and your Grandpaw lived? Can you find out what the history of the home since 1957? Like, it was sold after the young Grandson David went missing. Maybe a family member still owns it. If so, your drivers license will prove you're the missing David. If that's the case, retrace your steps. Go to sleep in your old room. Wake up at 9:45. Look in the phone book and see if any of your 1957 friends are listed. Pay them a visit. These friend's would know if any are buried in local cemeteries. Go visit them too. Then, you and friends left, watch a dvd of the 1957 "Praying Mantas" movie. Then you all go out to eat at that Chinese place. Then go to the bathroom. It's worth a try.

David Southgate

New Member
Well, like I said my home got destroyed. When I went there it wasn't there and when I looked at the records, it got destroyed in 1983 by a fire. I've looked for my friends but I can't find them. I will take your advice though, and what I will do is this.
I will wake up at 9:45, and start tinkering with my car. After that, I'll watch "The Deadly Mantis, go to the restaurant and go to the bathroom. I'll do it on Saturday. Thank you for the help.
