I am a time traveler


Yes, no more religion since 1980s, people just became more in touch with spirituality and how to truly be happy, also a lot of experimenting with stimulants and psychotropics during our search for higher understanding, it's actually quite a story.


Here's the deal, I need resources and information and to connect with people who are actually interested in the subject as it makes it easier for me. Resources to rebuild a couple of instruments and machines and maybe a testing ground. Let be honest, I can't do shit on my own no matter how smart I am, the more the merrier, more people know, less risk involved, no disappearance of me all of a sudden one day, and it would be too late by then so, why not have the people know the truths rather than a few? I've seen how "crazies" get treated in your PU. They failed because they decided that the money and fame was too good to let go and become free to whoever as it will not be monetarily smart. It's all about greed here, everyone's gotta at theirs. Also about future events, I won't tell you shit..... But, I can teach you how to predict those things yourself, there is a technique. Remember guys, I said resources..... Not money.... Money is worthless to me. Just so we're clear, I don't want money. So please don't spin this around, also I don't want it from anyone either, I'm gonna try to figure it out myself, so don't offer. But if you do make some money off my info, don't forget about the little people.


For time travel or remote viewing or what I call window travel is several things and factors.

1. You need the right place

2. You need the right altitude

3. Account for planetary movement and displacement. There is a reason airplanes disappear suddenly and you never hear from again more often than any other thing beside the Bermuda Triangle.

4. Equipment

5. Rule book, this is quite important.

6. Mode of entry

7. Reason for traveling or viewing, PU can't just go.... "Oh shit! I'm gonna fuck bitches and get money!"

8. Lots of resources, mostly for equipment.

9. Have a plan

10. Set up dos and donts

11. Filter people on your organization, PU can't just let anyone join in on the project.

There more stuff I'll add later on. I personally don't mind telling you all this but so long as I place a standard because I don't want you guys fucking it up and blowing yourselves up.


I don't know where start as I just woke up and I need me some coffee, I've picked up bad habits since I've been here. So first i have to reteach you certain things so you may grasp information youve never heard of before and understand. I have to teach you terminogies and things youve never heard of, i cant decide where to start, maybe a dictionary.


ah yes, tis one is a good one, the concept of imagination. This is a childish term for simulation. plain and simple, thats all it is. we have perfected a way to use our brains to gather data and speed information without computers, processing no longer needs computers, cumputers have bwecome but a tool to reproduce the models and simulations weve made in our heads. when you have dreamed something or seen something and then see it in your reality, it is not you seeing the future but subconsiously speed simulations in your heads, its a thing that you have to get good at. ill tell you how dont worry. so when your brain simulates outcomes subconciously it will decide which outcome is the most to possible to happen. so when it happens in front of you, since you dont understand this ability you believe you saw the future..... next is belief. taking a smoke break and coffee break.
