I found a family secret...its about time traveling. Help!


What was your father's name?

Have you read through his notes to find out what time period hey may have gone to?


New Member

I can pretty much guarantee that some unfortunate soul would be willing to kill you just to use your time machine. Some people are desperate that way. There are many people that have had tragic events in their lives that would risk life and limb to undo the damage done. So I would severely warn you to use extreme caution to insure your anonymity before divulging anything that would be convincing enough to kill for.
Well that is a scary thought, maybe I should reconsider what im sharing.


Active Member
Don't take it personally. I've been here for SIXTEEN YEARS, back when this was TimeTravelForum.net. It's not that people don't believe any particular person, it's that we've been jaded by many, many, many "boy who cried time travel" tales.

Bringing emotion or defensive responses into the mix (from either perspective) doesn't do anything but harm the credibility of the person doing it. Say what you mean, mean what you say and the rest will take care of itself. If people want to badger you, there's a handy ignore feature here. I have one special boy on that list.
I only this site august of last year because i was looking for someone to help me out with traveling back in time to fix my past and going back without me and fixing my past which i still want fixed because i dont what i did before is still negatively affecting me in my present timeline still. But even that has not worked out for me at all i know medation might work for but is not the same as actually having someone going back and changing things for me everything that because of that situation in my past has changed things for my life in my present timeline in where it is now all diffrent for me.


Active Member
Okay. I only have been here for two years so it seems as though i am pretty new to this site.
In my case I found the very opposite to be true...

I ruined a whole world/timeline(aka "Dimension") by telling the truth about time-travel... No lie/no fantasy involved.

The only difference in our story is I had a real schematics file for time machines that I let leak... not some sketchy machine that seems like the Brundle-Fly Maker that was possibly the demise of my father...

Just be aware of what you are doing that is all I am hoping for you- and the rest of the people of this world/dimension.
