

Junior Member

Uni (Smuda) writes:

When I was in the Navy, they caught a father/son spy team spying for Israel. I don't remember the name, but I am sure it is public knowledge. The info they got for Israel, they then sold to Soviets. The Soviet navy caught up with us as fast as China's missle program caught up with us under Clinton. It is very discouraging when our own allies spy and betray us. I don't rmember teh father son team's name, but i do recall they definitely wanted the death penalty. I don't remember the final outcome, but it was between life in prison or exile to Israel (where they would be retired as heroes of the state of Israel).

Uni, I would be interested to know more about this. Do you have any more info on it? It should be noted that the Israeli gov't is not a monolyth any more than our American gov't. There are factions within factions. Labor and Likud is only a small piece of it. There are multiple parties because they are based on a parlimentary system. So, the gov't changes pretty often when the coalition of the ruling gov't (at the time) falls apart. It would be interesting to know when this took place and who was in power. It could even have been information that one gov't (Labor for instance) gathered and another (Likud - though I wince when I say this because if I were Israeli I would be voting for this party - for another) could have sold. Israeli policy moves about sidewise like a crab because things can, and often does, change in mid-stream. Let me know if you come up with any additional info.


Senior Member

When I was in the Navy, they caught a father/son spy team spying for Israel. I don't remember the name, but I am sure it is public knowledge. The info they got for Israel, they then sold to Soviets. The Soviet navy caught up with us as fast as China's missle program caught up with us under Clinton. It is very discouraging when our own allies spy and betray us. I don't rmember teh father son team's name, but i do recall they definitely wanted the death penalty. I don't remember the final outcome, but it was between life in prison or exile to Israel (where they would be retired as heroes of the state of Israel).

Ummm.... And you think America has no one spying on THEIR allies? I honestly hope you don't believe that.


Junior Member

Phoenix, Satan, whomever...

(Sorry, I am not meaning to depreciate anyone by saying it that way.)

I am beginning to think that we have a conflated thread. There are two issues being discussed here: 1. Islam and 2. Israel and the Palestinian thing. Since these are both very large topics, could we have someone divide them and make a separate thread for Israel/Palestinian conflict - or whatever an appropriate title would be? This way we can address the questions separately.

Just a thought.

Judge Bean

Senior Member

The essence of Islam is submission to the will of God.

As usual, there is quite a bit of debate concerning what the will of God is exactly, and surplus passion about submitting to it. Discovering God's will, as you might expect in any religion, is a difficult task.

Moslems look to all of the prophets of God for guidance in this search, but believe that the final prophet has spoken, and that nothing remains to be revealed until the Day of Judgment, when the faithful will be saved from the infidels and evil. Moslems are the children of Abraham, and claim descent from the chosen ones.

Don't fall into the government's propaganda trap, in which "Western values" are supposedly endangered by terrorists who are uniformly depicted as Arabs. We are hated equally around the world by all sorts of racial and religious groups, including by Christian caucasians in Europe. Christians in many troubled areas of the world have demonstrated the willingness to make terrorist attacks against "innocent civilians."

In fact, it is required tactic of modern war to make stealth "shock and awe" attacks against unprotected civilians, and "terrorize" the enemy into capitulation by inflicting horrible mass casualties. This is the way World War II was both fought by both sides and ultimately terminated.



I've been in the Middle East for extended periods of time...some for work and some for pleasure and I can tell you that even though Islam is practiced differently in Saudi then in Egypt then in New Jersey. It isn't fair to lump all Muslims into one hand basket. Egyptians are the kindest, most generous and fevrent praying (how many here pray 5 times a day on their knees?) people I have met. They also treat their women like queens and their women, while not having as many rights as American women, have rights nonetheless. The people in that country, while having gripes against American policies, had no complaints about Americans themselves. They were able to differentiate between the two. They have a good work ethic, wonderful family values and are very compassionate to people and animals.

Upon further study of Islam from books (instead of first hand experience) I found it difficult to believe the genesis of the Koran. It seemed to be copied from the Old Testament and not really any direct revelations. It almost felt as if the people were saying to the Jews and Christians, "Why should you guys have all the attention from God and so forth? We will create our own".

Then when I returned back from the state, I noticed a RADICAL difference in the Islam practiced in the states and that from the middle east. It's very Americanized over here and the rules bent in almost every direction.

One final note, radical Islam is no different than Fundamentalist Christianity (or the same in similar religions--they all have them). Not all Muslims are radical. Not all Christians are fundamentalists Waco types. Before throwing the baby out with the bath water, consider that almost every religion has a kernel of truth in it. Maybe what is best is to step back from your own ego for a second and challenge yourself to see what good you can find in others and their beliefs instead of how many faults can be found. Keep an open mind and expand your own vision...that's what growth is all about.....and isn't that one of the many reasons we are here? :)


Senior Member

The fact that anyone is making a effort to uplift their own thinking by participating in a spiritual path, regardless of that faith is a good thing imho. With the exception of the worship of Kali by the thugees in India, I don't think violence was a intragal part of most other religions.

Is it possible that the current living 'spiritual heads' of these paths have twisted written works and wrung out a less than true interpretation of the old works pointing towards actual wording of 'death to infidels'? Is it possible that Jihad or 'holy wars' have gotten out of hand as an excuse to make a point or further their cause?

We have many Muslim, Seik, Hindu and Islamic followers that are very 'old world' style practioners in our area, and you also see the younger 'liberated' practioners of the same. Funny, but with the exception of the occasional 'lost touch with reality' individual, they all seem to get along and the major tensions that are obvious elsewhere do not come to the surface here abouts.

Unless I am mistaken, besides emptying all debtor prisons in merry olde you know where , wasn't the main goal of the colonies a place away from the strictures of the Church for folks to worship as they saw fit?

With the exception of burning aware midwives that had the old knowledge of herbs and bunion scrying, I'd say we did pretty good until folks got on television a few years back to convince us that God Needed your money.


Junior Member

That seems to be verbally 'hittin' the nail on the head'! I agree 100 % with most of the subject(s) addressed in the aforegoing post by Starlord..

It's fairly obvious to me that Starlord didn't fall of'n the turnip truck just yesterday!


Junior Member

I 'googled' the Starlord name and came up with the attachment. I had known that name was a force to be rekonned with at sometime in te past, BUT, I need a dose of 'reality!

Man can not forever live on myths alone.

Would it be possible to hear about some reality on/at this forum?

Oh, and just to mention it, I duz electronical interactive Ouija boards, green in color, fabbed outta wood & plastic in order to communicate with the spirits in cyberspace. Assuming they are there of course! I did have to request directions once during a steller storm. I used a green Ouija board!


Senior Member


Thank you for the kind words. The truck and I parted company too many years ago to count. Next year, I start counting backwards. The only thing lacking is proof from a few, they can keep the silver platter, it just attracts covetous people.

If I told you that I had discovered fusion, you would want proof. Not a darn thing wrong in asking for proof.

I have mentioned this before, there are alot of "out of work" astral entities that love to fool with folks stuck in the human consciousness. A 5lb sack of salt is necessary when playing with that board, IMHO.
