Confirmed Hoax My name is Henry Chatterton and I'm a time traveler.

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Active Member
timeflip is in his 60's. Wow you're 70, I would've guessed 12. typical baby boomer behavior. Don't worry about these guys, the baby boomer generation is the most spoiled narcisisstic generation in history, they die immature.


Senior Member
@TimeFlipper I would happily place my had on a bible and say unequivocally, I have travelled forward in time. I was born in 1880, so that would make me a 46 year old looking 137 years old.
@dh1 thread where Lord Haw Haw said he is 46 :D
To be fair to you, i thought i saw one of his postings where he told us all that he is 60, i reckon he took it down and edited it!!


New Member
Hey Lord Henry,

Just one question:

If you really travelled through time so you must have been disappeared from your original time and location and because you were a famous person in your time so your disappearance would have been reported to newspapers and magazines, but unfortunately I couldn't find anything about disappearing anyone related to Nikola Tesla.

@PaulaJedi Unless I did manage to find a way back. Then nobody would be any of the wiser. I could hide any changes in my appearance age wise,. By saying that I've been ill. I remember a friend of mine contracting tuberculosis, when I went to see him at a sanatorium after he beat the illness, he looked 10 years older, than his years.

So you must not have any worrying about your returning man, because nothing has found about your disappearing in the history. So you returned to your home man with 100% certainty. So you must be happy.

Lord Henry

I can't believe this sort of nonsense and scams are allowed on here. I commented on a post days ago regarding somebody like you claiming you can time travel for a mother who lost a child and that really made me angry because it was a very cruel thing to do. Be real buddy you can not time travel. Carry on with your ridiculousness though this is the only time I will take the time to comment on this thread.
A confidence trickster or hoaxer desires fame or fortune or both. I'm looking for neither. I am simply seeking a way of leaving this god forsaken place and telling my story, nothing else. If you think I'm ridiculous, then look at the world you inhabit. A world in moral and sartorial decline is a world teetering on the brink of destruction.


Senior Member
@dh1 Youre a very trusting guy, but i dont think you trust the Lord anymore since you also saw when he said he was in his 60s and not 46 :sneaky: :D
Consider this...during World War 1 he would have been too old to join the army and go fighting on the Somme as he told us he did...Born in 1860, he would have been 54 in 1914 when the war first started...

The oldest men that were allowed (conscripted) into the army would have been 41...Actually a tale has emerged that there was a 67 year old guy who fought on the Somme, but was killed in 1916..His name was Henry Webber!! (y) :D..
I wonder now if our Lord Henry will say he was actually Henry Webber, alive but suffered from shell shock and lost his memory until 1920? :D..
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Active Member
for godsakes read the posts again. I said you were in your 60's not lordhenry. Sheesh.


timeflip is in his 60's. Wow you're 70, I would've guessed 12. typical baby boomer behavior. Don't worry about these guys, the baby boomer generation is the most spoiled narcisisstic generation in history, they die immature.

Actually, you are describing millenials quite well, but add "lazy" to it. :LOL:
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