Pope to Discuss Alien Contact on June 5th

Carl Miller

Active Member
The Church- the entity that represented the elite in the Middle Ages-the Era of the Darkness- now wishes to redeem itself from keeping humanity in ignorance and boundage is openly and shamelessly using the social media to express its desire to contribute in disclosing on Alien existence and activities on planet Earth. Congratulations!.

Since it is sufficiently proven that -the so called 'our representative authorities' (irony)-are not giving a cent into disclosure the scientif community related to the UFO Phenomena Affairs continues clapping hands to our modern Catholic Church.
Although I am not a religious oriented person, being a free lancer investigator into psychic phenomena and other stuffs alike, as I mentioned I cannot disregard the Church taking the lead into UFO disclosure.
One may think that it is a minor influence and it won't cause an important impact on people taking for granted the narrow parameters which the Church circumscribes.
Nevertheless considering its universe of 15 per cent in USA where Evangelists prevail. In Latin America including Mexico Catholics consist of 70 per cent of the population.
So the Pope influence on the Western world is very significant (compelling)
When the chance appears in the middle of a rare conversation on UFO I feel myself an urging feeling of introducing into the conversation the growing beneficial role the Church has been playing into UFO disclosure since 'our authorities' attitude is really deceptive.
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Carl Miller

Active Member
There's a huge powerful astronomical telescope scanning the vatican skies and now we know that ufologists are also wearing religious habits. Glad to know that the Vatican is leading the way towards Disclosure. Meanwhile back we are kept in the dark over new sources of energy since the Elite wishes to continue making a profit out of our ignorance and we will go on buying oil and gas at higher and higher prices. People talk of the end of the world and one of the supposed Virgin Mary predictions would be that in dooming days people would be seen walking naked on the streets. Now we know that this is not uncommon though we'd better turn a blind eye to it for it does not appeal to the most educated people. Now rumors of Et descending the Earth in large scale with the purpose of intimidating the earthlings it seems honestly improbable since fleets of craft have crossed the skies all over the world. Well documented cases which indicates thst if Ets intent would be invading the Earth taking over the hegemony into controlling human affairs they would already have done it.

About the so called Marian Apparitions. This is a controvertial topic even among insiders from the Catholic Church.
One might say that after all feeding and nourishing superstitions will not contribute into setting the human mind s free . In my opinion Marian Apparitions are deceptions created by spirits of error to keep the current status quo.

The elite wants you alive and kickig cause once we are dead we will stop contributing to society since no reward is to be expected. But that has never been what society had in mind for us in the beginning. So, the elite invented a variant form of creeds that includes the faith in the beyond with all its blessings as reward and threats of damnation as punishment. The duplicity of societal ways is really incredible! And spirits of error continues working on the back stage.

Carl Miller

Active Member
Ever thought the Pope could be an alien from a peaceful world? :eek::D[/QUOTe

Carl Miller=
My take on that is that religion is a necessary evil today. Religionists generally follow the same old path. Recurrent actions and reactions, stereotype assertions based on tradition and the words of a sage. The new trends for today is knowledge obtained by the indirect outcome of a true investigation on life and living.
The Pope may be an amazing person, but not even Jesus considered Himself good. Once contaminated by society who can be good. The Pope is pop and has charisma. Personally i admire him.
But that is not the point. Be the light unto yourself, quoting the sages from the past. The true temple is not built out of bricks but resides inside you and me, paraphrasing Christ. Evangelists are christians, but they do not accept the fake of the Marian Apparitions. Since it is a great paranormal phenomena created to deceive thousands of people and considering that the Pope approves it, what can we say-question
