Time travel and Christianity


Senior Member
Is time travel against God's will? And is God in the past, present and future? Does he govern time travel? Is there really evidence for it in the Bible?
Wow your postings are good...I think the only passage in the bible that could represent time-travel, was when Jesus ascended into heaven..the belief being that a UFO drew him up into their ship possibly by means of something like a "tractor beam"...So Jesus could be seen as a Time Lord, from the Doctor Who series..


Oops, autocorrect skipped a word.

It was supposed to be "What YOU do with time travel". Sorry for that, just fixed it.
Yeah, now I get it.

Also, what you could change in the past may, or may not, be against God's will. For instance, if you change something in an improper fashion, it could lead to disastrous consequences in the long run. But if you change it properly, as in preventing a bad thing from happening by power of the mind and subconscious, and/or with a positive attitude, it would have a better long-term effect.
