Wal-Mart Stores Around the Nation Shutting Down for Six Months for “Plumbing Issues” —...


Unless we all worked for Gravity Payments whose CEO seems to care.

Yeah, most corporate CEO's see numbers, not people. I forget sometimes because I see people, not numbers. :) hehe.

A friend pointed out to me today that Walmart is opening up some "express" stores, so perhaps they are closing stores to open up some of these instead. Again, this would be financially motivated. I'm pretty sure they will be filled with "self serve" check out lines as well.

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... these along with the new, smaller neighborhood grocers. Ours only has one "live" checkout lane open and the rest are self-serve, so if I need A LOT of groceries, I simply don't go there. (I rarely do unless I need kids' medicine. Their produce sucks!!!!)

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Bottom line: America is downsizing


A friend of mine said that she heard some Walmarts' drywall has something in it that causes cancer and they are fixing this issue.

On another forum, someone stated, "Back in the 90s Walmart was designated a distribution center in case of a national emergency."

I don't know if either of these are true.


Junior Member
They got to keep their CEO's retirement in tact and pay them hundred of thousands of dollars per year for their salaries. You and I the customer pays their salary. Wages go up and the companies downsize to compensate for it. Sounds like a Dem move politically. Reps are not for pay hikes. Politics unfortunately control the markets.


or maybe they are making good on the statement that the co. would shutdown a store before allowing a union vote to happen.. might see if they were in the process of organizing.

just a thought


Senior Member
Interesting, I posted this thread on another website and was made fun of for it. I'm glad you guys will talk it out, at least!

I just think it's odd that Walmart didn't even tell employees that they were closing down. If it were for economic reasons, wouldn't they have an employee meeting and let them know that they are losing their jobs?
Over here in the UK, back in 1989 a large well known food store closed down because of cockroach infestation..The reason given for it was lack of business..Only a few of us knew the real reason..


or maybe they are making good on the statement that the co. would shutdown a store before allowing a union vote to happen.. might see if they were in the process of organizing.

just a thought

We don't have unions in Florida. It's a right to fire state. No joke. No reason is needed to let someone go and it happens a lot. I've experienced it.


Wallyworld has had a running battle in several states with the unions for a few years.
Walmart Workers Launch Black Friday Strike
for them to close a few stores where folks got uppity and wanted a real wage, sends a message in todays workplace. such as it is most are glad to have a job, and to scared to dare make waves in any way..

edit: sorry had to leave for a min.
just as the co. wants it,
Wal-Mart suddenly closes stores - Business Insider

Some employees believe that the stores were closed because of worker protests for higher pay.
Employees of the Pico Rivera store were among the first to hold Black Friday protests in 2012.
"This is the first store that went on strike," an employee told CBS Los Angeles. "This is the first store in demanding changes for Walmart

weather that is actually whats going on,, I am not sure just yet. it is a little odd to me that some other reports, involve mobile towers in parking lots complete with cams.
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Yes, some Walmarts here have closed, too. It's really bizarre. The rumor I heard is that the government is preparing for war and is going to use them. For what, I don't know.

Here's an article:

Why Is WalMart Mysteriously Shuttering Stores Nationwide For "Plumbing Issues"? | Zero Hedge

One in Florida didn't even notify employees. Isn't that bizarre? Why wouldn't they give them a heads up? Wouldn't plumbing be a planned project and wouldn't they simply move employees to other stores ahead of time?

this article seems to point that way, they have connected a lot to make the case we are in deep do do. the wolves are stalking the sheep and getting ready to pounce
They Are Preparing For Something Huge - Walmart Jade Helm USNORTHCOM Critical Infrastructure - SIX WALMARTS CLOSE MULTI STATES | REALNEO for all

There are a lot of people hearing alarm bells going off in their heads with the recent announcement of multiple Walmart Supercenters closing, all at once, in multiple states (some of which are states being prepared for the Jade Helm military exercises), all claiming a "plumbing" issue, with recent news of some type of underground tunnel projects involving Walmart and DHS.


Senior Member
Yes, some Walmarts here have closed, too. It's really bizarre. The rumor I heard is that the government is preparing for war and is going to use them. For what, I don't know.

Here's an article:

Why Is WalMart Mysteriously Shuttering Stores Nationwide For "Plumbing Issues"? | Zero Hedge

One in Florida didn't even notify employees. Isn't that bizarre? Why wouldn't they give them a heads up? Wouldn't plumbing be a planned project and wouldn't they simply move employees to other stores ahead of time?

this article seems to point that way, they have connected a lot to make the case we are in deep do do. the wolves are stalking the sheep and getting ready to pounce
They Are Preparing For Something Huge - Walmart Jade Helm USNORTHCOM Critical Infrastructure - SIX WALMARTS CLOSE MULTI STATES | REALNEO for all

There are a lot of people hearing alarm bells going off in their heads with the recent announcement of multiple Walmart Supercenters closing, all at once, in multiple states (some of which are states being prepared for the Jade Helm military exercises), all claiming a "plumbing" issue, with recent news of some type of underground tunnel projects involving Walmart and DHS.
The tunnel info makes me think of illegal immigrants. Remember last year when DHS was busing illegals into US cities, and people blocked the buses in protest? Illegals often dig tunnels across the border, so why not just extend them all over the country?

Or it could be nothing... I hope.
