šŸ›”ļø Debate What do you think would happen if government disclosed alien existence?

They won't tell us about the existence of extraterrestrials for plenty of reasons... Just read through this thread, for one of them.. We're all afraid that they're bad.. That fear alone is a great threat, even if there's nothing *to* be afraid of... I think of extraterrestrials as being created by our same Maker, yet we think they're so evil... Humans can be quite evil, too... Bottom line: we're just not ready...

If they were all cute like E.T., would we be as afraid? :P
They won't tell us about the existence of extraterrestrials for plenty of reasons... Just read through this thread, for one of them.. We're all afraid that they're bad.. That fear alone is a great threat, even if there's nothing *to* be afraid of... I think of extraterrestrials as being created by our same Maker, yet we think they're so evil... Humans can be quite evil, too... Bottom line: we're just not ready...

If they were all cute like E.T., would we be as afraid? :p
You mean E.T. from the 1982 movie of the same name?

By the way, I bet there's an alien race somewhere in the universe, or another universe or dimension, that is reminiscent of the Teletubbies. The Teletubbies themselves look cute to me, and I bet a lot of other people think that too. :D
In 1938, a radio broadcast of War of the Worlds caused people to panic, because they believed aliens were really attacking. In response, they were forced to announce that it was fiction.
The War of the Worlds (radio drama) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's easy to laugh at that as an obviously fake scenario, but we have two very recent things which suggest maybe it wasn't fake.

In 2011, the nuclear reactor at Fukushima in Japan melted down, causing widespread panic about the effects of radiation on the US and elsewhere. So what did the government do? Raise the acceptable radiation exposure limits and stop reporting any news about the event. The public quickly forgot.

Then last year, there was a supposed ebola outbreak, with some cases reaching the US. This included nationally televised footage of workers with no protective gear spraying infected vomit off a sidewalk with pressure sprayers in Texas. People were rightfully worried, and the events risked causing panic on a massive scale. How did the government respond? Appoint an "ebola czar" and immediately stop media coverage of the outbreak. Hardly a word has been heard since, whether from media or the public.

So yeah. We already know how the government treats these things.
Lets suppose that the "aliens" actually treat us like Star Fleets Command, Star Date 2018 reference 131046 requires :D
Which means in no way should Captain Kirk try to interfere with things on other worlds, but only to observe it :cool:
Lets face it, aliens have been around for years and could have obliterated our world very easily when ever they wanted to :eek:

And lets suppose the aliens try and "bend" Star Fleets Commands strict rule of non interference, like Kirk does sometimes and actually try and help us.. :)
The human race for centuries has sought to destroy each other and is stripping our beautiful world of the very things it gives us for survival, yet we always blame each other for all of this happening or our creator, whoever he or she might be :(
Even if the government did release evidence they would not be believed. They would fall victim to their own social encryption.*

*(Provided that such a thing
even exists.) ;)
Even if the government did release evidence they would not be believed. They would fall victim to their own social encryption.*

*(Provided that such a thing
even exists.) ;)
You might have just started off a new term with your social encryption..
I will back you up by saying that you were the first guy to start this off....you could become an Aphorismic Icon of the 21st century ;):D
So, why do not we settle down with Alien stuff here? Forget the rest....

Multi-verse - Yes
Very Large Universe - Yes
Multi-Dimension - Yes
Gray people in another next dimension - yes
Highly advanced Gray people but are our friends - yes
We had space fairing Rama Civilization - Yes
Interstellar War that had 17 or 19 galaxies in the past - yes
Heaven is an energy dimension - yes
When you die and go up to heaven - yes
Your soul/spirit has all the past lives combined - yes
How can you find out this - do deep meditation and yes...

(some items are illegal by heaven but others that we already know can be talked)

If too many friends like this, I can tell you the real structure of our universe....thanks.
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Ok, OK, here it is. Consider this as your Science Fiction; otherwise I will get in to trouble from both Hindus and Christiansā€¦.How I got this? Via Deep Meditation ā€“I did normal meditation for over 40 years but nothing happened. Finally I used Theta and Delta Wave for 2 hours every day for two years. That connected me to an information section. I could be hundred percent wrong on this. But here it is.

Our Universe:
Before we talk about our Universe, I need to talk about the past Universe from which we became one. Long long ago, far far away in space and timeā€¦.there was this Universe that had Human kind people a lot. After that Universe dissolved like some 311 Trillion years later, their Godhead, who were their people originally. started a new Universe in their own image (Genesis?) from fundamental structure. Now we are here for about 20 Billion Years out of that our visible Universe is 14.8 Billion years.

Basically we the life forms in about 311 trillion 40 Billion years (wiki) become Gods when our Universe passes away for the next Universe. We have that long to grow up with Love and Lightā€¦and our Godheads will move to higher up because they are about ~600 trillion years of age. That is why Love is most importantā€¦That is a long time to become hive mind and be in good graces with everyone.

Now, when we start a new Universe from the Fundamental Forces, our multiple hive mind decide to set up say 100 dimensions so that our top entities have their related new life forms while we may keep the human side as general and main dimension. Case in example, we have Lord Krishna Groups who are at the top of Life forms could move to a new dimension soon but we also have higher beings than Lord Krishnaā€™s People that have their dimension now. As you know, our Universe has GOD who was Human like in the last Universe (Genesis). The catch is we do not know if our God is a single very large entity or a hive mindā€¦no one is tellingā€¦that is why, Hindus have multiple Gods as hierarchical system in the Universe which is basically true. Our real gods are at different levels. The big GOD, then God, and god are there depending on the power and capabilities. But GOD upholds the whole Universe and very hard to reach by little guysā€¦.unless the world is ready to go kaput. But he likes Humansā€¦

Remember there are last Universe Gods. There are this universe Gods, and when you die, you take on as angel that holds the last memories in a place called spirit dimension that is what we can call heaven. It also will stay for 311 Trillion and 40 Billion years and grow as new life is added. They have multiple Libraries and everything like a virtual world since it is all energy. You are a part in it. Basically you are a God if your civilization is five billion years of age and goes up from that to 331 Trillion years to us.

Every human up to about 11 years has a relation to talk to your spirit without which you will be basically dead except when under heart-lung machine. Always remember your spirt is much older than you are like for humans, anywhere from 40,000 years to 300,000 years. That process needs a different section to talk. But we usually lose the connection except the old souls like 300,000 years old. But the human side does not have access to that information except rarely like Edgar Cayce.

Why? Because the Universe is basically a mind, that needs to grow. Only the matter form provide new and important information such that you do not repeat the past stuff, otherwise the Universe would not grow. That is why, the angels do not speak to you except your life saving and specific instances. It is a heavy and strict rule by the Godhead. So, even meditation would not give us future items or details. That is why, we are guessing a lot. There are some items that are available and hence we create links. We get some ideas from angels that are your friends and relatives. Older you are, better it is like Buddha or Jesus, that can provide the right direction on the rules and regulation.

Bottom line is you have a long time ā€¦like another 600 to 1000 Trillion yearsā€¦so be in Love and do NEW and innovative good items that will propel you to higher up in the hierarchical order. That is ALL.

I hope I explained everything...thank you a lot...
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