Why aliens would come down instantly & save all!


Junior Member
Try this discovery...

The big bang/creation/start of the universe is true because you can't keep going back, there had to be a beginning-which there just was nothing until it began-no when it began-just began, that would mean it could never happen again and the universe will always be now-can't end since would keep happening since something exists, so nothing existed & then it began & will always stay now.


Junior Member
The netherlands lol.

I got this stuff, I know what I'm talking about.

And what I don't like is how no one ever disproves anything. Accept and back me up or disprove.

I just proved what I am, and about the the start of the universe.

I am one thing only, and am 1 particle only. A brain cannot be the advanced particle not on the periodic table beeecause, it is not a particle that is the same one at every pointed at point, there is no advanced particle not on the list there, not a single spot is, the conjoined girls like I said are 2 con. particles, ect, I even proved magnets and gravity are 1 particles fields and they do exist. And many other things in the opening post which is from my huge script.


Senior Member
I'm sorry. My particles just aren't understanding your particles. You really seem like you want to get something off your chest though. Could you explain it in simpler terms?

Actually a really good idea, can you simplify your ideas to us? Maybe like you were speaking to a child, that way it is easier for use to understand your apparently advanced ideas"?


Junior Member
There's space, a few different types of particles, and consciousness particles-which you are 1 big grown field particle and there is smaller ones like in the protazo cell euglena viridis, and they hold nucleons & electrons together.

I already told you's, information/math #s/data is made up and are not existing particles. Computing does not matter either in a brain because no new particles are created & none of the existing ones advance in any way. So just stop the brain particles and look at the con. particle. Which "they" are 1 particle, is "you", in your argument that is or else I am a field, and when the particles move around you get senses (the 5 senses). Just that when you put the right particles in the right places and they are bonded side by side dots they are (cus no infinite zoom) then it is a new particle that may be a consciousness particle, and gets 5 senses like just said.
