‘Time Traveler’ Says Aliens Will Invade Earth In March


Active Member
Its Happening Area 51 GIF by MOODMAN


Somebody’s been watching “Dont Look Up” a little too much
It's kind of funny that you say this because it's my thinking that
if there ever were an actual "Invasion" it might not be like any movie we've ever seen

Alien is 'Alien' for a reason in that, it would not be like anything we've ever known as fact or
(Seen with our own eyes...In other words.)

This word is most likely incorrect.


The reason I say this is because I honestly believe that we were 'Invaded' years ago.


Look into where our technology was 50 or so years ago versus now.

Then draw your own conclusions.
I am not saying I'm right at all.......But, it is interesting. ;)


Active Member
Did the aliens reschedule?

Wind, I am a believer. I do believe they've interacted with humanity and our government is hiding everything,
Personally believe in ET contact with humanity but from my personal experiences I believe most of the government really is clueless and starting to be afraid of what is actually out there. Anyhow they should be afraid as they treat the rest of us like farmers treat cattle (mainly veal that is).


Active Member
It's kind of funny that you say this because it's my thinking that
if there ever were an actual "Invasion" it might not be like any movie we've ever seen

Alien is 'Alien' for a reason in that, it would not be like anything we've ever known as fact or
(Seen with our own eyes...In other words.)

The reason I say this is because I honestly believe that we were 'Invaded' years ago.


Look into where our technology was 50 or so years ago versus now.

Then draw your own conclusions.
I am not saying I'm right at all.......But, it is interesting. ;)
Still confused personally as why a saucer would come close to me then 8yrs later still no landing. ETs are weird apparently lol or just they know something I do not.
