

Senior Member

Dont waste your time, I have been to the web site. There is alot of verbage but very little information. There seems to be a theme regarding control from the future.



Control comes from the *now*

And, well....he's here now...

What control he gets, depends on who listens...

(and yes...even my post here, may give him more control, just by the activity...but I felt it worth the price)


New Member

This actually happened to me. And although I looked at the sites talking about it - I can't help but feel that it is something our minds create because the digital numbers, 11:11 are so striking. I would wake and look at the clock - there it was. Or I would check when driving - there it was.

My grocery receipts would show that time and on November 11 weird things would happen.

That ended last year, however, after a friend who I discussed it with - one who made fun of me for making an issue of it - suddenly started seeing it - and it ended for me.

Does it mean anything? I dont' really know. We notice it because it is unusual - and then we notice that we notice.

I'm not sure it means anything. I'm not sure it doesn't.

Judge Bean

Senior Member

When the faucet drips continually and predictably with the same tone, or plunk, it begins to take on enormous dimension and meaning, and almost seems to be louder by virtue of repitition.

You might just as often see "11:23" but not note it; a complete recurrence of the same number, on a digital clock (no one keeps seeing 11:11 on a Timex with the big and little hands) strikes a chord.

If you vary four tones, using the same instrument or device, you will not remember any of them, and, consequently, will not answer the door. A consistent, evenly paced monotonous beat, on the other hand, will drive you to either tear your hair out or cough up the location of the secret base.

It is the torture of unavoidable consistency-- the human organism recoils from it like an amoeba from voltage.

And remembers it, organically.

11:11 is also a palindrome, like "kayak" and "lonely Tylenol." This pleases the brain ridiculously on some deep, silly level. Go figure.

Chronodynamic Jim

Junior Member
Re: 11:11

This is all a bunch hooey!

I noticed when I was a kid that the number 316,315, or 317 kept popping up in my life, addresses, class numbers, scriptures, etc. But so what? If you look hard enough you can find meaningless patterns in anything. All that September,11 stuff proved is that there are some clever people out there with too much time to waste.

Ask me about Jesus and Chicken little sometime.

Then there was July 8, 1990. I remember it to this day. My dad pulled me aside and showed me his digital watch, the kind that displayed the hours, minutes, seconds and date simultaneously. It was 12:34 and we watched until the seconds reached :56.

At that moment, no other, his clock displayed 12:34 56 7-8-90.

It was cool, but thats about it. The world didn't end, the Four Horsemen didn't beat down the door. Nothing happened, you know why?

The Universe dosn't care about our arbitrary assignment of numbers and values to mundane things and events!

Get over it!


New Member
Re: 11:11

this list of the things that relate to 11 is full of ****.

"Trade Center is 11 letters, and Skyscrapers is 11 letters." - oh my god, this cant be a coincidence. ha ha ha, and may i add, ha. there's millions of words that got 11 letters in them and it prolly wouldnt be hard to think of some that gotta do with 9/11.


and anyway... do you all think terrorists and americans are actually working together only to confuse us with the 11? :lol:

it all doesnt make any sense.

Chronodynamic Jim

Junior Member
Re: 11:11

"This is a waste of time" has 18 letters, 1 + 8 = 9

"Numerology sucks butt" has 19 letters, 1 + 9 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1

"My leg is white like egg" has 19 letters, 1 + 9 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1

9 1 1 :blink: :unsure:


New Member
Re: 11:11

i always have some kind of signs, as i look to my wrist watch i see 11:11,12:12,15:15,18:18 etc. could anybody tell what's happening?
