2015 in Retrospect: Where Will You Be Politically?


Senior Member
2015 in Retrospect: Where Will You Be Politically?


Well said, mind passing the Geritol? And I'll bid 7. Say, has anyone seen my polygrip lately? I hope the schnauser hasn't taken it again, took a thousand dollars for the vet and a fortnight to get him regular last time.....


Active Member
2015 in Retrospect: Where Will You Be Politically?

I'm pretty much in agreement with Darkwolf. The urban poor who are on the govt. tab wouldn't revolt unless their entitlement programs were taken away. As long as some subsistence is meted out, what's there to revolt about. Nothing lost, still getting your check, why you want to go out and \"fight da man.\" As Darkwolf said, they're easily contained and/or destroyed if that's the govt.'s intention

You can add to that that the propaganda machine will blame the inevitable disruption in the services to these people on the rurals. They have already started this campaign. Notice that the constitutionalist groups have been smeared as racists since they started showing up in the media. It will then be quite easy for them to say something like "those racists are trying to starve you out. You have to stand up and fight them," while they grab those shipments of food that actually got through. Poof, instant cannon fodder, already hardened by years of street combat.
Those inner city people who don't buy the BS will either leave and join the rurals, or try some kind of resistance in the cities. However surrounded by brainwashed informants, I don't think the latter will last long.

There are possibly four groups to consider in three zones:

1. Inner city people who must stay
2. Suburb people who choose to stay and protect their two car garage, giving up the constitution.
3. Suburb people who choose to flee to rural areas and live free.
4. Rural people who necessarily stay where they are.

Zone A: Cities
Zone B: Suburbs
Zone C: Rural Areas

The people in the suburbs would suffer a reduction in their material comfort. After all, anything that is delivered to a metropolitin area (non costal one anyway) has to be brought in by truck or train. Through alot of rural territory. Some of them will leave due to civil rights infringment, some will be angry at one side or the other, and some will cower in their tract houses. These folks will likely starve.


Senior Member
2015 in Retrospect: Where Will You Be Politically?

And my experience of the soccer moms and others like them is this: they will cut you off at the knees before parting with their material status in the community. I don't think they are the revolutionary type. I think the fictional Titor war is a fascinating study precisely because of these different motivations.

There are possibly four groups to consider in three zones:

1. Inner city people who must stay
2. Suburb people who choose to stay and protect their two car garage, giving up the constitution.
3. Suburb people who choose to flee to rural areas and live free.
4. Rural people who necessarily stay where they are.

Zone A: Cities
Zone B: Suburbs
Zone C: Rural Areas

I agree with your grouping and zoning August. Your comment about the soccer moms cutting "you off at the knees before parting with their material status" is very accurate. What will they do when it is taken away from them in a financial crisis? No, they're not revolutionaries by nature, but losing their house, SUV and middle class lifestyle will put them in a really bad mood. Watching their families go without medical care and adequate food, shelter, etc. will push them over the brink. The middle class is being targeted by the Federal Reserve and the federal govt. Most of the middle class will be wiped out in the coming deflationary depression. I know it sounds conspiracy theory, but that's my take. Everything I see from a financial and economic perspective points to that. I'll post in the Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve thread the latest interview by Bob Prechter. Prechter is the founder of Elliot Wave International and has written a number of books on the whole sad affair.

Those inner city people who don't buy the BS will either leave and join the rurals, or try some kind of resistance in the cities. However surrounded by brainwashed informants, I don't think the latter will last long.

Yep, Darkwolf. The citizen informants will be very dangerous indeed.



Active Member
2015 in Retrospect: Where Will You Be Politically?

The question is push them over the edge which way? I think that the majority of them would go to the submit to athority side hoping that the government can take care of them, and restore some sembelence of the life that they once had. I don't see many of them casting it off and fending for themselves with a bunch of unwashed "hillbilly" rebels. The suburbans have lost their survival instincts, and will flock wherever they are herded. Of course I'm sure there are a few of them that have a clue. They'll leave early.

Only the rural and inner city groups have any fight in them as far as I can see. The inner city folks are generally so poorly educated (thanks to the school system, how convienient) that most of them probably won't realize when their rights are being violated.


Active Member
2015 in Retrospect: Where Will You Be Politically?

I want to thank everyone for responding to this thread, as I have gotten a great deal of feedback and insight from everyone. I tend to believe that factions will be present regarding this possible future, and I also feel more inclined to believe that if it continuez, it will be something horrible and liberating in the long run. As I stated at the beginning of this thread, it is we the people of this generation, who have the ability to change our future. It is my hope and aspiration that we will continue to thrive as a knowledge-seeking species and strive for happiness, and hope for future generationz to come. :)

*"Your future's not been set. No one's has, so make it a good one."* (Christopher Lloyd BTTF3)


Junior Member
2015 in Retrospect: Where Will You Be Politically?

Ok, to throw a somewhat different spin on the board... and for those who love to think that the conspiracy of the gov't must be involved in order to create the "Civil War" that J.T. predicted, I submit the following question: "What if it isn't the nefarious workings of an out of control gov't (at least initially) that causes things to go south - as it were? What if something takes place that creates a problem that the gov't steps into and then when they realize it is easy to establish Martial Law, they don't want to give up that power?"

For this I also submit the following words from a man who claims to have experienced a Near Death Experience in 1985 and spoken with beings of light on the other side. Mr. Storm, at the time of this NDE was an avowed athiest. Now he is a man of the cloth - because of what took place in that experience. These are his words:

In Howard Storm's book, \"My Descent into Death\" (2000), Storm describes the future of mankind as given to him by light beings he encountered during his NDE in 1985. Storm tells how they told him, in 1985, that the Cold War would soon end, because \"God is changing the hearts of people to love around the world.\" Storm states, \"Since the time in 1985 when I was told these things about the future the Cold War ended with little bloodshed due to the hearts of people being unwilling to tolerate oppressive regimes.\"

Storm described what the light beings told him concerning the way things will be on earth in about 2185. He asked the light beings the question: \"Will the United States be the leader of the world in this change?\"

The light beings replied, \"The United States has been given the opportunity to be the teacher for the world, but much is expected of those to whom much has been given. The United States has been given more of everything than any country in the history of the world and it has failed to be generous with the gifts. If the United States continues to exploit the rest of the world by greedily consuming the world's resources, the United States will have God's blessing withdrawn. Your country will collapse economically which will result in civil chaos. Because of the greedy nature of the people, you will have people killing people for a cup of gasoline. The world will watch in horror as your country is obliterated by strife. The rest of the world will not intervene because they have been victims of your exploitation. They will welcome the annihilation of such selfish people. The United States must change immediately and become the teachers of goodness and generosity to the rest of the world. Today the United States is the primary merchant of war and the culture of violence that you export to the world. This will come to an end because you have the seeds of your own destruction within you. Either you will destroy yourselves or God will bring it to an end if there isn't a change.\"

Storm states, \".... I don't know if the richest country in the history of the world is doomed to lose God's blessing or if the people of the United States will become the moral light of the world. How long will God allow the injustice to continue? The future lies in the choices we make right now. God is intervening in direct ways in human events.


Junior Member
2015 in Retrospect: Where Will You Be Politically?

It is interesting to note that he was told there would not be a global nuclear war either. Those of us that do not appreciate the idea of a nuclear war will find this a refreshing change of pace from the Titor story. Here's an extended version of the one above:

\"They made it very clear to me that God had given this country the greatest blessing of any people in the history of the world. We have more of God's blessing. Everything that we have comes from God. We didn't deserve it, we didn't earn it, but we happen to be the wealthiest, most powerful nation in the world. And God gave us all this so that we could be the instruments of God's light in this world, and we are not instruments of light. In other countries people see us as purveyors of exploitation, military might, and pornography. They see us as completely hedonistic and amoral -- we have no morality. People can do whatever they want wherever they want with whatever they want. Our amorality is a cancer on the rest of the world, and God created us to be just the opposite.

\"People get mad at me for saying it, but God is very unhappy with what we're doing. When I came back from the experience I was almost out of my mind trying to convert people. God wanted a worldwide conversion thousands of years ago. God pulled out all the stops 2,000 years ago with Jesus. From God's view, that was the definitive moment in human history. And the impact of the prophets and teachers and the Messiah has been a big disappointment to God because people have by and large rejected it. I was told that God wants this conversion. And if we don't get with the program fairly soon, He is going to have to intervene in some ways that from a human point of view are going to seem cataclysmic. God is really tired of what we're doing to one another and the planet and to His Creation. We were put in this world to be stewards and live in harmony with His creation and one another and we don't realize the important spiritual consequences of what we do when we raise a child in a faithless society.\"

\"I asked how [America's purification] would come about, and they said it would be simple, that our society is very dependent on a lot of very fragile things -- energy grid, transportation. In each geographical area of the United States people used to be relatively self-sufficient as far as agricultural products. Now, how long would any state survive without the transport of food and energy?

\"What would happen is these very complex and delicate grids of our economic system would begin to break down. We've created a society of such cruel and self-centered people that the very nature of civilization would begin to break down. The angels showed me that what would happen is that people would begin robbing the grocery stores, hording goods, and killing one another for gasoline and tires, and as a consequence everything would break down and would end up in chaos.\"

So, maybe it won't be the gov't per se that first brings things down on our heads - maybe that happens later after everything else is pretty much, to use an expression I learned from Cary, FUBAR.


2015 in Retrospect: Where Will You Be Politically?

This is not mirroring the Titor story... this is exactly Peragro story. I mean... end of oil and its consequences.


Junior Member
2015 in Retrospect: Where Will You Be Politically?

I would just like to enforce the point Darkwolf said about inner city schools and the masses of uneducated people. I attend a public school in central Philly, luckily its one of the best in the whole area. In my city, just about all the schools, except mine, have a strict uniformpolicy, more than a dozen school police, metal detectors, and ID scanners . (when you enter the school, for attendance, and, some schools, have it for every classroom to be marked present)
All your information being sent to the military, visits by the Navy, ID scanners (that displays a lot of your information and a picture on the computer), school police, uniforms, and metal detectors. sure isn't the school I remember when I was young. Its almost like living in prison already :angry:
