2015 in Retrospect: Where Will You Be Politically?


Junior Member
2015 in Retrospect: Where Will You Be Politically?

This is not mirroring the Titor story... this is exactly Peragro story. I mean... end of oil and its consequences.

Hi Cornelia, Sorry, I am not familiar with the Peragro story. I haven't read anything about it. I only brought this to the board because it was a conversation about 2015 and the subject matter was about the destruction of our society.

I guess I wanted to add a more "hopeful" (???) vision to the boards. Sometimes I get a bit weary of talking about WWIII and the coming nuclear destruction. So, I thought I might point out that society doesn't necessarily need a power-mad gov't on the rampage to accomplish total societal breakdown. Then again, I am not ruling out the possibility. We don't know what the future holds for sure, and each person can be showing us what they see/saw from their own limited perspective. Anyway, that is why I brought this man's experience to this thread.


Active Member
2015 in Retrospect: Where Will You Be Politically?

So, I thought I might point out that society doesn't necessarily need a power-mad gov't on the rampage to accomplish total societal breakdown. Then again, I am not ruling out the possibility. We don't know what the future holds for sure, and each person can be showing us what they see/saw from their own limited perspective. Anyway,

Pauli, It might be a combination of things that cause things to go wrong. But it will be the government reaction to them that will cause any uprising. Our government became much more statist than the founders intended at least as long ago as the Roosevelt administration. They have in many ways overstepped the charter that the constitution grants them. (income tax, and federal firearms act in 34 and many things after) The only reason that the current elites stay in power is that most people have never read the entire constitution so don't know it has been violated, or they are so twisted up in either some kind of idealism that they think violating it is ok.
In other words, the government has been powermad for quite some time. It just might be reaching endgame.


Active Member
2015 in Retrospect: Where Will You Be Politically?

When we see military in our streetz and policing us as war criminals, then I would say it'z time to get scared and leave, or pick up a gun and fight another day. I think that no matter where we happen to live in this supposed future "Worldline", we will all feel the effects.... Peace is the only solution in not only this country, but the rest of the world as well. When our civil liberties and constitutional rights are violated, we not only disprove the ability of democrocy to the rest of the world, but it mkes this country and all of the causes it has faught, bled, and died for since it's inception mean nothing. I stand by my country yes, but not it's methods, and currently those methods lean toward an untimely end.

*May peace favor you*


Active Member
2015 in Retrospect: Where Will You Be Politically?

I stand by my country yes, but not it's methods, and currently those methods lean toward an untimely end.

Standing by your country and standing by the current government are two different things. I'll ask you one thing, have you read the entire constitution? How about the federalist papers? Other writings by the people who signed that little peice of paper?


Junior Member
2015 in Retrospect: Where Will You Be Politically?


Your alternate future is refreshing indeed. And I could always use such a break! Quoting the "light beings" of Storm's experience, you quoted, regarding the US breakdown,

The rest of the world will not intervene because they have been victims of your exploitation.

These are the motivations of interpersonal relationships, not international policies. I do not look forward to strife in the US; and my weak understanding of foreign affairs at least tells me there are many nation states who need us as we are.

I am a huge fan of Milton, though, so whenever light beings speak, I tend to listen.

Consider this: maybe the Titor event preys on us more than others because we are more concerned with the future than the past.


New Member
2015 in Retrospect: Where Will You Be Politically?

Originally posted by sosuemetoo@Sep 21 2004, 11:36 PM
Pauli's quote from John Titor

Your enemy was in the cities. Was the President in 2005 also on the enemy side? How did you feel personally about the President then?

The President or \"leader\" in 2005 I believe tried desperately to be the next Lincoln and hold the country together but many of their policies drove a larger wedge into the Bill of Rights. The President in 2009 was interested only in keeping his/her power base.

This quote is exactly why I am a believer in John Titor. In 1999-2000, we could never have imagined anything like what we see today.

"The larger wedge into the Bill of Rights," I believe pertains to Patriot Act I and II. People all over the US are screaming that their rights have been taken away through these acts. But how do we, as a country" protect ourselves from those who wish to kill us? Continue giving out visas, leaving our borders porous, and giving those here illegally the same rights as those that citizens enjoy? We just can't, IMO. So we have to have a way to question all people that are here. If you've done nothing wrong...like fund the enemies, etc, what is the fear? I guess some of the fear is what John Titor has stated.

"I believe desperately to be the next Lincoln and hold the country together" , I believe Titor is speaking of Bush. I know many will disagree with me. However, listen to the campaign speaches. Who talks about "two different Americas.?" Kerry does. Whether it is about being in Vietnam, or not serving in Vietnam. Whether it is having healthcare or not having healthcare. Whether it is paying too much tax or not enough tax. The list goes on and on. Bush unites the country saying that we are all Americans, equal in opportunity and priveleges. Bush is your Lincoln.

"The President in 2009 was interested only in keeping his/her power base." I believe this is Hillary. She is a powerful woman, and remains powerful as long as she remains married to Bill. In some ways I believe her to be the reason he got to the Whitehouse, and why he was able to remain in the Whitehouse after he was impeached. She remained with him for power. She would want to keep her powerbase. Also note that Titor used the word his/her.


Don't know if Hilary would be all for herself and keeping her power base, think of her when Bill was in power, the Health Care reforms she was behind and etc; seems more for the people.

What of the person who may take George W's place, who are the options, big talk is Rudy Giuliani, wouls he be interested in keeping his popularity more so than doing things that are right for America?

Or what of this, with the Republicans holding the Senate and the House with increased majorities, this may well get passed:


Arnold for president speculation grows.

Big News Network.com Wednesday 3rd November, 2004

Some Republicans are already thinking about California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger for president, Daily Variety reported Tuesday.

Noting the Republican Party will be in the market for another presidential candidate in 2008 regardless of the outcome of today's election, the paper said analysts are coming up with scenarios that involve amending the Constitution so a foreign-born citizen can be elected president. However, the paper said Schwarzenegger has been typically coy about his future political ambitions.

On Monday, Schwarzenegger said he would not campaign on behalf of a constitutional amendment.

It will become too political with me as part of it, he said. I don't want it to be the Arnold Amendment.

Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, has introduced an amendment that would allow immigrants who have been citizens for 20 years or more to serve as president. Schwarzenegger celebrated the 20th anniversary of his citizenship in 2003.

U.S. Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., supports a bill in the House that would require naturalized citizens to wait 35 years before they could serve as president. If that were the law, Schwarzenegger would not be eligible until 2020, when he will be 73.

Now that would give a President who would be interested in keeping up appearances in my opinion, while the power brokers behind the scenes do as they wish. Both Giuliani and Schwarzenegger are liked by Republican and Democrat supporters a like, both could be scary prospects in trying to keep there image as that alive in troubled times don't you think?

Of course there is another alternative that I shudder at the thought of being the next Republican Candidate, and that is Jeb Bush.

The next four years will be interesting to say the least


Active Member
2015 in Retrospect: Where Will You Be Politically?

Don't know if Hilary would be all for herself and keeping her power base, think of her when Bill was in power, the Health Care reforms she was behind and etc; seems more for the people.

Think again, it is part of the hard left agenda for converting us into a socialist country. It makes people more dependant on government, and easier to moniter. Hillary is seen as a power mad blonde hitler even by more moderate members of her own party.


Senior Member
2015 in Retrospect: Where Will You Be Politically?

Hilary Power Mad? your kidding right? All she wanted was the White House China and Silver Service to go with being able to charge the Sercet Service rent on their property which just exactly covers the monthly mortgage for their house. :)


Active Member
2015 in Retrospect: Where Will You Be Politically?

Dang, charging them for the privelage of taking a bullet for her imperial highness. What's wrong with that. Seriously if she gets in something really bad is going to happen.


New Member
2015 in Retrospect: Where Will You Be Politically?

Originally posted by Darkwolf@Nov 5 2004, 07:39 AM
Don't know if Hilary would be all for herself and keeping her power base, think of her when Bill was in power, the Health Care reforms she was behind and etc; seems more for the people.
Think again, it is part of the hard left agenda for converting us into a socialist country. It makes people more dependant on government, and easier to moniter. Hillary is seen as a power mad blonde hitler even by more moderate members of her own party.

I guess down here in Aust; we get a different picture painted of her to the one the USA sees more often, not surprising I suppose.

Interesting to note that the Health Care Reforms that were put forth in that time were based on the Australian System of Medicare. Which is you have a Medicare Card that is indexed to your Taxation, you go visit a Doctor they swipe your Card, Bulk Billing the Government and you walk away with out parting with cash of your own. We've had that here pretty much since 1973, the Whitlam Labor Government introduced it, who are close to being like your Democrats.

Now the Liberals (John Howard, Bush's buddy), are trying there best to undermine that system, and make us pay for Private Health Insurance, and Bulk Billing is getting harder to find. So it's kind of an odd situation, you have a Liberal Government who would like to get rid of Medicare if they could, and a Labor one who would like to strengthen it.

So really I should be supporting the Liberal attempts to get rid of it then, I can tell you I'm one confused soldier here. Perhaps different Countries, different way things work though, and I've confused our system of health care and pensions to how the USA's would work.

From what your saying though, I'm guessing your thinking Hilary would be much like Margaret Thatcher was too England all those years ago, very Dictator like and for the wealthy in Society.
