A method of healing that involves skewing time and space


New Member
I am aware of (and have used) a method of healing that I firmly believe actually skews time / space. I learned this from one of the books written by a Native American medicine man named Red Elk. Red Elk died a few years ago, and I found out about him right after he died. I went online looking to get in touch with him, but I found out that he had just passed away. However, I was able to purchase digital copies of his books, and I also got introduced to his grandson, who is a good friend of mine now.

Red Elk was a regular on the Art Bell show on Coast to Coast. He has taught on levitation, invisibility, UFO's, mystical creatures (bigfoot, "little people," etc.), shapeshifting, telepathy, and a lot of other paranormal topics. You can find a few videos / audios of him on Youtube.

In one of Red Elk's books (the one entitled LESSONS), he details a method of healing that he says was created / developed by Hawaiian Natives. It is called "Ku-ing" an injury away. Here's how it's done: Let's say you get injured somehow - for example, you are peeling potatoes in the kitchen and you happen to accidentally cut your finger. What you do is this: You keep the knife in your hand, and make the motions like you are cutting the potato, but instead of cutting yourself, this time, you see that you are about to cut yourself, and you might say something like "Woah! I'm getting a little too close to my finger there! I'm gonna turn this potato around and cut it this way instead," and you pretend that you are cutting it but that you see the danger and avoid cutting yourself. This "pretend" thing might only last 3-4 seconds, but you repeat it several times (I repeat it until the cut stops hurting and seems to start healing!)

I have done this several times. One time, right after I learned this, my wife and I were putting down new wood laminate flooring. I was moving my computer hard drive from one location to another, but there was a sharp piece of aluminum on the back of it that I didn't see. When I went to set it down, it slipped a little bit, and cut my thumb DEEP. It immediately started bleeding profusely. I quickly washed it off and wrapped a paper towel around it, but then immediately began "Ku-ing" this injury away. I picked up my hard drive, carefully felt the sharp edge, and said, "Oh wow, there's a sharp edge there. I better be careful so I don't get cut," and I would then much more carefully set it down. I did this probably about ten times, and then noticed that the cut had stopped hurting, and it had even stopped bleeding! I then washed it off again, put some Neosporin and a band aid on it, and forgot about it. Later that day, I cut another finger on a piece of the laminate flooring, but it wasn't that serious of a cut, so I just kept on working.

The next day, the non-serious, shallow cut was red, swollen, and painful, but the one I "ku-ed" away was almost completely healed and not hurting at all. Three days later, that deep cut was completely closed up and healed, and I took the band-aid off. It was deep and long enough that honestly it should have probably required a couple of stitches.

On another occasion, my stepson had broken the top off of a wine bottle and for some reason, he put it on the kitchen counter. I was putting up some glasses from the dishwasher, not really paying close enough attention to what I was doing, and my elbow came down and hit the sharp, jagged top of that bottle, instantly and deeply cutting my elbow. Once again, I immediately "ku-ed" the injury away. Here's what I did: I pretended that I was putting up a glass, but that I saw the broken bottle underneath my elbow and said: "Wow, that broken bottle could have cut me! I will have to avoid hitting that," and brought my elbow down to the side of it, missing it by a couple of inches. I just repeated this motion about ten times or so, and sure enough, this cut stopped hurting and bleeding. I washed it off, put some Neosporin and a band-aid on it, and forgot about it. A couple of days later, it was intensely itching. I took the band-aid off to check it out (and to scratch that itch), and it was completely closed and healed except for a small scab. Just like the last cut, this one was also deep and serious enough that it could have used a couple of stitches to close it.

I have also done this when I stump my toe, bump my knee, etc., and it works every time. It literally makes the pain go away, and there isn't hardly a bruise or cut left after you do this. I have no idea how this works, but it must be somehow messing with space / time, and "undoing" what you just did to injure yourself. The only caveat, or rule, is that you MUST do it EXACTLY the same way EVERY SINGLE TIME you re-do it without hurting yourself. If you do something, and / or say something when you re-do it, you MUST say and / or do EXACTLY the same thing, exactly the same way, every time. It seems that maybe you are re-doing something so much and so exactly that it "tricks" the universe (or your own body?) into believing that what really happened (that hurt you) didn't really happen at all, but instead this new thing that you re-did multiple times is actually the thing that happened, and you avoided injury.

If anyone has any idea or theories on how this works, please let me know. And I invite you all to try this if you ever need it. It works.

steven chiverton

Senior Member
i had a whiz through it and when the word god come up which is common considering its been weaponised so many times to controll people with false beliefs. we are genetically created by an alien race called the seeder race many others call them gods to and in our past lives in the stars we was doing the same thing so we are all gods to, and the source of all knowledge on earth even from which doctors to others all originated from the stars, i you work out how many civilisations have there been on earth they each have what they call a god because they had technology unknown to us and so on

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I am aware of (and have used) a method of healing that I firmly believe actually skews time / space. I learned this from one of the books written by a Native American medicine man named Red Elk. Red Elk died a few years ago, and I found out about him right after he died. I went online looking to get in touch with him, but I found out that he had just passed away. However, I was able to purchase digital copies of his books, and I also got introduced to his grandson, who is a good friend of mine now.

Red Elk was a regular on the Art Bell show on Coast to Coast. He has taught on levitation, invisibility, UFO's, mystical creatures (bigfoot, "little people," etc.), shapeshifting, telepathy, and a lot of other paranormal topics. You can find a few videos / audios of him on Youtube.

In one of Red Elk's books (the one entitled LESSONS), he details a method of healing that he says was created / developed by Hawaiian Natives. It is called "Ku-ing" an injury away. Here's how it's done: Let's say you get injured somehow - for example, you are peeling potatoes in the kitchen and you happen to accidentally cut your finger. What you do is this: You keep the knife in your hand, and make the motions like you are cutting the potato, but instead of cutting yourself, this time, you see that you are about to cut yourself, and you might say something like "Woah! I'm getting a little too close to my finger there! I'm gonna turn this potato around and cut it this way instead," and you pretend that you are cutting it but that you see the danger and avoid cutting yourself. This "pretend" thing might only last 3-4 seconds, but you repeat it several times (I repeat it until the cut stops hurting and seems to start healing!)

I have done this several times. One time, right after I learned this, my wife and I were putting down new wood laminate flooring. I was moving my computer hard drive from one location to another, but there was a sharp piece of aluminum on the back of it that I didn't see. When I went to set it down, it slipped a little bit, and cut my thumb DEEP. It immediately started bleeding profusely. I quickly washed it off and wrapped a paper towel around it, but then immediately began "Ku-ing" this injury away. I picked up my hard drive, carefully felt the sharp edge, and said, "Oh wow, there's a sharp edge there. I better be careful so I don't get cut," and I would then much more carefully set it down. I did this probably about ten times, and then noticed that the cut had stopped hurting, and it had even stopped bleeding! I then washed it off again, put some Neosporin and a band aid on it, and forgot about it. Later that day, I cut another finger on a piece of the laminate flooring, but it wasn't that serious of a cut, so I just kept on working.

The next day, the non-serious, shallow cut was red, swollen, and painful, but the one I "ku-ed" away was almost completely healed and not hurting at all. Three days later, that deep cut was completely closed up and healed, and I took the band-aid off. It was deep and long enough that honestly it should have probably required a couple of stitches.

On another occasion, my stepson had broken the top off of a wine bottle and for some reason, he put it on the kitchen counter. I was putting up some glasses from the dishwasher, not really paying close enough attention to what I was doing, and my elbow came down and hit the sharp, jagged top of that bottle, instantly and deeply cutting my elbow. Once again, I immediately "ku-ed" the injury away. Here's what I did: I pretended that I was putting up a glass, but that I saw the broken bottle underneath my elbow and said: "Wow, that broken bottle could have cut me! I will have to avoid hitting that," and brought my elbow down to the side of it, missing it by a couple of inches. I just repeated this motion about ten times or so, and sure enough, this cut stopped hurting and bleeding. I washed it off, put some Neosporin and a band-aid on it, and forgot about it. A couple of days later, it was intensely itching. I took the band-aid off to check it out (and to scratch that itch), and it was completely closed and healed except for a small scab. Just like the last cut, this one was also deep and serious enough that it could have used a couple of stitches to close it.

I have also done this when I stump my toe, bump my knee, etc., and it works every time. It literally makes the pain go away, and there isn't hardly a bruise or cut left after you do this. I have no idea how this works, but it must be somehow messing with space / time, and "undoing" what you just did to injure yourself. The only caveat, or rule, is that you MUST do it EXACTLY the same way EVERY SINGLE TIME you re-do it without hurting yourself. If you do something, and / or say something when you re-do it, you MUST say and / or do EXACTLY the same thing, exactly the same way, every time. It seems that maybe you are re-doing something so much and so exactly that it "tricks" the universe (or your own body?) into believing that what really happened (that hurt you) didn't really happen at all, but instead this new thing that you re-did multiple times is actually the thing that happened, and you avoided injury.

If anyone has any idea or theories on how this works, please let me know. And I invite you all to try this if you ever need it. It works.
This is a method of what is often referred to as quantum tunneling, it's not so much messing with time and space as it is choosing which reality to exist in. In common tongue spontaneous remission is what this gets called where there is a dramatic shift.
Every planck second reality is projected out from your inner quantum state in one of two directions, one is the choice of expansion of consciousness, the other is a contraction of it. Timelines never look linear, they are fractal like, the angles of those fractals I haven't quite figured out yet but I think it might be eulers angle and the fsc angle.
In anycase there is always a parallel path you could have taken, and, following the filament trajectory back you can retrace your steps and then make new choices in your head and what ends up happening is that instead of taking a path that looks like a lightening strike, you can get to a further away point as if it was a straight line the whole time, as in, always choosing left.

What you are describing is a slower version of spontaneous remission but diluted down a bit in order to share with the western folk probably who don't understand this quantum nature of reality. Because the western brainwashed mind wouldn't often be able to understand and embrace this process fully and believe it themselves, they would have doubts.
In saying that, this is actually a fairly accelerated version of other quantum tunneling methods and techniques.

In all cases it takes a matter of belief and deep concentration in order to pull it off. Just like running through walls, easy to do when you know you can do it, but that first hurdle of doubt is the hardest.

I once heard linearity and no time explained like this, if you are walking backwards along train tracks painting them over with new pitch, if you look up and your consciousness is functioning in linear expression then you will see them all painted and if you look between your legs at the next step you will see that you are about to paint it. In full non linearity though, if you look behind you, you will see it has been painted already. Because the choice to do so was made and action was taken and therefore it was done.

Or, the zen koan version, "once you know that candle light is fire, the meal was cooked a long time ago"

In other words for your advancement though, try to know not that the wound is healing but that there was no wound. As in, the matrix version. "there is no spoon"

Jump to the healed timeline, or jump to the timeline where it never happened. Both are good choices but hopefully this helps you understand the mechanisms at play.


Incidentally though, choronokinesis is also very real and has been demonstrated, most notably by a chinese woman who used her energy moving experience, to create a chi bubble in her hand where time appears to move more quickly, she is doing the same thing though, using her accelerated consciousness to control the perception of random timeline choices by the living seeds that she could grow in fifteen minutes what would normally have taken 3-5 days. I can't remember her name and even when I do it's pretty hard to find information on here these days with the internet so scrubbed as it is, but she, like wim hof was studied in hundreds of tests by many medical and military professionals.
You can practice this one easily by watching the clock hands and choosing to slow them down or speed them up, time has always been relative to the observer but controlling it and gaining proficiency at it doesn't come easy for most people. It takes a complete rewrite of belief systems programmed in for decades...
