A Rant about Elon Musk


I need to vent.

Elon Musk preached free speech on Twitter and then bought the platform. Since then, here is what is going on:

He fired thousands of employees because advertisers are dropping like flies. He stated a huge loss in revenue.
He reiterated that he still plans on censoring and using algorithms.
He has not reinstated any accounts that were unfairly banned, like Trump's.
Shadow Bans are still in full force. I am totally silenced on there for no reason.

You're going to say, "It takes time".

You don't realize he is tweeting and bragging about these things, and when we complain, he makes smug jokes. He wants to charge $8 a month to have your posts be more visible and to get more features. Censorship will still occur. So, I'm being told that my shadow ban won't be removed unless I pay --- and how do I know if that's true? What if I pay and I'm still shadow banned? Would you buy a car if you are told you can't drive it? Also, why pay for censorship? I'm not talking about the basics (no porn, threats, etc). They have an entire 1984 algorithm and his engineer has tweeted about it --- when they see something they don't like, they can make it almost invisible without deleting it.

How is this free speech?
Why would I pay for censorship?

Yet, there he goes making "free speech" posts and the sheep follow him like lost puppies. It makes me sick. Elon is a liar.

BTW, I am very passionate about free speech and angry with him for silencing me, so I may be a little defensive in this thread. I'll try my best to behave.


Active Member
You're going to say, "It takes time".
As a programmer, I can say that the LWO dug in so deep that it will take time. A lot of these algorithms have to be reprogrammed from the ground up. Will Elon do that? Who knows. Maybe some algorithms can be rolled back, but we're looking pre-obama years, and that's a long time ago with a lot of internal interface changes in between... so unlikely.

There are likely to be logic bombs left by some of those who were fired, and that can make a mess. Part of the reason everyone was told to stay home on "Fire-day" was to help minimize things like that. There are probably some unknown "back doors" that will come to light over the next month.

Trump, you, and many others could be "reinstated" or "internally reset", but the shadow ban algorithms are still in place, so nobody would see what was posted. Personally I think Trump should be immediately reinstated to show just how bad the LWO ban automation really is. Right now it won't matter if the $8/month is paid or not, the automation is still there.

So... "It takes time". Feel free to scream now.


Senior Member
After the Infowars trial and assassination attempt against Nancy Pelosi, platform owners have to think about the real world consequences of completely unfiltered content. A country that allow political violence is no more democratic than a heavily censored police state. Democracy is not created by favoring one freedom over others religiously, but by having everyone take responsibility of their own actions, check the facts from multiple sources, and try to understand opposing views. When republicans and democrats are raging against each other, it is often due to one sided reporting, enforcing emotional negative and positive assiciations until identity trumphs debates and reason. It's a bias reinforcing loop where each report gives dopamine from rage, each time unlocking acceptance of bolder claims without feeling the need to check its validity. If you have a crowd following you in addicted rage, it only takes a hint to have a political opponent assassinated, which is clearly not freedom.


As a programmer, I can say that the LWO dug in so deep that it will take time. A lot of these algorithms have to be reprogrammed from the ground up. Will Elon do that? Who knows. Maybe some algorithms can be rolled back, but we're looking pre-obama years, and that's a long time ago with a lot of internal interface changes in between... so unlikely.

There are likely to be logic bombs left by some of those who were fired, and that can make a mess. Part of the reason everyone was told to stay home on "Fire-day" was to help minimize things like that. There are probably some unknown "back doors" that will come to light over the next month.

Trump, you, and many others could be "reinstated" or "internally reset", but the shadow ban algorithms are still in place, so nobody would see what was posted. Personally I think Trump should be immediately reinstated to show just how bad the LWO ban automation really is. Right now it won't matter if the $8/month is paid or not, the automation is still there.

So... "It takes time". Feel free to scream now.

But his comments about “content moderation” and smug jokes towards people wanting “freedom of speech” indicate he has no intention of fixing any of it. His engineer Yo Yo brags about the censorship. Elon is proud of it.
Nothing is going to change. I am targeted. Not everyone has the shadow ban. For some reason, Twitter has always found me to be a threat and I don’t know why. I’ve head death threats that they didn’t take seriously. But shadow banning me keeps the site safe????


Senior Member
Do you have a source? Are you certain that tweets by blue checkmarks will have more visibility?
They will at least have a longer playtime for videos, giving a competative advantage and making monetization possible. We'll see what he finally decides.


New Member
oh relax.

Musk is physically meeting with leftist organizations in person(he said so) like ADL, southern poverty law center, democratic party officials trying to make a deal.. The only reason he's doing that is to avoid a massive attack from fake conservatives posing as racist, sexist nazis which will require him to ban all of them justifying leftist ideas that conservatives are degenerates(jussie smollet anyone?).

He's basically trying to preserve the reputation of the republican party AND preserve twitter's integrity.
Cuz people are stupid and would believe the fake attacks.

This is why he's also threatening advertisers who leave with outing them. "naming and shaming"(as he said) Then that would cause 50% of the public to shun those companies tanking their revenues. He hasn't done it yet cuz he's again, trying to make a deal.

same reason he's keeping some major leftist psychos in the company. He's made deals with them(as he should temporarily for now until the heat cools off)


Do you have a source? Are you certain that tweets by blue checkmarks will have more visibility?
oh relax.

Musk is physically meeting with leftist organizations in person(he said so) like ADL, southern poverty law center, democratic party officials trying to make a deal.. The only reason he's doing that is to avoid a massive attack from fake conservatives posing as racist, sexist nazis which will require him to ban all of them justifying leftist ideas that conservatives are degenerates(jussie smollet anyone?).

He's basically trying to preserve the reputation of the republican party AND preserve twitter's integrity.
Cuz people are stupid and would believe the fake attacks.

This is why he's also threatening advertisers who leave with outing them. "naming and shaming"(as he said) Then that would cause 50% of the public to shun those companies tanking their revenues. He hasn't done it yet cuz he's again, trying to make a deal.

same reason he's keeping some major leftist psychos in the company. He's made deals with them(as he should temporarily for now until the heat cools off)
Do you have a source? Are you certain that tweets by blue checkmarks will have more visibility?



oh relax.

Musk is physically meeting with leftist organizations in person(he said so) like ADL, southern poverty law center, democratic party officials trying to make a deal.. The only reason he's doing that is to avoid a massive attack from fake conservatives posing as racist, sexist nazis which will require him to ban all of them justifying leftist ideas that conservatives are degenerates(jussie smollet anyone?).

He's basically trying to preserve the reputation of the republican party AND preserve twitter's integrity.
Cuz people are stupid and would believe the fake attacks.

This is why he's also threatening advertisers who leave with outing them. "naming and shaming"(as he said) Then that would cause 50% of the public to shun those companies tanking their revenues. He hasn't done it yet cuz he's again, trying to make a deal.

same reason he's keeping some major leftist psychos in the company. He's made deals with them(as he should temporarily for now until the heat cools off)

Read his tweets. He keeps reiterating that the heavy content moderation will remain. I am still shadow banned. He is NOT a free speech hero. He lied. He makes jokes about it as if he’s proud of it. I refuse to idealize him as well as idolize him. As long as shadow bans remain, I do not trust him.

He has made it crystal clear that I and people like me are not welcome on Twitter.


New Member
Read his tweets. He keeps reiterating that the heavy content moderation will remain. I am still shadow banned. He is NOT a free speech hero. He lied. He makes jokes about it as if he’s proud of it. I refuse to idealize him as well as idolize him. As long as shadow bans remain, I do not trust him.

He has made it crystal clear that I and people like me are not welcome on Twitter.
he's going to unban everyone even trump, and he said so(even backed up kanye publicly).
he also said that it takes time to figure it out.

He revealed just last week that homeland security was working HEAVILY hand in hand with twitter to suppress political speech. musk is really risking a lot to do this. He fired half the staff. All the people who cancel cultured everyone.

he's going against the gov.

HE NEEDS TO MAKE DEALS first otherwise twitter will be destroyed by a government originated spam attack of fake conservatives. He's helping conservatives keep a good reputation cuz millions of leftists and stupid people will believe the violence inducing, racist and sexist new fake twitter accounts.

I'd highly recommend buying twitter stock. Going to double quickly
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