A stars hypothesis


New Member
Many scientists around the world have already proven or theorized that they are trillions of stars in the universe. They far more stated that as the universe expands they will be more stars formed from the "explosive" energy.

Hence, with this in mind I have formed a hypothesis that stars are actually keys to all the questions we have in terms of time travel and proving the existence of parallel universe. I was reading online one day about how many stars resides within the milky way galaxy and it was stated about 250 billion +/- 150 billion stars resides in the milky way galaxy. This got me thinking what if each and every star in the universe represented each and every life-force in the universe and its corresponding infinite parallel universes. If the universe is infinite thus the stars are infinite, thus the 'multiverse' is infinite and this conclude that life is infinite.

We also have being told that they is positive energy and negative energy in the universe that results in wormholes and even black holes. These blackholes and wormholes are often surrounded by stars and the absorption of these stars energy might very well be the transference of stars from one universe to other thus a creation of a new universe. The transference of the stars to another universe might require high amount of energy for compress etc. The energy might very well become unstable that when released in this other void/universe it causes a universal explosion aka the Big Bang.

I am yet to bring more to this idea, but however so far what is your thoughts on the topic? Is it a viable path to take when dealing with creation of parallel universes and the existence of them?
I would suggest you steer clear of theories and hypothesis in your understanding. There is a whole other world of facts that are way more interesting than the make believe we are taught in school. Black holes and worm holes are fictional science.

But here is some real science that is not completely understood:

I don't think you know much about science because black holes are not fictional

Let's not deny the possibility of the existence of black holes and wormholes. They might very well exist.

I am quite sure they are not possible. There are no earthly scientific facts that support the existence of black holes or worm holes. We still cannot produce gravity in a laboratory setting. Until that happens any statements about what gravity is are mere speculation. I believe we are all being deliberately educated with fiction to steer us away from the truth. And what really blows my mind is that very few people even question what they are taught anymore. If you don't think you are being lied to, then what about Santa Claus and the Easter bunny? We have all been conditioned from a very young age to accept lies.
Pay no mind to the giant black spots in the universe about which we see matter spiraling in at high velocity and disappearing over the non-existent event horizon.
I am quite sure they are not possible. There are no earthly scientific facts that support the existence of black holes or worm holes. We still cannot produce gravity in a laboratory setting. Until that happens any statements about what gravity is are mere speculation. I believe we are all being deliberately educated with fiction to steer us away from the truth. And what really blows my mind is that very few people even question what they are taught anymore. If you don't think you are being lied to, then what about Santa Claus and the Easter bunny? We have all been conditioned from a very young age to accept lies.
It's quite clear that you not basing your arguments on scientific research but on mere believe and unsubstantial human Paranoia that breeds many unproven conspiracies. This is probably the result of you being brainwashed by common media shows. It further shows me that you are a person who live by the motto I believe it when I see it and I doubt this will contribute to any actual science but instead create barriers to innovative thoughts
