Alien Message to Mankind: "Do You Wish That We Show Up?"


Junior Member
The original source of this information appears to be by Mr. Jean Ederman, now 49, of France, who evidently works in the field of aviation.

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Senior Member
Personally Yes, i think it would change us all for the good, and i do wish to finally put the debate to rest of "Are we alone".

Realistically No, if that did happen the world would turn into chaos, people would shoot at the ships, riots would break out and the world would turn into anarchy. Humans at our current stage are not ready for that, we cant be at peace with our self's or our own kind let alone a intelligence far more advanced than ours and not from out planet.

Sam Slagg

Personally Yes, i think it would change us all for the good, and i do wish to finally put the debate to rest of "Are we alone".

Realistically No, if that did happen the world would turn into chaos, people would shoot at the ships, riots would break out and the world would turn into anarchy. Humans at our current stage are not ready for that, we cant be at peace with our self's or our own kind let alone a intelligence far more advanced than ours and not from out planet.
I disagree. It is only a very small percentage in our society that are warmongers.


Junior Member
An intelligent extraterrestrial species that happened to show up in our solar system would be superior to humanity in many ways. Their technological superiority would provide them with the military might required to conquer earth's military quite handily -- at the cost of whatever destruction and devastation that might occur in the process. Presumably, if we are being observed by such a race(s), they are more civilized than we, and refrain from making themselves known to the general population in order to avoid some form of harm the population would suffer as a consequence.

(Shades of Gene Roddenberry's "prime directive," eh?)

The scenario of an alien species showing up to conquer earth for its mineral resources or water is pretty unlikely. Mineral resources are plentiful on uninhabited planets and moons and asteroids throughout our galaxy. Evidence has shown that water is far more abundant than was once suspected. These resources can be more readily extracted from off-world sources than they can by mining our planet.

Having developed the ability to venture into space and explore the galaxy, a spacefaring race would be primarily interested in that -- exploration. What benefit would be gained by conquering and enslaving other planetary populations? Such a goal is entirely inconsistent with the goal of exploration, and the problems that come with controlling an intergalactic empire would simply be more trouble to handle than it was worth for any such race, IMO.

As long as a species remains a prisoner of a need to control and exercise power over other living beings, it will be dominated by internal conflicts between individuals of their own species. This, alone, interferes with the ability to conquer other planets. The in-fighting taking place amongst themselves would be so widespread as to leave little time and effort for the officials ruling that specie's government to play the role of overlords properly.

This fantasy of alien conquest stems from humanity projecting its own fears and perverse psychological aberrations onto the possibility of what might happen once we encounter civilizations from solar systems other than our own. IMO, the internal threat humanity faces from encountering alien species is vastly outweighed by any external threat those species would pose. That internal threat I'm referring to is directed against those who hold the reins of power that control our lives, not to the bulk of humanity that inhabits this planet.

In the days of the Egyptian pharaohs and other middle eastern kingdoms, power was shared between a monarch and a priestly caste. The monarchy represented the legal, military, and economic segments of society. The priesthood controlled the scientific, religious, and spiritual aspects of society. Once established, the priesthood held sufficient authority to bring down any monarch that threatened the role of the priests in society, and the monarchs were unable to take that power back.

The priests were able to control a population through the manipulation of their superstitious beliefs. Most monarchs were unwilling to risk opposing that power. The most formidable resistance to priestly power recorded during Egypt's heyday was mounted by the pharaoh named Akhenaten. He decreed the establishment of a new national religion based on the one true god whom he named Aton; a sun god. After the end of Akhenaten's relatively short reign, the old priests quickly managed to herd the population back into the fold of the older theology by suppressing the newly founded religion and discrediting the reign of Akhenaten.

That same basic distribution of power existed at the time of the European Renaissance. During that historical period, scholars and tinkerers broke the stranglehold theology held over the spiritual throats of the population. In response, the Roman Church used threats, excommunication, imprisonment, and torture on those who publicly promoted the blasphemy of scientific enquiry. In cases where those punishments were too weak to force the heretics to recant, more extreme treatments were used, such as death by vivisection or by burning at the stake. Fortunately, the People hungered more for the knowledge the new born scientific community was injecting into society than they did for their customary diet of Church dogma.

A very similar situation exists today. The primary difference today is that back during the Renaissance, the diminishment of the Church's power was welcomed by the monarchs. Today, the institutions and individuals being threatened are not clerics; it is the monarchical class that is being threatened. This includes the heads of academic institutions, higher ranking government officials, the heads of large commercial banking interests, industrial and manufacturing magnates, and, of course, the ever-present industrial-military complex with its national security "intelligence" watchdogs.

Fifty years ago, a college professor named Thomas Kuhn published a book titled, "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions." During his lifetime, using the past as example, Kuhn managed to conceptualize the dynamics of how social institutions manipulate contemporary power structures in order to maintain the control over society they exercise; and how those in charge of the social institutions manipulate society in order to maintain their privileged positions that afford them lives filled with luxury, deference, and influence.

This is the sole reason for the situation our planetary population lives with today. The truth concerning the existence of off-world civilizations, our degrading environment, our changing climate, poverty and its intendant crime, the downstream effects of diminishing scarce resources, and the persistent suffering caused by many disease processes are what we wind up with.

Does the "secret government" possess fleets of spacecraft powered by anti-gravity propulsion systems? Do they have at their disposal technologies that include teleportation, time travel, and who knows what else? Is there an underground network of transportation tunnels that stretches across the country where non-polluting trains travel at speeds approaching the sound barrier?

I have no way of knowing or answering questions such as these. I can only read the accounts and speculations of others, and speculate myself when I'm in the mood.

I do know that any and all such things that do exist and remain hidden from Public awareness through government secrecy exists because they were paid for in part with tax dollars that I contributed to the federal coffers. I know that individuals other than myself and those around me reap the benefits that go with this technology; technology that IS my heritage, OUR heritage, and that has been stolen from us. And I doubt that I will ever learn of its existence during this lifetime.
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