ALL of Timetraveler2063's Postings on Paranormalis: For Research and Investigation


Senior Member

In August 2012, Timetraveler2063 said the following would happen very soon...

It will be 2 things, one will happen very soon. A large object will pass very close to earth causing large earthquakes and volcanoes to wake up. The event that has not happen yet is the Tsunami. This will happen when the object passes closer to earth.

I'm very sorry if I don't answer all your questions. I hope you understand that some questions I'm not permitted to answer. The Tsunami's will be caused by earthquakes and meteors. This event I speak of is the smaller one. The bigger one happens when what you call planet X moves in between earth and the sun. Planet X is pulling what you call Nibiru behind it and a whole lot of debris will hit the earth. That will fulfill the prophecy of the large ice falling to earth. In a sense yes the smaller Tsunami does prevent certain things from happening. The bigger one caused by a pole shift that is caused by planet X is more for judgment on this world.
Click on today's Headline below!

56-foot Asteroid Comes Closer to Earth Than the Moon on Friday: Watch Live

So tomorrow an Asteroid that's as big as a HOUSE is going to pass by earth, 1/4 of the distance to the Moon. THAT is something to be concerned about! Experts say nothing will happen, but it could cause earthquakes and tsunamis as predicted. The moon causes the rise and fall of the sea. What do you think an asteroid will do that is passing by 3/4 of the distance closer than the Moon? Make sure you've got Emergency Supplies on hand, just in case!


Time Travel Professor
I believe it is to small to cause problems on the earth if it is a fly by..

But if it hits the earth, it could cause earthquakes and tsunamis.


Senior Member
Anyone know the time it is estimated to be the closest?

3:30 p.m. Eastern Time
2:30 p.m. Central Time
12:30 p.m. Pacific Time

Only thing is, I couldn't find out where exactly geographically that it's going to pass over. If anyone knows, please post it. Thanks :)
