An Insight To Shadow Folk

I'm writing in for the first time about my mother and brother and sisters. My mother around 6 months ago would sit in her living room and see a shadow person from the corner of her eye outside looking in her window from the corner of her picture window. When she would notice it it would run real fast past the window and my sisters and little brother would see it too. It takes the same path and stands in the same corner outside all the time. It also knocks on the side door which is the same path it runs past. All my family members have thought at different times that someone was about to come to the door or has opened the door thinking someone was there. The only one who seen a clear view of it was my mom who said he was wearing a trench coat. My sister has heard knocking on the back door and heard someone come in and when she would check noone was there. All family members have heard it knocking as well. No one is scared of this shadow creature except my 11 year old brother. My mom thinks it's there protecting her but as i read above can this be the case? Or is it trying to trick her? She said she never seen a color of his eyes just a clear plain view of a trench coat. She has also awoken to the feeling of someone running there fingers through her hair and she just looked around saw nothing and went back to bed. She's had a dryer, fridge and toilet also stop working during this time. She thinks it's protecting her because just two days ago someone cut her break line to her car. OMG I KNOW. but when she went to start it the battery was dead which is very unusual so she thinks the shadow person drained her battery so she wouldn't get hurt. I hope I'm posting in the right section or if i should of started a new thread but any input to this would help me out in my research about why this is all of a sudden happening at my mom's house. No grave yards around, she's lived there 16 years. No deaths in the house. Lives in the suburbs surrounding Chicago Thank you...

Welcome Christina and thanks for posting your story! Have you had any Deaths in the family recently not just in the house? You said it scares your 11 year old brother, is there a reason he is scared?

It's hard to distiguish good from bad at times. My best suggestion to you Christina would to do a EVP session when you notice it is around and get your self a Disposable camera and try to snap a picture of the thing, a picture can help in determining good from bad.

it is very fesable that it is trying to trick her but at the same time it could also be there to help her the problem is it can be difficult to tell, i would do a little digging to see if any relatives close to your moms side have died or any recent deaths in the family at all. And also talk to your brother and find out why it scares him and no one else, he may have insite that everyone else dosen't

Thank you so much for your reply and yes there was a death on my mom's side of the family a distant cousin around three months after she first starting seeing this shadow creature. I swear I've read everything online about these shadow people and took it as an omen of some sort? But she continues to see it and I was under the impression to not speak to it at all costs just to ignore it. (not sure if that is accurate or not) but she likes this thing around for some reason? My brother just said he was scared because my mom wasn't home when he heard the knocking other than that he says it does nothing to him. just my mom. I don't live there and whats even stranger is my mom reported seeing it during the day as well which is another reason i'm not sure what is really going on. I also personaly do not really believe in god...would not say i'm wiccan but believe more in there ways. So i suggested white sage but she says no I like him here. sorry to go on forever but my mom was also given a ring to help open her third eye as a gift from me a while back? So could it be the ring? EVP oh I wish I can afford one because this is so so interesting to me. She's just had a very rough patch in her life over the past year my mom and younger sisters and brothers that I also wondered if it's picking up on weakness? Again thanks for your reply. I really appreciate it. Must add a little about the rough patch in there lives - a divorce - 13 year old sister attacked by pervert - money troubles - unstable conditions.

You can get a recording device from wal-mart for 15$ there not to spendy obviously the better the quality the better the well audio quality haha, The main problem i am seeing is that if it is evil and your mother is dependant on it then it will be almost impossible to seperate the two and basically this being has full control.

It does not sound evil to me though but i havent witnessed it. There is alot of stigma and different storys/theorys behind shadow people, some believe them to be dimensional travelers some believe them to be pure evil while others believe there just lost souls doomed to roam. Really the shadow form could just be the only form he is able to take "assuming its a male" ether way at some point your mom will need to get rid of this spirit, its not good physically or mentally to be dependant on a spirit for what ever the reason she needs it around, ether when she isnt home ask it to leave and judge its reaction or convince your mom to cast it out.

Does it follow her out of the house?
Evp can really be done with a cellphone with recording features or a comp with a microphone.

oh really thanks for the info - now i do have one of those. I'm sorry but what should I do with the cell phone? walk around with it or just set it on the house ledge and walk away? also because of where she lives very close to midway airport in chicago airplaanes and cars are very very frequent. With the recorder on the cell phone is the main purpose to pick up an image or a voice? Thank you

What you would want to do is set it to record and walk around asking questions like

Who are you
. these = 5 second pause between questions

Why are you around my mother.
etc etc etc
Welcome Christina and thanks for posting your story! Have you had any Deaths in the family recently not just in the house? You said it scares your 11 year old brother, is there a reason he is scared?

It's hard to distiguish good from bad at times. My best suggestion to you Christina would to do a EVP session when you notice it is around and get your self a Disposable camera and try to snap a picture of the thing, a picture can help in determining good from bad.

it is very fesable that it is trying to trick her but at the same time it could also be there to help her the problem is it can be difficult to tell, i would do a little digging to see if any relatives close to your moms side have died or any recent deaths in the family at all. And also talk to your brother and find out why it scares him and no one else, he may have insite that everyone else dosen't

Thank you so much for your reply and yes there was a death on my mom's side of the family a distant cousin around three months after she first starting seeing this shadow creature. I swear I've read everything online about these shadow people and took it as an omen of some sort? But she continues to see it and I was under the impression to not speak to it at all costs just to ignore it. (not sure if that is accurate or not) but she likes this thing around for some reason? My brother just said he was scared because my mom wasn't home when he heard the knocking other than that he says it does nothing to him. just my mom. I don't live there and whats even stranger is my mom reported seeing it during the day as well which is another reason i'm not sure what is really going on. I also personaly do not really believe in god...would not say i'm wiccan but believe more in there ways. So i suggested white sage but she says no I like him here. sorry to go on forever but my mom was also given a ring to help open her third eye as a gift from me a while back? So could it be the ring? EVP oh I wish I can afford one because this is so so interesting to me. She's just had a very rough patch in her life over the past year my mom and younger sisters and brothers that I also wondered if it's picking up on weakness? Again thanks for your reply. I really appreciate it. Must add a little about the rough patch in there lives - a divorce - 13 year old sister attacked by pervert - money troubles - unstable conditions.

You can get a recording device from wal-mart for 15$ there not to spendy obviously the better the quality the better the well audio quality haha, The main problem i am seeing is that if it is evil and your mother is dependant on it then it will be almost impossible to seperate the two and basically this being has full control.

It does not sound evil to me though but i havent witnessed it. There is alot of stigma and different storys/theorys behind shadow people, some believe them to be dimensional travelers some believe them to be pure evil while others believe there just lost souls doomed to roam. Really the shadow form could just be the only form he is able to take "assuming its a male" ether way at some point your mom will need to get rid of this spirit, its not good physically or mentally to be dependant on a spirit for what ever the reason she needs it around, ether when she isnt home ask it to leave and judge its reaction or convince your mom to cast it out.

Does it follow her out of the house?

Hi again and much appreciation to your replys! No it doesn't follow her out of the house it has that one main travel pattern at the corner of the window and runs past the window when seen and then on uncertain occasions knocks. So besides the fingers going through her hair and my 17 year old sister hearing a knock (when omg my mom wasn't home) thinking someone was in the kitchen by the door it knocks. no actual shadow apperation was ever seen inside the house. But as of the last month my mom is the one to see it only and she is dead set it is male and is dead set on it wearing a long black trench coat. I'll pass the message along to her but I know her response will be he's protecting us? BUT so much bad has happened over the year I don't think it's the case. You know when you have a gut feeling....well even after hearing your replys and after me telling her to cleanse the house I believe it may not be pure evil but has some kind of evil intention and is feeding off the negativity in her household. I am also not scared of things like this., but it scares me she's like that'a my buddy protecting me? also the fact someone or something ran it's fingers through her hair and she's like oh whatever nothings there.. back to nighty night. Now that would make me get up and and be like wtf just happened to me it's touching me now? I also wanted to mention that my mom is very gentle not a fighter and has been a victim of her brake lines being cut, her windows in her car being smashed on three occasions, locks on her car broken but nothing stolen. Just very bad bad bad luck and no it's not the divorce at all. So someone or something is after her? Don't know if there is a connection but all has happens since her shadow buddy has been stalking the house. Also just wanted to add for anyone else as well as you my mom does no drugs or does not drink so that is ruled out. This is real. One more thing to mention even though it's connected to my mom my brother and sisters are young 11, 13 and 17 and they only hear it when my mom is at work?
And the room with the most activity of course

Thanks for the reply again. It's outside LOOKING IN at her or them?? I'm going over there tonight so I will try but according to my mom the thing runs so darn fast it would be gone before I could maybe get something. I'll post back if I catch anything but with it being outside so close to airport and heavy traffic i'm unconfident it will do me any good and I do not want to invite it in by me talking to it indoors if is in fact staying outside just looking in but with it touching her i don't know? I think i'm going to take blasttyrant's advice and maybe pick up a cheap recording device in the near future and keep in running while she's watching t.v. maybe take some pics around her house with my digital camera (who knows right) maybe i'll pick up some orbs or something? I just wish I knew what in the he** it wanted?
If you want this to stop.... pray. Religious beliefs help a lot. I am Christian and firmly believe in our ability to banish spirits.
I understand your way of thinking but I am not religious. How do I put this I do not believe or am just not sure what to believe. I'm not against it or for it. So me praying would not happen. I hope that did not come out wrong in anyway. I do not judge anyone in there beliefs but i'm more about lets say saying a banishing spell with white sage if that makes sense?
If you want this to stop.... pray. Religious beliefs help a lot. I am Christian and firmly believe in our ability to banish spirits.
I understand your way of thinking but I am not religious. How do I put this I do not believe or am just not sure what to believe. I'm not against it or for it. So me praying would not happen. I hope that did not come out wrong in anyway. I do not judge anyone in there beliefs but i'm more about lets say saying a banishing spell with white sage if that makes sense?

This is the issue with releasing working or not and its the beliefs if you don't believe in what your doing it wont work, if your mom doesn't believe its bad it wont leave and any attempts of getting rid of it wont work cause your mom believes she needs it there. You have the task of gathering the proof to prove that this spirit isn't in the best interest of your mother and then proving it to her. I have dealt with allot of people who just say "pray and it will leave" or "tell it to leave and it will" and that's just not true, in this case your mother needs to firmly believe that she needs to get rid of this entity in order for any technique to work and if she doesn't believe that she needs to get rid of it nothing will work cause her energy will always draw it back to her.
And the room with the most activity of course

Thanks for the reply again. It's outside LOOKING IN at her or them?? I'm going over there tonight so I will try but according to my mom the thing runs so darn fast it would be gone before I could maybe get something. I'll post back if I catch anything but with it being outside so close to airport and heavy traffic i'm unconfident it will do me any good and I do not want to invite it in by me talking to it indoors if is in fact staying outside just looking in but with it touching her i don't know? I think i'm going to take blasttyrant's advice and maybe pick up a cheap recording device in the near future and keep in running while she's watching t.v. maybe take some pics around her house with my digital camera (who knows right) maybe i'll pick up some orbs or something? I just wish I knew what in the he** it wanted?

By your mom feeling something run its fingers through her hair tells me that its domain is both in and out side. if it was limited just outside that's the only place you would see it and feel it. BUT if you feel that its only outside by all means only talk outside.

Keep in mind only ask don't answer if by some chance it asks's you a question don't answer just respond with another question of your own, if at any point you feel like your life is in Danger stop what your doing and remove your self from the situation. and ALWAYS go in with a clear and positive mind.
I completely agree with you tyrant. No amount of banishing praying or cleansing will work if there is someone desiring its presence. It is like you are closing all the doors or windows but she goes right behind you opening them again.

My experiences with the black figures have never been good. My experiences in general with spirits have never been good. But I have always been able to repel them with only my strength of will. took years of constant harassment but even still they can get the best of me. The being needs to go.

It is very easy not to believe in the God or Supreme Being that gets spoken about in church but I assure you, Truth and the All will listen to you regardless if you believe or not because we are all a part of the puzzle. Look up what science says about our brains and how they relate at a quantum level. We are all a piece of Everything.

Sorry for preaching at you, but it is why I think simply believing in what you are doing makes it effective. You charge your actions with intent and intent becomes reality. (chaos theory)

Get some salt, lay a ring around the house, pray, burn some sage and smoke out the entire house and the perimeter of the circle. It is going to have to be a constant thing cause the being may come back angry and slightly starved.
