An Insight To Shadow Folk

You might try to find an Indian Shaman to do a house blessing sense God is out.

Shamanism is out too. the Great Universal Spirit....? (Loose translation i know) A being that encompasses everything still sounds like God to me.

You need to find out what YOU believe in first. If you want to see what this thing to do there is nothing anyone can do to help you because everyone wants it there for one reason or another.

My opinion, get rid of it. That is all. Good luck
You might try to find an Indian Shaman to do a house blessing sense God is out.

Thank you spooky but, i'm not really trying to get rid of it just trying to figure out what the heck it is and why it's there???

Hi Christina and welcome!

I don't know if you're dealing with a good or bad spirit, but Jesus said, you will know someone by their 'fruits' (that includes spirits). In other words, by what they do. or cause to happen. There is good and evil in this world and the next. Not trying to scare, but you said all kinds of bad things have been happening, so perhaps this entity is causing problems.

I have had many ghostly encounters...fortunately, all good ones. I'm also Christian, a believer in Jesus. I pray daily. There is power in prayer, but it also depends on who you're praying to.

Evil spirits can disguise themselves as harmless. They do it all the time. They disguise themselves as children, or someone harmless, or pretend to be a protector, until they attach themselves to a person, and then they wreak havoc. I've heard many stories about this type of thing happening. (That is also how some people become possessed.)

The Bible says, satan can disguise himself as an Angel of Light. In the Apocrypha books of Adam and Eve, satan disguised himself many times (as an old man, as an Angel of Light, and more), and tricked the couple, then he did bad things to them. Like I said, I don't know if the spirit you're dealing with is good or bad, but it's something to be mindful of. Also, because you have no belief in God and do not pray, you have no protection.

There's that old saying...Be careful what you wish for.

Hi and thank you so much for the reply and the in depth detail. Helps me alot. Some of this has crossed my mind as well because if it is in fact an evil spirit and all the bad things happening are in direct cause of this "shadow man in the trench coat" then it cannot be good. We have never encountered anything like this before so like you said unless we knew for sure it's purpose of being there and not leaving and knowing that it is not causing the bad it will remain a mystery. I say that because she likes him there? My mom does go to church but she won't pray for it to leave because she thinks it's her buddy? She contacted me because she knows I have in her mind weird beliefs so she thinks I know it all when in fact I don't know anything except what the internet is telling me on endless sights about these shadow people.

i'm the type where if there is any negativity in my home for example a fight with my husband or an illness I meditate with healing stones, inscence and am not a hippy but use mother earth to try and fix it and it does work but these things are very strong (the shadow person and the statue to move itself i'm lost for words ) tried cleansing my home on many occasions and when I was meditating and trying to cleanse the stutue that was the first time I noticed it gone. So I thought why does it not want to be cleansed and got a little freaked.
Weather it be mother earth, God, Shaman it is still a power greater than yourself. So if that is what you believe in fine but if you want to get rid of it,Do your ritual and have faith that it will work.Faith isn't just about God it's about your will. Hope this helps.
Weather it be mother earth, God, Shaman it is still a power greater than yourself. So if that is what you believe in fine but if you want to get rid of it,Do your ritual and have faith that it will work.Faith isn't just about God it's about your will. Hope this helps.
The problem is Spooky is her mom does not want the thing gone, if her mom dosen't want it gone no amount of Rituals or praying will get rid of it.
The problem is Spooky is her mom does not want the thing gone, if her mom dosen't want it gone no amount of Rituals or praying will get rid of it.
Yes if anything the thing will latch onto the mother as a sortof 'anchor.' These things get worse before they get better once it has gotten to this point.
And it will put off the feel of being the best friend to the person it wants to cling to so that they react just like her mom is now!
Doesn't sound like a protective spirit ,Sounds like a energy sucker! Doesn't respond or enteract just darts around watching the mother. Who is next when she is used up?
