An Insight To Shadow Folk


I've heard and read about shadow people several times, but that was nothing as precise and detailed as what you are telling us here. I didn't even know there are many types of those beings, although it somehow makes sense to.

How are we supposed to get rid of these creatures once they selected us as their victims?

Also, I understand the whole "corner of the eye" thing, as I remember discussing the phenomenon on the forum some years ago, but is there a way to enhance our ability to see shadow people?

Well, there are a number of things you can try to get rid of them. My friend, who is the one who is my source of expert information, got rid of a Red for my ex. He is a special type of perceptive, in being that he can manipulate the energy produced by most living things. Basically, there are many people who can manipulate energy, and store it, much like the shadows do. Most people who can do this, don't even realize that they have this ability, because they are not perceptive. Perceptives will notice that these people's auras are black, because they are taking other energies in, instead of creating their own; most of the time, unknowingly. My friend, being able to manipulate energy, took the energy that the red was feeding off of us, and claimed it as his own, in a sense. This manipulation of energy can also be one of the reasons people remember past lives, according to him. But, that's not the topic we're discussing, currently. haha.

Another friend of mine had a blue attached to her. She decided to take an alternate path with dealing with it. Her friend was a practition of the Wiccan Religion. She had her friend perform a ritual to "rid malignant spirits" (I'm not using the quotations as a sign of sarcasm, I am literally quoting her) and within a day, there were no signs of a Blue any more. Being a firm believer in both Paranormal Happenings and Science, I have made my own hypothesis on how this made the Shadow go away. I believe that through willpower of the human Psyche, and a combined effort of positive temporal energy, that the Blue could not use the energy any longer to feed, and abandoned the effort all together. I think it's kind of like using homeopathic medicines instead of prescriptions, in a sense. Before, the only way to get rid of a shadow was to have someone like my friend manipulate the energy of it. But as the case I just wrote states, there seems to be more than one way of dealing with these things.

As terrible as it might sound, and I don't wish this upon anyone; but I am curious to know how the ritual performed for my friend might have affected a Red. It would be more of a battle, I'm sure, but I'm interested to know if it would end in the same results.

Anyone can enhance their perceptiveness to seeing shadows, and spirits. It's all a matter of knowing how to see energy. Just like anyone can see Auras of people, if they look hard enough. Shadows are especially easy to see on photos, and film, as anyone who has watched Ghost Hunters, or other shows of the like have seen. The produce similar effects as spirits. The room becomes heavy, and harder to breathe. There is a sense of a presence nearby. Goosebumps, and cold spots are very common, as well. Shadows seem to respond to interaction (mostly negatively, but there was a case of a girl from Pennsylvania who actually spoke with a shadow. It's a one in a million shot, though). I am not perceptive, but the best way to try to see shadows would probably be, to set your mind to it, and practice with a few methods (I'll list some below). Definitely take heed, though. There's a very dark mythos behind where shadows come from, and if there's a shred of truth to the stories, then they're not something to toy with.

Here are some methods to try and become more perceptive.

1. Give a shot at meditating. Even if this doesn't affect perceptiveness immediately, it will definitely keep your energy positive.
2. Be aware of your surroundings. If you're in a room with a lot of people, try to notice everyone, at least a little.
3. Pay attention to your gut instincts, and listen to your thoughts. Even on little decisions like walking on the right or left side of the street, and little thoughts that you'd usually disregard.
4. Try to see auras. This can be achieved by looking at a person who is standing in front of a light or dark background. You don't look directly at the person, but behind them. If you focus long, or hard enough; you'll start to notice wavy lines coming off of a person, and eventually start to see peoples energy colors. This is a good way to train yourself to see the energies that shadows produce (well, they don't exactly produce them, but you know.) You can also try this with a mirror, and yourself.
5. Don't give up. It's not a quick process, by any means. It can take months or years to start getting real results.

It's not extremely demanding. You can do most of these things (except for #1) while doing your normal, everyday activities. They all go hand in hand, however. With persistence, and willpower, anyone can become perceptive. A bit of warning, however... When a person becomes perceptive, it's kind of hard to... turn it off. You can notice the things that are harmful, but because you notice them, they notice back.

As always, I encourage as many questions as you can ask, and I'll answer to the full extent and honesty of my capabilities.
number 3 is very important !


I've heard and read about shadow people several times, but that was nothing as precise and detailed as what you are telling us here. I didn't even know there are many types of those beings, although it somehow makes sense to.

How are we supposed to get rid of these creatures once they selected us as their victims?

Also, I understand the whole "corner of the eye" thing, as I remember discussing the phenomenon on the forum some years ago, but is there a way to enhance our ability to see shadow people?

Well, there are a number of things you can try to get rid of them. My friend, who is the one who is my source of expert information, got rid of a Red for my ex. He is a special type of perceptive, in being that he can manipulate the energy produced by most living things. Basically, there are many people who can manipulate energy, and store it, much like the shadows do. Most people who can do this, don't even realize that they have this ability, because they are not perceptive. Perceptives will notice that these people's auras are black, because they are taking other energies in, instead of creating their own; most of the time, unknowingly. My friend, being able to manipulate energy, took the energy that the red was feeding off of us, and claimed it as his own, in a sense. This manipulation of energy can also be one of the reasons people remember past lives, according to him. But, that's not the topic we're discussing, currently. haha.

Another friend of mine had a blue attached to her. She decided to take an alternate path with dealing with it. Her friend was a practition of the Wiccan Religion. She had her friend perform a ritual to "rid malignant spirits" (I'm not using the quotations as a sign of sarcasm, I am literally quoting her) and within a day, there were no signs of a Blue any more. Being a firm believer in both Paranormal Happenings and Science, I have made my own hypothesis on how this made the Shadow go away. I believe that through willpower of the human Psyche, and a combined effort of positive temporal energy, that the Blue could not use the energy any longer to feed, and abandoned the effort all together. I think it's kind of like using homeopathic medicines instead of prescriptions, in a sense. Before, the only way to get rid of a shadow was to have someone like my friend manipulate the energy of it. But as the case I just wrote states, there seems to be more than one way of dealing with these things.

As terrible as it might sound, and I don't wish this upon anyone; but I am curious to know how the ritual performed for my friend might have affected a Red. It would be more of a battle, I'm sure, but I'm interested to know if it would end in the same results.

Anyone can enhance their perceptiveness to seeing shadows, and spirits. It's all a matter of knowing how to see energy. Just like anyone can see Auras of people, if they look hard enough. Shadows are especially easy to see on photos, and film, as anyone who has watched Ghost Hunters, or other shows of the like have seen. The produce similar effects as spirits. The room becomes heavy, and harder to breathe. There is a sense of a presence nearby. Goosebumps, and cold spots are very common, as well. Shadows seem to respond to interaction (mostly negatively, but there was a case of a girl from Pennsylvania who actually spoke with a shadow. It's a one in a million shot, though). I am not perceptive, but the best way to try to see shadows would probably be, to set your mind to it, and practice with a few methods (I'll list some below). Definitely take heed, though. There's a very dark mythos behind where shadows come from, and if there's a shred of truth to the stories, then they're not something to toy with.

Here are some methods to try and become more perceptive.

1. Give a shot at meditating. Even if this doesn't affect perceptiveness immediately, it will definitely keep your energy positive.
2. Be aware of your surroundings. If you're in a room with a lot of people, try to notice everyone, at least a little.
3. Pay attention to your gut instincts, and listen to your thoughts. Even on little decisions like walking on the right or left side of the street, and little thoughts that you'd usually disregard.
4. Try to see auras. This can be achieved by looking at a person who is standing in front of a light or dark background. You don't look directly at the person, but behind them. If you focus long, or hard enough; you'll start to notice wavy lines coming off of a person, and eventually start to see peoples energy colors. This is a good way to train yourself to see the energies that shadows produce (well, they don't exactly produce them, but you know.) You can also try this with a mirror, and yourself.
5. Don't give up. It's not a quick process, by any means. It can take months or years to start getting real results.

It's not extremely demanding. You can do most of these things (except for #1) while doing your normal, everyday activities. They all go hand in hand, however. With persistence, and willpower, anyone can become perceptive. A bit of warning, however... When a person becomes perceptive, it's kind of hard to... turn it off. You can notice the things that are harmful, but because you notice them, they notice back.

As always, I encourage as many questions as you can ask, and I'll answer to the full extent and honesty of my capabilities.
number 3 is very important !


Junior Member
She didn't say anything about movement just that when she woke and she saw it she watched it for a bit to make sure it wasn't like remnents of a dream or something else, and said that it didn't go away. She also claims to be tired all the time which would fit with something taking her energy maybe.


Junior Member
As an after thought I always make sure to tell entities they aren't allowed to come home with me in the lords name. I don't no if it works for sure.


New Member
It's quite possible that it's a black. They're the easiest to get rid of, in any case. If any unexplainable events like that occur again, then just try to tell it to leave. It if becomes more effort for it to stay, than to leave, then it will move onto somewhere else. Blues can be coerced to leave, as well. Reds take a bit more convincing. Telling shadows that they aren't allowed to come home in your god's name, may or may not work, depending on how determined, or desperate for energy the shadow is. Paranormal sites are also a ground for shadows, just so you know. They don't only feed on human energy. When the energy is released from the human body, it sticks around. Shadows love to take in this energy, because there isn't anything anyone can really do to stop them. In any case, using willpower, in your case guided by faith, will surely help keep you safe. If you ask me, it might be your biggest protection against anything that might consider following you home.


Senior Member
I've been asked many times about shadow people, and over years of investigating i have come across very little about them, i have heard several theorys from Shadow people are Those in a Different realm and only there to observe, this is the case with several alien abduction cases where after being abducted people notice Shadow people around the house where they hadent been there before.

Also i have witnessed shadow people first hand but never have they been at all malevolent towards me or anyone i was with, they rather run and hide than confront or try to steal our energy, but one i did run across well a fellow investigator, he claiemd it had Yellow eyes, any information on yellow eyes?


New Member
This is defiantly the first I have heard of the shadow people, or shadow realms, or anything along these lines out side of a good book. They seem to be real enough based off testimony on this page and i'll believe people here. The entire idea is a little frightening though, normally when you see something dark in the corner of your eye you think nothing of it, just a trick of the light you might say. Now though it makes me a little wary of things.
On another note I enjoyed reading up on some of the energy reading you mentioned, this I have experienced and I enjoy reading new articles of information based around it. If you have anymore information on energy reading and seeing the energy itself I would love to learn more. Along the lines of the shadows I think i'll continue to avoid them, a least for a little while.


Junior Member
The yellow eyes sounds like a demon to me. Can't be sure but from some reading on them. Can't remember where I read it ,it was quite a while ago.


Senior Member
I had bought a book awhile back about how to read the auras of people and objects, maybe i will have to open it up and look into it.


New Member
On another note I enjoyed reading up on some of the energy reading you mentioned, this I have experienced and I enjoy reading new articles of information based around it. If you have anymore information on energy reading and seeing the energy itself I would love to learn more. Along the lines of the shadows I think i'll continue to avoid them, a least for a little while.
The energy we're talking about is literally emitted from the temporal lobe. There are people who tend to be more right-minded, or left-minded. This directly affects the frequencies of the brain. The frequencies of the brain are constantly changing, depending on several factors, like static moods (not dynamic moods, like being upset over a small amount of time.), long-term stress, life changes, etc. The color of one's aura is dependent on these frequencies. I'm not sure what the difference between someone's aura being blue, or red is, but it plays directly into their brain frequency, among other factors.

Also i have witnessed shadow people first hand but never have they been at all malevolent towards me or anyone i was with, they rather run and hide than confront or try to steal our energy, but one i did run across well a fellow investigator, he claiemd it had Yellow eyes, any information on yellow eyes?

From the top of my head, I don't remember shadows having yellow eyes. Only blue eyes, red eyes, or no eyes. It's quite possible that it is still a shadow, I can't rule the possibility out. Also, keep in mind that just because something is a incorporeal, doesn't make it a shadow. It's easy to jump to conclusions. I can guarantee you that shadows do in fact, steal our energy; I accept that you are skeptical, and I would have been offended if someone didn't approach with at least a little skepticism. There is a chance that I, and my source, are both equally crazy, and are talking out of our rear-ends because we are delusional. Again, I never rule out the possible. I don't believe that to be the case, but most nuts don't think that they are.

Blacks are the most common of shadows, because they are the weakest of the shadows. It takes less energy for a black to exist, so there are naturally more of them. Blacks are the most skiddish of the shadows, and they are also the most likely to be at a site where the paranormal is most prevalent. The sites where extreme violence, and suffering have happened, such as mental institutions, and prisons, are the places where it's more likely to find reds. Blacks may seem harmless, because they seem so fearful, but the more they are undetected, the chances of being run off are significantly less. This doesn't mean they always go undetected, but it's much easier for them if no one knows they're there.

