An Insight To Shadow Folk


Senior Member
This would be more of a question for christina but has there been any illness or lack of energy on your mothers part?


Junior Member
Does she ever talk about feeling tired or drained? Good idea to pay attention to how she feels and what she says dealing with tiredness etc.
Note where she is at time of saying tired etc. Is it around where the shadow man is?


Junior Member
Weather it be mother earth, God, Shaman it is still a power greater than yourself. So if that is what you believe in fine but if you want to get rid of it,Do your ritual and have faith that it will work.Faith isn't just about God it's about your will. Hope this helps.

this helps alot thanks for sticking around with me! I appreciate it!


Junior Member
This would be more of a question for christina but has there been any illness or lack of energy on your mothers part?

no illness at all. my mom is a firecracker compared to me she's 50 and acts like a 30 year old. I think she has more energy and craziness than me! But my step father is very sick, iv'e struggled with illness that's why I thought it was there because of one of us.


Junior Member
Does she ever talk about feeling tired or drained? Good idea to pay attention to how she feels and what she says dealing with tiredness etc.
Note where she is at time of saying tired etc. Is it around where the shadow man is?

no not at all. she is what I call weird! she likes her shadow man and is very active with no drains of energy at all.


Junior Member
Doesn't sound like a protective spirit ,Sounds like a energy sucker! Doesn't respond or enteract just darts around watching the mother. Who is next when she is used up?

my brothers and sisters see him too and when she's not around. (or at least hear him knock) they are 17, 13 and 11 years old.) I wish I can see him just once.


You need to take action... you need to have a serious chat with your mother. Whatever this is my instincts say your mother is being tricked.

An experience to share. My ex and I were chling out. A few things in my apartment fell to the floor for no reason... I turned on Disney hunchback movie. She is very sensitive and hates horror so the opening scene freaked her out. I tried to calm her and get her to pray. She couldn't do it. She told me my eyes were red and that she was scared of me but she didn't let it overcome her and run like she wanted. I had the distinct impression( intuition) that whatever it was was trying to deceive her by flooding her mind with terrible thoughts of me. I pulled out the bible and she read a psalm of protection and forgiveness. Psalms 51 and 91.

I know you don't believe in Christianity but the texts are readily available and the words are powerful. Those creatures cannot stand hearing any religious texts. But these are the only ones I can share at the moment since they are tried and true for me.

The children shouldnt have to be subjected to this.... as a person who has been stalked by spirits since before I can remember, I know how terrifying it is but I learned how to fight them.

The words and texts serve as mantras, mental focal points to direct your will and give it focus. It doesn't matter who claims the words or whose name is on them.

Truth is Truth


Senior Member
Ya know Trekie may be on to something, it may not be your mother who is the target but others in the house, its just using your mother to convince her its good so she will convince everyone else....If your step father is sick at the moment it may be after him...


Yes and the person most capable of banishing them is usually the person it hides from the most. The kids can't do anything, step father is sick and probably thinks the whole spirit thing is mumbo jumbo and mother is the anchor and person being tricked into being its advocate.

It doesn't want you to see it Christina and it wants you to try and communicate with it out of your curiosity and jealousy that everyone can see it but you. And it knows that is your weakness.

You are most capable of ridding the area of it because of your spiritual interest but you are also the kind of person who they like the most due to your desire to be "in tune." It is easier for them to feed off you and use you for whatever reason once it gets through your natural defenses.
