Does anyone know how to contact Andrew Basiago? Or where exactly his office is in Vancouver, WA? I'm trying to find a way to contact him but can't find anything other than his Facebook but he doesn't seem very active on there.
He may be increasing in years and is shying away from time travel controversy. He was adamant a while back to run for the presidency of the United States, but there's warning advisory about doing such from the off-world Sirian beings. *See spaceship blocks road and gives sheriff a tour of space craft.
If one uses time travel devices to try and alter the timelines, there's a possibility that this type of engineering can slide and fail.
It might be that Mr. Basiago just desires to retire to anonymity without future complications in his life.
At one time he demonstrated access to a secret military base to where a large upright place to place matter transfer unit, said to be similar to Nickola Tesla technology was being used. He was said to set the machine, walk int it and then was gone in a flash of light, but then in a few minutes returned the same way he left. *Said two large ceramic disk coat pillars, space apart to where user had to walk between them, when the machine was timed access to set to function.
His father was the encourager and I'm supposing progenitor of Andrews matter transfer systems use and knowledge.
WARNING: Timeline engineering is very specialized skill and if anyone's going to try such an action this take permission granted from the Galactic Council. There are many member worlds as part of that body, so they more or less give thumbs up or down because wrongly used time travel could possibly affect the entire galaxy.
*Test words to be said slowly after reading this post And they are, > he-ver robber reabber-sack / This was spoken by actor comedian Bill Cosby. Even people that have erred in their ways, such as Adolph Hitler, could still through some devices offer pointers to people in need, such as tap dancing or learning to crochet properly. Thnak you