Anti gravity device shematics Alexey CHEKURKOV


Senior Member
i watched the videos to and the discs only spin slow, slow enough to easily still see the magnets attached to them, and in another video the set up dosent have the pezio transducer on the top so i think it may not have to really use it and that it may be just a distraction
You must have over looked my question to you Cobber...
I asked if you had any thoughts on what the frequencies could be in the RF waves you mentioned in an earlier posting :)..

steven chiverton

Senior Member
You must have over looked my question to you Cobber...
I asked if you had any thoughts on what the frequencies could be in the RF waves you mentioned in an earlier posting :)..
i have no thoughts yet on what the rf frequencies are but cause his using the tesla coil output the top like an sec exciter puts out rf fields that i think maybe very beneficial


What I have understood so far, he uses cross fields, electric and magnetic, the metal is duralluminium, used in aviation, the bumps, in my opinion acts as an electron trap, where electron concetrate and form swirling eddy current, I do not still understand the uses of ultrasonics, when someting will click , I will build it


Senior Member
What I have understood so far, he uses cross fields, electric and magnetic, the metal is duralluminium, used in aviation, the bumps, in my opinion acts as an electron trap, where electron concetrate and form swirling eddy current, I do not still understand the uses of ultrasonics, when someting will click , I will build it
Excellent posting, especially the part where you brought up Duralumin...I did a quick research on it and discovered a few interesting facts...Its not as good an electrical and heat conductor as normal aluminium is, but it is stronger and lighter, hence the use in aviation...

It corrodes which was something Preston Nichols thought was unusual in the Time-Travelling FRR-24 receivers chassis he was discussing on You Tube, obviously he was unaware of Duralumin!...I dont get how ultrasonic sounds are involved in gravity either..
