Any info about vortexes

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Yes, I will back up both of these posts.

I had an American Ebony cat whom would always be caught staring at/sitting directly in front of
one of my appliances when my home was going through 'The Troubles'. (really bad haunting)

Having never said a word to them,
The investigations team's Clairvoyant told me that there was a small but powerful
'opening or vortex' directly behind the dryer.

That cat knew something was wrong.

Mine was an honest post, nothing remotely funny about me.
The cat could sense things we didn't.

That's really all I had to say.

Have a nice day.

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Senior Member
I make a claim ....
So, now I'm intellectually lazy? 🤣


I fully understood you from the get go @Harte.
It's in how you deliver your message(s).

I learned a great deal during that particular investigation.
There are very few ways to describe how the Spirits would arrive in the house.

Which was ALL a part of the Experience.

There are (or were) no Sciences to rely on to give me ultimate proof of what I and many others had seen,
(Just verification of the many pictures (and negatives) I provided TO science
that could not be proven as fake...They were all genuine.)

I had a room mate who was Navaho and I was introduced to their mindset for such things.
They are an extremely Spiritual people.


These were not as you say..."Con Men", they took no payment and required Nothing from me at all.
They interviewed everyone whom were willing about this manifestation in my home.

It was proven to be genuine.
And there were exorcisms performed to cleanse my home.

I lost a very good friend when She witnessed seeing a swell of what she called
"orbs of light" coming from an opening that" looked like swirling water"

I thought she had lost her mind...

She actually had a total mental breakdown from this experience and I lost a good friend.

This was all a reality.


I Don't expect you have, but if you ever did see something likened to that sort experience,
what would you call it?

There are lots of people here whom have had experiences of their own.

If you @Harte want people to respect what you have to say here,
It starts by being respectful to others.

This is a paranormal
I believe its very normal to use the V word because most of us understand what its meant to mean, thanks to Doctor Who using the term Vortex when the Doctor was explaining to his companion in the Tardis what happens in the Einstein-Rosen bridge and what do you enter?...An interdimensional Vortex explains Doctor Who, without any liquid in it ;)

If you want to say anything else to Hartey, just mention Rupert Sheldrake and his Morphic Resonance, its guaranteed to put him into a meltdown for a few hours :oops:


Senior Member
The use of the catch-all term "vortex" as a means for a spirit to enter this world is very funny. It indicates that the paranormal "expert" is just babbling.



Senior Member
@Harte, what should they have called it instead? Would a portal or opening be more exact?

I feel that Wind7 isn't whining. He's merely going out of his way to show that it's not he who came up with the V-word, but that it doesn't invalidate the rest of the investigation of the guys who did. Stuff took place, despite their inexact use of the V-word.

I can't stop saying V-word now, thanks guys!
Why does "it" have to be anything?

There are all kinds of claims about spirits - are all of them coming through vortexes or portals?

When a medium communicates with them, does the medium have a vortex or portal?

I used to watch Ghostbusters. I had to quit when one of the so-called "experts" said that the claimed phenomenon in one of the episodes could be from stored psychic energy because, and I quote, "there's a lot of limestone in the area."
What the hell does limestone have to do with it anyway?
There's a lot of limestone in pretty much EVERY area.

Are there vortices of nothing spinning everywhere? And how is it a "vortex" when nothing is there to be spinning?

You can't claim a vortex with no spin. I mean, that's what a vortex IS.
Not that you claimed it. As I said, I was referring to your paranormal person.
If such a person can be said to be legit, then the one you got is certainly not.



The use of the catch-all term "vortex" as a means for a spirit to enter this world is very funny. It indicates that the paranormal "expert" is just babbling.

Why does "it" have to be anything?

There are all kinds of claims about spirits - are all of them coming through vortexes or portals?

When a medium communicates with them, does the medium have a vortex or portal?

I used to watch Ghostbusters. I had to quit when one of the so-called "experts" said that the claimed phenomenon in one of the episodes could be from stored psychic energy because, and I quote, "there's a lot of limestone in the area."
What the hell does limestone have to do with it anyway?
There's a lot of limestone in pretty much EVERY area.

Are there vortices of nothing spinning everywhere? And how is it a "vortex" when nothing is there to be spinning?

You can't claim a vortex with no spin. I mean, that's what a vortex IS.
Not that you claimed it. As I said, I was referring to your paranormal person.
If such a person can be said to be legit, then the one you got is certainly not.

Let a calmer head take control here.


Assumptions abound.

You weren't there to bear witness to see a friend being bitten and slapped by something unseen.

It Happened.

The Paranormal Investigations were legit...Even if they used a word YOU disagree with.

My original post was about an Animal acting bizarrely during paranormal events that have left me scarred.

YES! I was angered by your laughter at me...Especially the 2nd time.
It's called baiting.

The sad part is, you just cannot see beyond your own alienating and egoistic response(s)

Get over it and just move on.

Not taking the bait any further.

Have a nice day.

@Num7 Hasn't this repetitive bullying gone on long enough?


I believe its very normal to use the V word because most of us understand what its meant to mean, thanks to Doctor Who using the term Vortex when the Doctor was explaining to his companion in the Tardis what happens in the Einstein-Rosen bridge and what do you enter?...An interdimensional Vortex explains Doctor Who, without any liquid in it ;)

If you want to say anything else to Hartey, just mention Rupert Sheldrake and his Morphic Resonance, its guaranteed to put him into a meltdown for a few hours :oops:

Yes TF, The V-Word can be used thusly and has been like, forever.

Perfection is always in the eyes of the beholder...Eh?

Love Doctor Who, btw. :love:


Senior Member
Let a calmer head take control here.


Assumptions abound.

You weren't there to bear witness to see a friend being bitten and slapped by something unseen.

It Happened.

The Paranormal Investigations were legit...Even if they used a word YOU disagree with.

My original post was about an Animal acting bizarrely during paranormal events that have left me scarred.

YES! I was angered by your laughter at me...Especially the 2nd time.
It's called baiting.

The sad part is, you just cannot see beyond your own alienating and egoistic response(s)

Get over it and just move on.

Not taking the bait any further.

Have a nice day.

@Num7 Hasn't this repetitive bullying gone on long enough?
I "cannot see?"
You're the one attributing statements to me that I never made, and I have twice explained this already in this thread.
Please quote any remark I made about your claim of a haunting.

You can't.

But you won't let go of your little tantrum because I used a laugh emoji that I have twice clearly explained.
Have fun in your victim pose.



Alright, I am closing this thread for now.

Harte, at no time in this discussion with Wind7, did you try to defuse the situation or let him see that you understand/consider the info he's shared (or simply get what he means). Instead, you keep coming back at him with an unnamed investigator's inexact use of the word "Vortex", without regard as to what he went ahead and shared. That's not very considerate or respectful of your fellow man. It's certainly not inviting to take part in the discussion.

I know you didn't say it didn't happen. But a little gesture of understanding sometimes goes a long way.

Please, let's avoid such situations and be excellent to each other.
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