Are Beings From Inside The Earth Aliens?


Assuming there are unknown beings living inside the hollow Earth. (And assuming the Earth is hollow). Are we supposed to consider such beings as aliens?

Or are aliens supposed to come strictly from worlds other than our own?

What do you think?

Definitely an interesting question ! And interesting comments as well ! :)

my thoughts ? when i hear the word "alien", i feel like , it reflects something i do not know, (at least that is how my gut feels on that word), so, if a Being or Beings, lives underground, that is quite different than human's , .. then i can understand if the word "alien" might be used, or considered or felt,by others ... , yet at the same time, "alien" is mostly thought of, as a Being from another planet or space, that is not Earth, ...

so , that is a difficult good question , myself ? i feel, that , if a Being was born on this planet, on Earth, then they are not , to me, an "alien" .

Though of course if we really want to get deep into it, no one is an alien, no matter the source of origin, since All matter and all of Everything in This particular universe, originally came from the same source .., the "big bang" . If memory recalls correctly, that means, we all started from a single point in time, the beginning of time. (unless i'm wrong, it's been a real long time since i did anything on science), and if indeed energy can not be created nor destroyed and only converted.. then no one is truly alien at all,

..... and this actually makes brings a thought to my mind, i guess i'll share here now, which is, what if ? , after saying what i just did, if such is true? (and i'm not trying to steer off to a new topic, so please, everyone , please , don't let this cause an effect that makes everyone go off topic lol , )

anyhow, the thought that then comes to mind is, if indeed we all do come from the "big bang" moment in history, wouldn't that mean our souls (if such exist) , come from the same place? and if That is so, then what if, that also means, that when we leave this world, we (our souls) return back to that point in time , the "big bang" ? If that is so, then perhaps there is a Space existing, at the birth of the universe, which is Not effected by Time, (perhaps a space between universes of time?) and that , just maybe, that is where we all exist always, when we are not here, is there, at the beginning ? who knows, sorry , my mind went off there..


but there i go again,.... talking more than intended , alrighty then lol

Anyhow, that is my long answer to You very interesting question , Num7 .

sorry i went off topic a bit for a moment. i just , when i answer, i let my mind go where it takes me lol. ya know?

alrighty then, Peace all. :)
I'm more than convinced that many multiple tunnels, caverns, homes, networks, etc are underneath us in a hollow Earth setting. I also believe many species have been living below us for a very long time, some still with us, some probably extinct.

I've often wondered if a totally separate control system exists under us like we have up here? (Barter, Financial, Spiritual, Political, Force, Etc)

Imagine if you were born in a hollow earth setting that is closed out and you don't know it because it's closed off like the Truman Show?

As for the alien question - like most I was brought up with the assumption aliens are from another planet. But knowing what I know now I feel we all are alien because what we live in is far beyond what we can visualize in front of us.

Who knows what's underneath us but I sure would love to know more!

How about a Paranormalis fieldtrip ? :alien::alien:

Fun Thread @Num7


i forgot to say, that, the Rocky Mountains , the area that rests in the province of Alberta Canada, was once known as "The Shining Mountains" because the people once believed that "The Shining People" lived in them (sorry , edited cause my mind drifted again and didn't finish was saying, happens alot , though i try to make sure i don't screw up like that lol) .

My memory is strange as i get older lol , yet things come to mind when they arrive , reasons why, who knows lol, yet anyhow , i just wanted to share that with ya all . I always remembered that , after i read it , when i was , surviving in Alberta years ago. (beautiful land).

so who knows, if that is true, then perhaps they were folks that came from underground? anyhow i had meant to say that, forgot, and so i figured i'd say that. Peace all. :)
