Are Humans the First Civilization? The Silurian Hypothesis


Hey, I watched this one last week, great video!

I love all the hypotheses about "lizzid-peeple" from millions of years ago... But what fascinates me even more, is the idea that if such a civilization existed, we'd probably couldn't find any trace of them. It's been so long, and the Earth changed so much, that it's nearly impossible to find anything that old... Except dinosaurs I guess.

Plus, the idea that this phenomenon applies to us as well.

If our civilization suddenly ended today, it would barely take a couple of millennia for the world to take over and erase 99+% of the traces we left. So future sentient beings on Earth, let's say, 100,000 years from now, might ask themselves the same questions... And wonder if a civilization of monkey people existed here before their own.

That's outlandish to me.


Junior Member
Oh I’ve researched the lizard type ETs for years, they’ve been around for at least 2 billion years in general I believe. Most of them are malevolent, although there are some types of lizard people that are benevolent ;0)


Heckle Fish, "Sheep!!"... "Bahhhh!!!"

Gotta luv Heckle Fish, lol!

@Einstein ....Good Post, dude. AJ and Heckle Fish are among some of my favourites.

Oh....One Thing,


"Hey, Silurians...The Sleestak are suing." ;)


Hey, I watched this one last week, great video!

I love all the hypotheses about "lizzid-peeple" from millions of years ago... But what fascinates me even more, is the idea that if such a civilization existed, we'd probably couldn't find any trace of them. It's been so long, and the Earth changed so much, that it's nearly impossible to find anything that old... Except dinosaurs I guess.

Plus, the idea that this phenomenon applies to us as well.

If our civilization suddenly ended today, it would barely take a couple of millennia for the world to take over and erase 99+% of the traces we left. So future sentient beings on Earth, let's say, 100,000 years from now, might ask themselves the same questions... And wonder if a civilization of monkey people existed here before their own.

That's outlandish to me.

It IS outlandish saying the least.

Here's my Tinhat moment of the week. ;)

I wonder just what kind of evidence of life they have found on Mars.
I would place $$ on it that they find evidence that leads to life right HERE.....On Earth.

And they will never tell us the whole story about what they found.

Wild idea.....Eh?



Temporal Engineer
I think this video ties in with the one about great floods and the cause of them. I seem to recall that the last great flood tied in with a simultaneous volcanic eruption between two volcanoes on different parts of the world. The scientists think that the massive shock produced by both volcanoes caused the earths crust to break lose from its orientation with the liquid mantle, thus causing the crust to slide around all within a days time. Within that day the oceans worldwide would have sloshed around with waves possibly 100 miles high. Where are we going to hide?

I'm just thinking we might be very close to that scenario with a nuclear war. It won't be the fallout or the nuclear winter that kills us all. It will be the earths crust broken loose from the liquid layer beneath. Nuclear bombs create massive shock waves. But from different locations on the planet, could produce enough shock to initiate yet another great flood. We don't survive!

We have geology evidence that shows Antarctica was once in a much warmer location on the planet. No one seems to have figured out how that happened until now.


I think this video ties in with the one about great floods and the cause of them. I seem to recall that the last great flood tied in with a simultaneous volcanic eruption between two volcanoes on different parts of the world. The scientists think that the massive shock produced by both volcanoes caused the earths crust to break lose from its orientation with the liquid mantle, thus causing the crust to slide around all within a days time. Within that day the oceans worldwide would have sloshed around with waves possibly 100 miles high. Where are we going to hide?

I'm just thinking we might be very close to that scenario with a nuclear war. It won't be the fallout or the nuclear winter that kills us all. It will be the earths crust broken loose from the liquid layer beneath. Nuclear bombs create massive shock waves. But from different locations on the planet, could produce enough shock to initiate yet another great flood. We don't survive!

We have geology evidence that shows Antarctica was once in a much warmer location on the planet. No one seems to have figured out how that happened until now.

Something likened to this paper?



Temporal Engineer
Here is the video by AJ and HeckleFish that talks about the shifting of Earth's crust. I probably posted it in conspiracies and coverups because the CIA doesn't want the public exposed to it.



Here is the video by AJ and HeckleFish that talks about the shifting of Earth's crust. I probably posted it in conspiracies and coverups because the CIA doesn't want the public exposed to it.

Intriguing video. :)

I think this video ties in with the one about great floods and the cause of them. I seem to recall that the last great flood tied in with a simultaneous volcanic eruption between two volcanoes on different parts of the world. The scientists think that the massive shock produced by both volcanoes caused the earths crust to break lose from its orientation with the liquid mantle, thus causing the crust to slide around all within a days time. Within that day the oceans worldwide would have sloshed around with waves possibly 100 miles high.
We do not feel churnings happening under the surface of the planet unless we are shaken by violent swirling or crushing fault lines in the form of an earthquake or volcanic explosion.
A new study has now revealed that the Earth's inner core recently stopped spinning and then changed its spin orientation in the opposite direction.

Where are we going to hide?

Why are we so interested in Mars....The Moon......Titan.......Etc.

Intriguing indeed.
